York University
Dept. of Politics
It has been a less than stellar performance as the government finds itself mired in the worst economic crisis, battling growing political and social unrest and fighting off accusations that it presents a clear and present danger to Uganda.
Elections in Uganda have long been a foregone conclusion, and those held on 14 January 2021 have proven to be no exception. President Yoweri Museveni, in power for 35 years and the victor in the three pre- vious multiparty elections,... more
ABSTRACT When he came to power in 1986, Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni promised to establish a professional, disciplined and all-inclusive national army. More than three decades later, the Ugandan army under his leadership has... more
Résumé Des récits souvent simplificateurs dominent au sein des comptes rendus sur les conflits en Afrique sub-saharienne. Ils dépeignent un tableau fait de misère et de carnages, de seigneurs de guerre et de violences ethniques. En règle... more
RÉSUMÉ Après sa prise de pouvoir en 1986, le chef de guérilla devenu président Yoweri Museveni a promis de mettre en place un « changement fondamental » en Ouganda. Au début des années 1990, les bailleurs de fonds occidentaux louaient les... more
Based on in-depth qualitative material, including 300 interviews and non-participant observations of vigilante groups and other local security and governance actors in post-conflict Uganda, Rebecca Tapscott's new book, Arbitrary states:... more
Rwanda and Uganda have had strained relations, oscillating between warm, lukewarm, hostile and outright war. Since the biggest falling out during the Second Congo War (1998–2003), both governments have variously accused each other of... more