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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesContemporary Art
When one examines porcelain, it is often the imagery that is privileged, whereas color is relegated to the background as a decorative element used to enhance the design. This paper will attempt to counter this perception by arguing for... more
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      Art HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesEast Asian StudiesCeramics (Art History)
The work of iconic Art Nouveau artist Alphonse Mucha has long been a source of fascination for its appealing aesthetic qualities, yet there has been little in the way of critical analysis of his work. Considering that Mucha is most famous... more
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      Poster DesignNineteenth-century ArtFeminismSocial History of Art
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      Installation ArtCeramics (Ceramics)Affect (Cultural Theory)Curatorial Studies
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      Installation ArtConservationContemporary ArtSculpture
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      Contemporary ArtColour TheoryContemporary LiteratureAffect Theory
This paper focuses on the work of contemporary French artist Marguerite Humeau, specifically her 2018-19 exhibition “Birth Canal” and her 2016-17 exhibition “FOXP2.” Building on Surrealism’s interest in subverting the viewer’s notion of... more
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    • Posthumanism
Images as Poetry in Caroline Bergvall's Drift MARGARYTA GOLOVCHENKO W hen a reader picks up a book that includes images, chances are they are expecting the visual component of the book to inform the written one. In doing so, they... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePoetryAdaptationAsemic Writing
The unicorn is a fantastical creature that has captivated the Western imagination since the ancient Greeks, although the familiar iconography of the unicorn was consolidated around the Medieval period. Through the narratives... more
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      Queer TheoryPosthumanismVisual CultureSpeculative Fiction