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      Marxism and EcologyEco-socialismFossil Capital
This study investigates the relationship between the carbon extractive sector in Canada and renewable energy development. Specifically, it examines the strategies employed by Canadian carbon-capital firms to shape and control alternative... more
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      Climate CapitalismRenewable Energy and Climate ChangeEnergy DemocracyAccumulation Strategy
This paper provides a network analysis of federal lobbying in Canada by the fossil fuel industry over a seven-year period from January 4, 2011 to January 30, 2018, enabling a comparative examination of lobbying under the Harper... more
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This article investigates the construction of a shale gas industry, including the proposed development of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports, in British Columbia, Canada, and focuses on state-capital interrelations surrounding its... more
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Using a social network analysis, this paper maps the institutional architecture that supports research and development (R&D) aimed at “greening” the fossil fuel industry in Canada. It traces the production of this research through a... more
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      Climate ChangeSocial Network Analysis (SNA)CanadaFossil Fuels
Conclusion to Forces of Production, Climate Change and Canadian Fossil Capitalism. 2021. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill
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      MarxismMarxism and EcologyNeo-MarxismGreen Socialism
This study employs social network analysis to map the Canadian network of carbon-capital corporations whose boards interlock with key knowledge-producing civil society organizations, including think tanks, industry associations, business... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyPolitical EconomyCapitalism
This report is being released through the Climate Social Science Network (, a global network of scholars headquartered at the Institute at Brown for Environment and Society, launched in October, 2020. CSSN seeks to coordinate,... more
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