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Partnerwork is an essential part of most dance styles yet while the majority of dancers agree on its general importance and benefits, there is no clear consensus on the use and value of some of its key elements. The aim of this study was... more
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      Dance StudiesCreative processes in contemporary danceDance ScienceAnthropology Of Dance
Le toucher joue un rôle de premier plan dans l’enseignement et l’apprentissage de la dance. De Balanchine frappant les danseurs sur leurs épaules pour les aider a garder leur balance durant leur pirouette de ballet classique (Mazo, 1976,... more
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Overview The idea Footscan appeared to be a potentially useful tool in measuring the trajectory of the centre of balance in latin/ballroom dancing as it travels through our feet during various steps. The Method 4 dancers, 1... more
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      Ballroom DancingRumba
Dance sport is the competitive aspect of social dancing, and encompasses 5 genres of Latin dance: Cha Cha, Samba, Rumba, Paso Doble, and Jive. Education of technique focuses predominantly on foot positions and directions, and there is a... more
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      BiomechanicsGait BiomechanicsDancesportInjury Biomechanics
This research examines the effect of Soviet Union era indoctrination on dance pedagogy and performance at DanceSport studios run by Soviet migrants in Canada. I investigate the processes of cultural cross-pollination within this... more
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      Political SociologyEastern European StudiesDance StudiesPopular Culture
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      PsychologyDance ScienceDance EducationDance
How does the dramaturg engage with and help develop paths of artistic inquiry? Why is dance and movement dramaturgy sometimes distributed among collaborators? How are sources of choreographic archives or personal and cultural landscapes... more
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      ArtRendering (Computer Graphics)DramaturgyCanadian Theatre
is a choreographer known for his eclectic fusion of pure dance and theatrical invention. Critics have referred to him as a 'dance daredevil'. His current creative project, based on images of the nuclear family and consumerism, is titled... more
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    • Medicine
In Cultivating Roots, emerging dance artist Nikolaos Markakis investigates choreographic creations through his two embodied resources of Cretan folkloric and Contemporary dance practices. These two embodied resources were questioned and... more
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      ArtDanceYork University
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      PsychologyAsian TheatreArt Theory and Criticism
diSessa's theory is a deeply articulated, thought-provoking account of the structure of intuitive physics knowledge. We agree with the spirit of the theory in most regards, with one or more important points of departure, which we discuss... more
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      SociologyPsychologyCognitive ScienceCognition and Instruction
The Orient was almost a European invention, and had been since antiquity a place of romance, exotic beings, haunting memories and landscapes, remarkable experiences. (Said 1978,1) The past century has witnessed the phenomenon of belly... more
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      ArtDanceMiddle EastOrientalism
In 2017, forty years after the founding of Dance Chronicle, we ran the biennial Founding Editors Awards competition for a second time. In 2018, we are delighted to announce the winners-after a short tribute to the two literary lights we... more
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    • Art
is a singer and an artistic researcher with a special interest in vocal crossings between the seventeenth and twenty-first centuries. In 2011, she was awarded a PhD in Performance in Theatre and Music Drama from Faculty of Fine, Applied... more
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      Performance StudiesArt Practice as ResearchVoice and SpeechVoice Studies
The new beamline dedicated to high-pressure studies, PLANET is now being constructed at BL11 in MLF/J-PARC. The design concept and the current construction state are introduced. The most characteristic feature of this beamline is a huge... more
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    • History
JUDITH HAMERA'S QUOTE FROM Dancing communities suggests the impact of dance training and related technique on the body and psyche of a dancer. As Hamera indicates, the pedagogical method employed to transmit the technique from the... more
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is most often noted for her pivotal book The Anthropology of Dance (1977), which provides an in-depth account of the theoretical frameworks and research methods of dance anthropology. In her most recent book, Anthropology of the... more
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We open our issue with 'Professorial Reflections'an informal, but nonetheless productive discussion about researching spirituality in dance and performance studies. We aim to offer this type of discussion, between different leading... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyAnthropologyAsian Theatre
Popular historian Jonathan Spence's observation of Western fascination with China that "has remained primed over the centuries" applies equally well to ongoing twentieth-century Chinese engagement with all things Western in a wide range... more
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      HistoryArtChinaAsian Theatre