York University
Connected Minds
The liberal critique of the recent rise of populism reveals an uneasiness toward 'unruly' emotional crowds and their leaders' anti-democratic posturesalbeit these figures have captured political power through democratic means. i Trump, Le... more
This article examines the politics of protest in Pakistan as practiced by the human rights activists and litigants seeking justice for people who have been “disappeared” by the state's military and intelligence services. Based on... more
This article critically assesses the notion of dignity used in recent Supreme Court judgments on ‘third gender’ and ‘transgender rights’ in South Asia, and suggests a reexamination of dignity as the basis for demanding justice for... more
Das Verschwinden von Menschenrechtler(inn)en und politischen Aktivist(inn)en ist ein Indikator für das allumfassende Überwachungs- und Strafregime im heutigen Pakistan. Frühere Militärregime waren berüchtigt dafür, dass sie... more
Durham: Duke University Press, 2016). Both the recent rise of populist leaders and the success of protest movements in the last decade have brought the study of political and social movements center stage. Questions to do with political... more
Drawing on research with human rights activists and families of 'missing persons'-suspected Islamic militants, nationalist separatists and their sympathizers, extrajudicially abducted and detained by state military and intelligence... more
After the 9/11 attacks, Pakistan's military government unleashed a program of extrajudicial detentions to surveil and track down “Islamic terrorists.” These men are known as the “missing” or “disappeared” persons in the movement mobilized... more
This paper examines the contestation about khwajasara corporeality-legal, medical and activist claims about the khwajasara body-and how it has been subjected to state projects of welfare and citizenship in South Asia. The khwajasara/hijra... more
This paper examines how relationships are 'built' among khwajasaras [non-normative non-binary persons] and female jouno karmis [sex workers] in two sites in Pakistan and India respectively. We focus on the non-normative nature of these... more