York University
Computer Science and Engineering
The measurement of image disparity is a fundamental precursor to binocular depth estimation. Recently, Jenkin and Jepson (1988) and Sanger (1988) described promising methods based on the output phase behaviour of band-pass Gabor lters.... more
A k ey di culty in the design of multi-agent robotic systems is the size and complexity o f t h e space of possible designs. In order to make principled design decisions, an understanding of the many possible system con gurations is... more
succeed where a single robot will fail. Swarms are more than just networks of independent processorsthey are potentially reconfigurable networks of communicating agents capable of coordinated sensing and interaction with the environment.
We demonstrate that humans can use optic flow to estimate distance travelled when appropriate scaling information is provided. Eleven subjects were presented with visual targets in a virtual corridor. They were then provided with optic... more
This paper describes an underwater walking robotic system being developed under the name AQUA, the goals of the AQUA project, the overall hardware and software design, the basic hardware and sensor packages that have been developed, and... more
To enhance presence, facilitate sensory motor performance, and avoid disorientation or nausea, virtual environments and related augmented-reality or telepresence applications require the percept of a stable environment. End-end tracking... more
A method is presented for tracking the three dimensional motion of points from their changing two-dimensional perspective images as viewed by a nonconvergent binocular vision system. The algorithm relies on a general smoothness assumption... more
A Stereo Active Vision Interface (SAVI) is introduced which detects frontal faces in real world environments and performs particular active control tasks dependent on hand gestures given by the person the system attends to. The SAVI... more
1.1 Why a Taxonomy is Important A key difficulty in the design of multi-agent robotic systems is the size and complexity of the space of possible designs. In order to make principled design decisions, an understanding of the many possible... more
Abstract The direction of 'up'has traditionally been measured by setting a line (luminous if necessary) to the apparent vertical, a direction known as the 'subjective visual vertical'(SVV); however for optimum performance in visual skills... more
Abstract AQUA, an amphibious robot that swims via the motion of its legs rather than using thrusters and control surfaces for propulsion, can walk along the shore, swim along the surface in open water, or walk on the bottom of the ocean.... more
Abstract Attending to multiple speakers in a video teleconferencing setting is a complex task. From a visual point of view, multiple speakers can occur at different locations and present radically different appearances. From an audio... more
Abstract Visual motion can be a cue to travel distance when the motion signals are integrated. Distance estimates from visually simulated self-motion are imprecise, however. Previous work in our labs has given conflicting results on the... more
The ARK mobile robot project has designed and implemented a series of mobile robots capable of navigating within industrial environments without relying on artificial landmarks or beacons. The ARK robots employ a novel sensor, Laser Eye,... more