York University
Computational Arts
Open Res ear c h is a publicly acces si bl e, curat e d repositor y for the pres e r v a ti on and diss e m i n a ti o n of scholarly and creativ e outp u t of the OCAD Univer sity com m u n i t y. Mat erial in Open Res earc h is open... more
The widespread use of urban software and information technology infrastructure systems now demand new levels of complexity in data generation and data application across interoperating domains. Given this context, and discoveries in... more
ICECUBE LED Display [ILDm^3] is a cubic-meter, 1/1000th scale model of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, a novel telescope that looks for nearly invisible cosmic messengers, neutrinos, using a cubic-kilometer of instrumented ice starting... more
The OCAD University Visual Analytics Laboratory (VAL) has developed a taxonomy of end users, software systems, data types, tasks and interactivity within the domain of smart city transportation planning. This paper contributes to the... more
The Culture Creates Bonds study defines key drivers, scenarios, and conditions that create natural human bonds, those of cultural activities and practices, in a residential or immediate neighbourhood. Historical and contemporary research... more
ICECUBE LED Display [ILDm^3] is a cubic-meter, 1/1000th scale model of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, a novel telescope that looks for nearly invisible cosmic messengers, neutrinos, using a cubic-kilometer of instrumented ice starting... more
The author presents an experimental musical video game called iGotBand. Fans are central to the game's narrative, capturing a feedback loop in which the audience shares responsibility for performance.
The author presents an experimental musical video game called iGotBand. Fans are central to the game's narrative, capturing a feedback loop in which the audience shares responsibility for performance.
Langevin dynamics simulations of the capture of polymers by a nanopore and the subsequent translocation through the nanopore are performed. These simulations are conducted for several polymer lengths at two different values for the Péclet... more
The EVA London Research Workshop is one of the more unique elements of our Conference that we have been keen to develop over many years. Often Postgraduate Students, at Masters or PhD level, or Unaffiliated Early Career Artists may feel... more
declare that this thesis titled, "Polymer Translocation: a Nonequilibrium Process" and the work presented in it are my own. I confirm that: • This work was done wholly or mainly while in candidature for a research degree at this... more
This paper presents BeHAVE, a web-based audiovisual piece that explores a way to represent personal behavioral data in a multimodal approach, by visualizing and sonify-ing this data based on the form of a heatmap visualization. As a way... more
- by Sihwa Park
This paper presents BeHAVE, a web-based audiovisual piece that explores a way to reveal my mobile phone use behavior through multimodal data representation, considering the concept of indexicality in data visualization and sonification.... more
This paper introduces ARLooper, an AR-based iOS application for multiuser sound recording and performance, that aims to explore the possibility of actively using mobile AR technology in creating novel musical interfaces and collaborative... more
The Machinic Sublime (BCMC) emulated an academic roundtable discussion with the authors and 3 machinic/more-than-human guests. Part performance, part intervention within the context of an academic conference, BCMC introduces a novel and... more