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      Giorgio AgambenCanadian CinemaExperimental Cinema
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      GestureJean-Luc NancyCanadian CinemaDenis Côté
To appropriate something means basically only to manifest the supremacy of my will in relation to the thing and to demonstrate that the latter does not have being for itself and is not an end in itself…This manifestation occurs through my... more
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      Queer TheoryAppropriationFlaming CreaturesJack Smith
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      PoetrySurrealismSecond World WarArt Criticism
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      Television StudiesCanadian Culture & IdentityTelevisionCanada
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Aesthetic intervention can reveal new views of the world that work towards undermining the prevailing anthropocentric ideas that undergird the catastrophe of climate change. This paper outlines "catastrophe aesthetics," an... more
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      MusicGender StudiesFeminist TheoryFilm Theory
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      Feminist TheoryPopular MusicPopular CultureIdentity politics
In this thesis I propose a range of ways in which music, as an affective mode of communication, is able to reach out and connect with audiences across multiple and diverse socio-cultural milieus. In order to understand music's social... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryAestheticsPopular Music Studies
With Humanities disciplines expanding exponentially in multiple directions as a result of technological advancements that are providing us with more and more socio-cultural and political areas, objects, and events to be theorized and... more
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      HumanitiesDigital HumanitiesPopular MusicInterdisciplinarity
Rock music gained a meteoric currency mainly as a vehicle for teen rebellion (1950s-70s). New sounds and styles questioned, challenged, and provided a subversive alternative to the status quo. Behind rock's ragged exterior, however, was a... more
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      Popular Music StudiesPopular CultureGilles DeleuzeFelix Guattari
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      AestheticsDigital HumanitiesSocial NetworksArchitecture
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      Mobile TechnologySocial MediaNetwork CultureSound Art
In today's digital age, we are becoming more like machines and machines are becoming more like us. Donna Haraway's seminal essay, "A Cyborg Manifesto," proposes the cyborg as a transgressive figure capable of subverting oppressive power... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceGender StudiesCyborg TheoryFeminist Theory
This paper explores ideas of trauma, affect, memory, and the queer archive of feelings within the expanded photographic and performance practice of the Canadian born, L.A. based queer performance artist Heather Cassils. The essay... more
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      Archival StudiesFeminist TheoryFilm StudiesContemporary Art
My curatorial talk for "Hanging out in Deephaven" a screening that I curated for Vtape in Toronto.
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      Queer TheoryVideo Art
Paper submitted for Museums and Galleries (ArtHistory 5170) at York University. The papers analyzes the ways in which Canadian First Nations histories and narratives have been addresse, or not addressed, within the Canadian Museum for... more
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      Trauma StudiesCollective MemoryMuseums
Course paper for Curatorial Practices (Grad Art History at York University). The paper discusses concepts of regionalism and critical regionalism in relation to two Canadian prairie exhibitions "News From Here" and "They Made a Day be a... more
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      Contemporary ArtCanadian artCritical RegionalismContemporary Canadian Art
Final paper for Gender Feminist Women Studies 6112 at York University. The essay examines artist Ann Hirsch's YouTube project "Forever Caroline".
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      Performance StudiesQueer TheoryQueer temporality