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Abstract: Nicole Lizee is an award-winning classical music composer/performer who composes for string quartet, electronic music, turntable, film and other media. She has emerged as a major new voice in new classical composition winning... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaFilm StudiesFilmClassical Music
This paper elaborates a theory of 'unbecoming' to explore how a queering of the subject might transform oppressive social conditions. In this analysis of the subject's deconstructive relation to the law I take up the interpellation... more
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      Queer TheorySexualityDeconstructionGender and Sexuality
This essay considers Levinas' face-to-face ethical relation together with Gilles Deleuze
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      Political PhilosophyEthicsCritical Animal StudiesContinental Philosophy
This article develops a principle of 'discursive justice' that combines Jürgen Habermas' theory of the public sphere, with the understanding of epistemic violence developed by Jean Francois Lyotard and Gayatri Spivak. This concept is... more
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      SexualityGender and SexualityJurgen HabermasSocio-legal studies
This paper takes form as a thought experiment. Where my current project more generally explores how sexually marginalized communities are imagining freedom, justice and political belonging in light of biopolitics, my aim in this... more
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      SexualityGender and SexualityJacques DerridaBeatriz Preciado
In Vardalos, M. et al (eds). Engaging Terror: A Critical and Interdisciplinary Approach. Brown Walker Press, 2009.
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      Critical TheoryPolitical PhilosophyDeconstructionPolitical Violence and Terrorism
Bunch, Mary. “Julia Kristeva, Disability and the Singularity of Vulnerability.” Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies, Forthcoming 11 (2), 2017.
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      Critical Disability StudiesJean-Luc NancyFeminist Disability StudiesJulia Kristeva
This version of "The Politics of Identity" focuses specifically on the shift from identity politics to a politics of difference, tracing the implications of postmodern global capitalism and decolonizing methodologies for feminist... more
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This interdisciplinary 4th year seminar explores the crisis in political thought that emerges where politics intersects with sex in late capitalism. Sex is a key site of the modern regulation of life. At the same time, neoliberalism... more
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      Queer TheoryQueer Pedagogy
In this interdisciplinary seminar students critically engage with questions of sexuality and marginalization, drawing on several interpretive frameworks, from queer and critical sexuality theory to feminism, crip theory, postcolonialism... more
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      Queer StudiesGender and SexualityQueer PedagogySexuality Studies
This 3rd year course offers students the critical tools to explore our theoretical and cultural conceptions of outlaws. Students are encouraged to employ theoretical analysis to critically examine the complex meanings of representations... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesOutlaw Heroes
This seminar style capstone course examines current feminist theories of embodiment. Drawing on recent work in feminist, queer, trans, crip, and critical race studies, students will explore difference and variability among human bodies,... more
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    • Phenomenology of Embodiment, Aesthetics, Feminist Theory
In this interdisciplinary seminar students will critically engage with questions of sexual citizenship and marginalization. Students will examine structures of marginalization and exceptionality in current queer, trans, critical race and... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryQueer PedagogyCritical Sexuality Studies
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I was pleased to see my essay, "Post Human Ethics and the Becoming Animal of Emmanuel Levinas" is included in this reader, edited by Lee Olsen, Brendan Johnston and Ann Keniston.
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      Critical PosthumanismLevinasPosthumanist EthicsGilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
This event will be held on Zoom with ASL interpretation available. Please RSVP to [email protected] with your name and institutional affiliation for the link and passcode. • 23 October 2020 • Social time at 4:00pm •... more
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      Critical Disability StudiesMedia ArtsCinemaCritical Disability Theory
Many qualitative studies about the exchange of sex for money, drugs, and less tangible outcomes (i.e., social status) contend that this activity contributes to high levels of internalized stigma among people in sex work. The cis (n = 33)... more
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      GenderSex WorkTransgenderSubjectivity
There is an abundance of health research with women in street-based sex work, but few studies examine what health means and how it is practiced by participants. We embrace these tasks by exploring how a convenience sample of sex workers (... more
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      PsychologyQualitative Health ResearchMedicinePsychology and Cognitive Sciences
This article develops a principle of 'discursive justice' that combines Jürgen Habermas' theory of the public sphere, with the understanding of epistemic violence developed by Jean Francois Lyotard and Gayatri Spivak. This concept is... more
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    • Canadian Human Rights
Outlawry is a legal penalty that banishes wrongdoers from the community; it refers to a refusal to obey the law and a withdrawal of legal rights. Although outlawry is obsolete in western criminal law, Giorgio Agamben links it to modern... more
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