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Preferred brightness may depend on many variables including image luminance and ambient illumination. To better understand the effects of these variables we asked observers to rate natural images according to their preferred brightness.... more
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      Human Perception and PerformanceHuman FactorsArchitectural LightingLighting Design for Performance
Directional data arising from psychophysical studies requires careful processing due to its cyclical nature. Unlike linear variables such as response time and intensity, directions can be represented as angles or vectors on a circle, may... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceStatisticsEpidemiology
Police and border security operations are an important and growing application of night vision devices (NVDs). NVDs improve visibility at night but suffer from a variety of perceptual artifacts and human factors issues. In a series of... more
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      Optical EngineeringMilitary ScienceHuman FactorsVisual perception (Psychology)
Perception of motion-defined form is important in operational tasks such as search and rescue and camouflage breaking. Previously, we used synthetic Aviator Night Vision Imaging System (ANVIS-9) imagery to demonstrate that the capacity to... more
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      PsychologyPerception-ActionVisual perception (Psychology)
This thesis examined how limiting the Field of View (FoV) impairs the ability to integrate visual information and make navigational decisions. Participants wore field-restricting goggles with a 40° or 90° horizontal FoV and were asked to... more
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      PsychologyPsychophysics of visionVision ScienceHuman Perception and Performance
When disaster strikes, individuals and organizations must not be only logistically ready, but psychologically prepared. This paper discusses how the public and emergency responders can better prepare for the psychological impact of... more
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      ViolenceDisaster StudiesPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Disaster Management
In this study we examined the effects of simulated horizontal and vertical viewpoint jitter on the vection and postural sway induced by radial patterns of optic flow. During each trial, observers were exposed sequentially to 20 s periods... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePsychophysicsPerception
We examined the eye movements of pilots as they carried out simulated aircraft landings under day and night lighting conditions. Our five students and five certified pilots were instructed to quickly achieve and then maintain a constant... more
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      Cognitive ScienceVision ScienceAviationHuman Factors in Aviation
This study examined vection induced during physical or simulated head oscillation along either the horizontal or depth axis. In the first two experiments, during active conditions, subjects' viewed radial flow displays which simulated... more
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We examined the vection induced by consistent and conflicting multisensory information about self--motion. Observers viewed displays simulating constant velocity self--motion in depth while physically oscillating their heads left--right... more
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Vection has typically been induced in stationary observers (i.e. conditions providing visual--only information about self--motion). Two recent studies have examined vection during active treadmill walking -one reported that treadmill... more
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We examined the vection induced by consistent and conflicting multisensory information about self-motion. Observers viewed displays simulating constant-velocity self-motion in depth while physically oscillating their heads left - right or... more
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      Multisensory InteractionMultisensory perceptionOptical FlowVection
Vection has typically been induced in stationary observers (ie conditions providing visual only information about self-motion). Two recent studies have examined vection during active treadmill walking—one reported that treadmill walking... more
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      Perception of Self-MotionMultisensory perceptionOptical FlowMultisensory Integration
Compelling illusions of self-motion, known as vection, can be produced in a stationary observer by visual stimulation alone. The role of binocular vision and stereopsis in these illusions was explored in a series of three experiments.... more
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      Binocular visionStereopsisPerception of Self-MotionVection
Visual-vestibular conflicts have been traditionally used to explain both perceptions of self-motion and experiences of motion sickness. However, sensory conflict theories have been challenged by findings that adding simulated viewpoint... more
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      LocomotionEcologySelf-Motion PerceptionOptical Flow
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