York University
Centre for Refugee Studies
The first problem is with definitions themselves. Squeezed into one category of refugees, Hathaway confuses two very different categories: convention refugees who, in flight from persecution, cross a border to claim refugee status, and... more
The artwork on the cover of this book is not open access and falls under traditional copyright provisions; it cannot be reproduced in any way without written permission of the artists and their agents. The cover can be displayed as a... more
This paper summarizes the presentations and discussions of a virtual stakeholder meeting on Refugee Resettlement in the United States which built on the foundation of the May 2019 workshop represented in this special issue. With support... more
Research partnerships are the foundation of successful engaged scholarship, which typically unites partners across disciplines, institutions, sectors, and countries. While rewarding and generative, these partnerships can also be... more
THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXAMINATION of the concept and contemporary practice of social planning in Canada, a term that is rarely seen today in the literature or in government documents. Social planning was part of the postwar attempt to... more
Technology specifically designed for people with disabilities is important in lowering boundaries to education, employment and basic life needs. However, the growth of a vibrant tech sector in Kenya has had little effect on the prevalence... more
Recognizing and bridging the gaps between those who are part of a community and those from mainstream culture is an important one for community social work. There is however, little research on the experience and perception of the insider... more
There is little longitudinal research that directly compares the effectiveness of Canada’s Government-Assisted Refugee (GAR) and Privately Sponsored Refugee (PSR) Programs that takes into account possible socio-demographic differences... more
This paper describes initial efforts to use open-source data to capture knowledge about forced migration in Iraq. Our goal is to understand the connection between open-source data and possible leading indicators of forced migration. For... more
Forced migration is increasingly becoming a global issue of concern. In this paper, we present an effective model of targeted event detection, as an essential step towards the forced migration detection problem. To date, most of the the... more
Trauma-informed interventions have recently received more attention in the field of refugee resettlement and mental health. Although these interventions can be helpful to all trauma survivors, our model offers enhanced and cultural-based... more
"LGBT refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. Currently, there is a ‘tsunami’ of a debate raging in Uganda, in particular, and Africa, in general about LGBT. This paper delves into impressions of the Ugandan people and... more
Uganda resurfaced in the global headlines at the tail end of 2009, when the Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009, which appears to be supported by most Ugandans, was tabled before Parliament. This paper probes homophobia in Uganda and addresses... more
Ethnicity and citizenship issues have been among the contributing causes of conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) over the past decades. These identity issues are exacerbated by the large-scale migration of people to and from... more