York University
Centre for Feminist Research
Colonial knowledge and postcolonial multiplicities 21 1 Religion, ritual power, exclusion and marginality: Gendertransgressive Shivashaktis in Telangana, Southern India 23 PUSHPESH KUMAR AND ARCHANA RAO M 2 Uncertain grammars, ambiguous... more
- by Sara Shroff
In this short essay, I offer an alternative ontology and epistemology of the term "lesbian" vis-à-vis my relationship with my brown Pakistani mother. I bring into this reading a number of variables ranging from the geographic,... more
I take up the figure of the new Pakistani working woman as constructed in the advertising campaign of the fashion brand Working Woman to think about transnational frames of class, womanhood, piety, femininity, and empowerment. I introduce... more
- by Sara Shroff
In this essay, we join Linda Tuhiwai Smith’s (1999) and Eve Tuck’s (2009) call to decolonize and de-center “damage-centered” research, embedded in settler/colonial ways of knowing. We attend to the ethical responsibility and intimate... more
In June 2016, Qandeel Baloch, a 26-year-old Pakistani social media star, was murdered. Her death sparked both public outrage and a policy debate around ‘honour killing’, digital rights and sex-positive sexuality across Pakistan and its... more
Revered as the ‘Queen of Qawwali’ and ‘Queen of Sufi music’, sixty-seven-year-old Abida Parveen is a spiritual phenomenon who transcends gender while performing. She is known for her signature fashion style of buttoned-up masculine-cut... more
Course Website: D2L Brightspace (login via my.ryerson.ca) Calendar Description: This course surveys the history of the Middle East from early 20 th century to the present. Important topics include the role of colonial powers in the... more
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the "DeutscheNationalbibliografie"; detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at .
This course examines the complex and conflictual relations between women and revolutionary struggles and focuses on a number of theoretical and empirical issues relevant to the Middle East and North Africa context. The course is open to... more
Introduction to Research Topic, Problem, and Questions Monuments have recently "come alive" (Badilla and Aguilera 2021) to challenge the present's elision of its histories of oppression and injustice, with protestors around the world... more
Based on data collected for the Federal Contractors Compliance Program contained on university websites, this paper attempts to make some informed and accurate assessments of the representation of racialized and Aboriginal faculty. Its... more
What is the work of racialized trans death in structuring white trans life? Tracing the chalky encounters of 'ordinary' racialized violence, this article extends Achille Mbembe's (2003) concept of necropolitics to bear upon the centrality... more
This dissertation explores the centrality of racialized trans death in structuring whiteness as emblematic of contemporary trans(normative) life. Taking my point of departure from the chalk outlines of dead bodies that frequently appear... more
This roundtable discussion took place January–July 2016 via e-mail after participants and special issue editors initially met in virtual mode online. The editors posed the initial questions, and participants e-mailed their responses. Two... more
Abstract This paper is a feminist critical reflection on the acid attacks on women in Esfahan, Iran, in October 2014. In this paper, I argue that the state-nation relationship in Iran led to the introduction of legislation that was even... more