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The body of the museum visitor has become key for examining power relationships, behavioural practice and theory within exhibition spaces in recent decades. Since the 1980s, the emergence of a postmodern worldview has required museums to... more
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      PoststructuralismSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of the BodyMaurice Merleau-Ponty
Since the middle of the 20th century the rights manifest in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have provided protection for people against the abuses of power by states and relatively clear answers to complex moral and political... more
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      PsychoanalysisPolitical TheoryHuman Rights LawHuman Rights
Ultimately, if IR scholars hope to gain greater understanding of the contemporary empirical world, benefits of analytical eclecticism and theoretical synthesis outweigh their weaknesses.
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      International Relations TheoryConstructivismRealism (Political Science)International Cooperation
The Dayton Peace Accords’ dysfunctionality does not originate in the consociational and confederal framework it proposes, but from the wider failings of external state-building projects
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      Comparative PoliticsNationalismBosniaNationalism And State Building
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      Global Civil SocietyJurgen HabermasCivil Society and the Public SphereDeliberative Democracy
Diasporas have emerged as powerful, if contentious, actors with a complex impact on global political processes. This includes the provision of governance to their homelands in the form of remittances but also through more direct... more
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      International RelationsDiasporasGlobal GovernanceGovernance
In recent decades state-based diaspora engagement institutions have proliferated. Meanwhile, the surge in diaspora engagement initiatives by non-state global governance actors is also on the rise. However, such ‘global-ising’ of diaspora... more
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      Practice theoryTransnationalismCritical RealismDiasporas