Table 7: Legend of the gap map Gap map colouring: White: Primary studies Yellow: Systematic reviews Interventions Communication and dialogue Community groups and networks: participation of existing community groups and networks to raise...
moreTable 7: Legend of the gap map Gap map colouring: White: Primary studies Yellow: Systematic reviews Interventions Communication and dialogue Community groups and networks: participation of existing community groups and networks to raise awareness and/or educate people on immunisation-related aspects (e.g. self-help groups) Faith-based outreach or outreach using local leaders: using faith-based or local community organisations to provide knowledge and/or services to populations who might not otherwise have access to those services Sustained education and sensitisation campaign: continuous or periodically occurring sensitisation and education campaigns promoting immunisation (e.g. media awareness campaigns, vaccination days, school-based education and vaccination campaigns) One-time education and sensitisation campaign: one-time or non-recurring sensitisation and education campaigns promoting immunisation ( awareness campaigns, vaccination days, school-based education and vaccination campaigns, SMS reminders) Working with groups against immunisation: working with groups reluctant to immunise their children for reasons ranging from superstitions to lack of information Planning and participation Formal health worker education and training: immunisation-related activities comprising educating and/or training formal health workers like nurses, doctors, and licensed caregivers Community worker education and training: immunisation-related activities comprising educating and/or training volunteers and CHWs Community member education and training: immunisation-related activities comprising educating and/or training community members like families of children Monitoring and accountability Community tracking and registering: volunteers and CHWs identifying targets, tracking and registering people for immunisation (e.g. birth tracking, identifying target populations, registering immunisation status of infants and mothers, and so on.) Recognition and incentives Monetary incentives: transferring cash or other monetary incentives to formal health workers, CHWs or community members for providing services related to immunisation (e.g. conditional cash transfers, salary) Non-monetary incentives: providing non-monetary incentives to either formal health workers, CHWs or community members for providing services related to immunization Implementation and service delivery Formal health worker involvement: formal health worker participation including delivery, spreading awareness and other immunisationpromoting jobs CHW involvement: CHW participation including delivery, spreading awareness and other immunisation-promoting jobs Comprehensive programme (multipronged approach): programmes involving community engagement as an essential part of multiple interventions that are evaluated as a whole Collaborating with community on delivery: private and/or public sector working with community members to deliver vaccines Mobile clinics: mobile health vans that provide services related to immunisation (delivery of vaccines, increasing knowledge of local communities) Outcomes Knowledge and attitudes towards immunisation Knowledge and attitudes towards immunization Awareness of service provision Awareness of preventative services (check-ups, screenings) Health utilization Health clinic Delivery of immunisation services Capacity building and training Availability of vaccines Vaccination coverage Full routine immunisation for children (take-up, individuals treated) DPT1/DPT2/DPT3/Polio/Measles/Tetanus Partial routine immunisation for children No routine immunisation for children Non-routine immunisation for children (HPV, Typhoid, Hep-B, H1N1, Cholera) Timely uptake of immunization Immunisation for mothers (Tetanus vaccination during pregnancy) Dropout rate (for DPT, polio, and so on.) Health outcomes Child nutrition Maternal nutrition Childhood morbidity Neonatal/infant/child mortality