York University
Biology & Psychology
Natural movements towards a target show metric variations between trials. When movements combine contributions from multiple body-parts, such as head-unrestrained gaze shifts involving both eye and head rotation, the individual body-part... more
Natural movements towards a target show metric variations between trials. When movements combine contributions from multiple body-parts, such as head-unrestrained gaze shifts involving both eye and head rotation, the individual body-part... more
Posterior parietal cortex (PPC) participates in the planning of visuospatial behaviors, including reach movements, in gazecentered coordinates. It is not known if these representations encode the visual goal in retinal coordinates, or the... more
Posterior parietal cortex (PPC) participates in the planning of visuospatial behaviors, including reach movements, in gazecentered coordinates. It is not known if these representations encode the visual goal in retinal coordinates, or the... more
The synoptophore was used to measure torsional interocular disparity. This, in turn, was used to compute how much the angle between the Listing's plane (LP) of the two eyes changes as a function of the vergence angle. The ratio of these... more
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Preparatory set associated with pro-saccades and anti-saccades in humans investigated with event-related fMRI. vious studies have shown that the BOLD functional MRI (fMRI) signal is increased in several cortical areas when subjects... more
We examined the 2D surface formed by 3D eye positions of normal subjects to determine whether the shape and thickness changed in tasks that differed in saccadic directions; random, horizontal, vertical, radial, clockwise and... more
Although both reaching and grasping require transporting the hand to the object location, only grasping also requires processing of object shape, size and orientation to preshape the hand. Behavioural and neuropsychological evidence... more
& Everyday life typically requires behavior that involves far more than simple stimulus-response associations. Environmental cues are often ambiguous and require different actions depending on the situation. The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is... more
Natural movements towards a target show metric variations between trials. When movements combine contributions from multiple body-parts, such as head-unrestrained gaze shifts involving both eye and head rotation, the individual body-part... more
Natural movements towards a target show metric variations between trials. When movements combine contributions from multiple body-parts, such as head-unrestrained gaze shifts involving both eye and head rotation, the individual body-part... more
Natural movements towards a target show metric variations between trials. When movements combine contributions from multiple body-parts, such as head-unrestrained gaze shifts involving both eye and head rotation, the individual body-part... more
Posterior parietal cortex (PPC) participates in the planning of visuospatial behaviors, including reach movements, in gazecentered coordinates. It is not known if these representations encode the visual goal in retinal coordinates, or the... more
Natural movements towards a target show metric variations between trials. When movements combine contributions from multiple body-parts, such as head-unrestrained gaze shifts involving both eye and head rotation, the individual body-part... more
Posterior parietal cortex (PPC) participates in the planning of visuospatial behaviors, including reach movements, in gazecentered coordinates. It is not known if these representations encode the visual goal in retinal coordinates, or the... more