York University
Bachelor of Education
Drawing on my lived experiences with caregiving for my aging grandma, the following short story explores what day-to-day life looks and feels like for youth in caregiving roles. Evoking bitter-sweet emotions, my words familiarize readers... more
Drawing on my lived experiences with caregiving for my aging grandma, the following short story explores what day-today life looks and feels like for youth in caregiving roles. Evoking bittersweet emotions, my words familiarize readers... more
In ACROSS BOUNDARIES, Yoo deploys the metaphor of the convenience store as well as the demilitarized zone to share her acknowledgement of multiple barriers Korean-Canadian people face as immigrants and tries to both question and recognize... more
Artists: Jungju An (Korea), Philbert Gajadhar (Guyana), Joonho Jeon (Korea), Yunjoo Kwak (Korea), Suntag Noh (Korea), Polit-Sheer-Form (China), George Simon (Guyana), Diana Yoo (Canada) Co-Curated by Wonseok Koh and Vicki Sung-yeon Kwon... more
In my research about the Korean War, I became interested in what it means to identify with Koreanness as an artist. I found the artwork of internationally renowned contemporary artist Do Ho Suh to be deeply compelling and very much tied... more
This paper focuses on the artworks Sandy Bay Residential School Series (2009) by Robert Houle and #whatdoyoufeelwhen (2018) by Wayne Dunkley, respectively, two contemporary Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) visual artists... more