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      EnergySystem Dynamics ModelingModeling and SimulationEnergy and Environment
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      System Dynamics ModelingModel validation
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      Dynamical SystemsAgent Based SimulationSystem Dynamics ModelingModeling and Simulation
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      System Dynamics ModelingFisheries ManagementSerious GamingCorrective feedback
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      StakeholdersValue TheoryStakeholder Theory
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      EnergyEnergy Policy ModelingEnergy Sytems
The use of simulations in general and of system dynamics simulation based interactive learning environments (SDILEs) in particular is well recognized as an effective way of improving users' decision making and learning in complex, dynamic... more
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      Simulation (Computer Science)Learning and TeachingSystems ThinkingSystem Dynamics Modeling
System dynamics models can facilitate the understanding of complex and dynamic biomedical systems such as in HIV/AIDS. Untangling the dynamics among various population stocks (e.g., susceptible population, infected population, HIV... more
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    • Healthcare Management
The apparel industry faces huge challenges, e.g., uncertain product demand, highly diversified inventory, strict product pricing, and intricate supplier selection in the design and management of their supply chains, which adds to the... more
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    • Outsourcing
Simulation and modeling have long served the domain of complex systems such as energy systems. The system of supply and demand of electricity in Canada is highly complex and dynamic in nature. Understanding the causal relationships among... more
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    • Energy Policy
Facilitation, a special kind of decisional aid, is all forms of information, strategies, and heuristics delivered by a facilitator to aid decision makers in dynamic decision environments. It is assumed that facilitation has profound... more
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      System Dynamics ModelingExperimental ResearchDynamic Decision Making
Adequate supply of cleaner, affordable, and reliable electricity is critical for the growth and prosperity of any economy. The Government of Ontario, Canada's largest province both by population and by electricity generation capacity, has... more
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      Energy PolicySystem Dynamics ModelingElectricityNuclear power
This paper examines Pakistan’s experience with electricity reforms pertaining to the various energy policies enacted in Pakistan over the past two decades. The effects of privatization in general and IPPs’ investments in Pakistan’s... more
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Modelling and simulation has long and well served the actors and various decision makers in the domain of energy policy. Various modelling approaches and models have been applied to address a variety of energy policy related issues.... more
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    • Energy Policy Modeling
Although simulation and modeling in general and system dynamics models in particular has long served the energy policy domain, ex post validation of these energy policy models is rarely addressed. In fact, ex post validation is a valuable... more
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      EnergyEnergy PolicySystem DynamicsModel validation
This present study assesses the relationship between electricity consumption in Uganda and some determinants such as tax revenue (TXR), population (P), kilometers​ of paved roads (KRM) and the number of factories in a district (FCT) are... more
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      Economic DevelopmentElectricity Demand Forecasting
Actors play a crucial role in sustainable energy development yet interaction in different contexts is an area that has not received much scholarly attention. Sustainable energy transitions theories such as the Multi-Level Perspective, for... more
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      Decision MakingSustainable DevelopmentEnergy
In line with the global call for alternative sources of energy rather than conventional fossil-based sources, research in the area of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainability seems to have intensified in Africa in the last... more
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This survey study analyzed the existing literature on the relationship between energy consumption and economic growth in the six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and... more
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    • Sustainability
Simulation models in general and system dynamics type simulation models in particular have become increasingly popular in the analysis of important policy issues in business organizations. The usefulness of these models is predicated on... more
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      Distributed ComputingSystem Dynamics ModelingSystem DynamicsEnergy efficiency