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The purpose of this paper is to first critique approaches to ethics education based on the application of frameworks and models for ethical decision making. We argue that underlying such approaches is a number of assumptions which fail to... more
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      EthicsLiteratureEducation EthicsAccounting Education
Within the sociology of the professions, the link between the professions and the universities has come to be seen as natural and ineluctable because of their common association with knowledge [Abbott A. The System of Professions,... more
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      Accounting EducationKnowledgeEngland and WalesCertification
This paper examines the disclosure practices in the Annual Reports of the Banco de España spanning the period 1872 to 1894. Although established as a privately owned bank, the Banco de España developed a close and increasingly symbiotic... more
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      Accounting HistoryNineteenth CenturyAnnual Report
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      Race and EthnicityEthnic minoritiesSocial constructionTrinidad and Tobago
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      Sex and GenderAccounting HistoryClassRace
By locating professionalisation within the wider context of imperialism, this paper seeks to understand and explain the dominance of the British-based Association of Chartered Certi®ed Accountants (ACCA) in the education and certi®cation... more
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      ColonialismEmpireStructuration TheoryImperialism
In Saravanamuthu's article, "What Is Measured Counts", the World Bank's dismal record in promoting sustainable economic development is used to illustrate accounting's role in privileging the economic over the social. Saravanamuthu argues... more
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      EconomicsGlobalizationAccountingEconomic Development
By locating professionalisation within the wider context of imperialism, this paper seeks to understand and explain the dominance of the British-based Association of Chartered Certi®ed Accountants (ACCA) in the education and certi®cation... more
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      ColonialismEmpireStructuration TheoryImperialism
In Saravanamuthu's article, "What Is Measured Counts", the World Bank's dismal record in promoting sustainable economic development is used to illustrate accounting's role in privileging the economic over the social. Saravanamuthu argues... more
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      EconomicsGlobalizationAccountingEconomic Development
We write this editorial in the wake of the horrible events in Paris which began on January 7, 2015, when two gunmen reportedly forced the doors of Charlie Hebdo's headquarters and killed 12 individuals, including many journalists. Charlie... more
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    • Sociology
The paper expresses deep concern for the paucity of critical accounting scholarship in the contemporary period that can only be deemed hyper-racial (Alim and Reyes, 2011). By reflecting on how the concept of race has been mobilized in the... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInternationalCompensationContingency Theory
Plant UDP-glucose (UDPG) pyrophosphorylase (UGPase) is involved in the production/metabolism of UDPG, a key metabolite for sucrose and cell wall biosynthesis. Two highly similar cDNAs (UGP1 and UGP2) corresponding to UGPase were isolated... more
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glucose which is essential for sucrose and polysaccharide synthesis. Using Arabidopsis, we demonstrated that two UGPase genes ( UGP1 and UGP2 ) are differentially expressed in a variety of organs, with UGP1 being predominant.... more
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      Plant BiologyPlant cell physiologyStarchMutation
This paper compares the moral reasoning of 363 auditors from Canada and the United States. We investigate whether national institutional context is associated with differences in auditors' moral reasoning by examining three components of... more
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      EthicsAccountingMoral ReasoningAuditors
This paper compares the moral reasoning of 363 auditors from Canada and the United States. We investigate whether national institutional context is associated with differences in auditors' moral reasoning by examining three components of... more
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      MarketingBusiness EthicsApplied EthicsMoral Development
This paper compares the moral reasoning of 363 auditors from Canada and the United States. We investigate whether national institutional context is associated with differences in auditors' moral reasoning by examining three components of... more
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      MarketingBusiness EthicsEthicsApplied Ethics
Despite Stock Option Plans' (SOPs) widespread use, evidence regarding their use and their effectiveness is relatively sparse and typically relies on an agency theory perspective that emphasizes the principal's interests in a market... more
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      Agency TheoryBusiness and ManagementExecutive CompensationStock Price