Bo Kyeong Seo
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Papers by Bo Kyeong Seo
This article focuses on the long-term crisis of care that people living with HIV and their family members have endured. South Korea has achieved universal access to antiretroviral treatment from the early stage of the global HIV epidemic, yet its public policies have been largely unsuccessful in dealing with stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV. Discriminatory denial of treatment based on HIV status has been widely allowed, and especially it has been extremely difficult to find long-term care hospitals that accept HIV positive patients for admissions. This article sheds light on how HIV positive people who need long-term care services have survived this structural exclusion. The social suffering inflicted on them and their family members reveals not only the structural exclusion of minority groups in Korean society but also speaks to the fundamental limitations of current HIV policies and long-term care system. This article argues that to solve this lingering crisis of care: (1) anti-discrimination principles have to be fully implemented in medical procedures, and (2) long-term care services have to be distributed as a public good that must be provided to every citizen.
‘Empowerment’ has been considered as a necessary but suspicious goal within academic discourses and globalized social movement agendas. In this article, I critically engage with ideas about empowerment by drawing on experiences from a collaborative research project called Korean People Living with HIV Stigma Index. This project is intended to empower people living with HIV by encouraging their active participation in measuring the stigma and discrimination that they experienced. In this project, people living with HIV are not merely research objects but researcher themselves who take part in the whole research process including survey team organization, re-modification and implementation of the survey, and data analysis. By tracing their involvement in this research, I carefully examine how their senses and aspirations of empowerment are emphasized, developed, and reaches a certain limit. I suggest that the empowerment of research participants can be reconsidered as a particular vision of social science research in a sense that it makes a collaborative analytic possible. In this time of social science research explicitly conceived in terms of collaboration, collaborative analytics sheds light on the politics and ethics of interdependence by revealing the dialogic and relational base of knowledge production.
Patients en attente : soins, don et dette dans le système de santé thaïlandais
Sur la base d'un travail de terrain mené à Chiang Mai en 2010 et 2012, l'auteure examine comment des Thaïs pauvres et des migrants shan vivent les soins de santé dispensés dans un hôpital public et, parallèlement, leur prise en charge par l’État. Bien que la couverture universelle par l'assurance maladie soit devenue un moyen par lequel l’État trouve sa légitimité dans la vie des citoyens en leur dispensant des soins, le fait d’être le bénéficiaire de l'aide de l’État s'inscrit dans le domaine émotionnel de l'attente. En se concentrant sur ce que ressentent les gens et la façon dont ils envisagent le don et la dette des soins, l'auteure suggère que les flux d'affects considérables marquant les interactions sociales au sein des hôpitaux publics dénotent non seulement la position subordonnée des pauvres mais aussi leur effort de parvenir à un sens de mutualité et d'autonomie morale. Cette étude contribue à une plus large compréhension des expériences du paternalisme, de l'inégalité et de la dépendance en éclairant la soumission agentique des personnes dans les relations de soins.
Drafts by Bo Kyeong Seo
This article focuses on the long-term crisis of care that people living with HIV and their family members have endured. South Korea has achieved universal access to antiretroviral treatment from the early stage of the global HIV epidemic, yet its public policies have been largely unsuccessful in dealing with stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV. Discriminatory denial of treatment based on HIV status has been widely allowed, and especially it has been extremely difficult to find long-term care hospitals that accept HIV positive patients for admissions. This article sheds light on how HIV positive people who need long-term care services have survived this structural exclusion. The social suffering inflicted on them and their family members reveals not only the structural exclusion of minority groups in Korean society but also speaks to the fundamental limitations of current HIV policies and long-term care system. This article argues that to solve this lingering crisis of care: (1) anti-discrimination principles have to be fully implemented in medical procedures, and (2) long-term care services have to be distributed as a public good that must be provided to every citizen.
‘Empowerment’ has been considered as a necessary but suspicious goal within academic discourses and globalized social movement agendas. In this article, I critically engage with ideas about empowerment by drawing on experiences from a collaborative research project called Korean People Living with HIV Stigma Index. This project is intended to empower people living with HIV by encouraging their active participation in measuring the stigma and discrimination that they experienced. In this project, people living with HIV are not merely research objects but researcher themselves who take part in the whole research process including survey team organization, re-modification and implementation of the survey, and data analysis. By tracing their involvement in this research, I carefully examine how their senses and aspirations of empowerment are emphasized, developed, and reaches a certain limit. I suggest that the empowerment of research participants can be reconsidered as a particular vision of social science research in a sense that it makes a collaborative analytic possible. In this time of social science research explicitly conceived in terms of collaboration, collaborative analytics sheds light on the politics and ethics of interdependence by revealing the dialogic and relational base of knowledge production.
Patients en attente : soins, don et dette dans le système de santé thaïlandais
Sur la base d'un travail de terrain mené à Chiang Mai en 2010 et 2012, l'auteure examine comment des Thaïs pauvres et des migrants shan vivent les soins de santé dispensés dans un hôpital public et, parallèlement, leur prise en charge par l’État. Bien que la couverture universelle par l'assurance maladie soit devenue un moyen par lequel l’État trouve sa légitimité dans la vie des citoyens en leur dispensant des soins, le fait d’être le bénéficiaire de l'aide de l’État s'inscrit dans le domaine émotionnel de l'attente. En se concentrant sur ce que ressentent les gens et la façon dont ils envisagent le don et la dette des soins, l'auteure suggère que les flux d'affects considérables marquant les interactions sociales au sein des hôpitaux publics dénotent non seulement la position subordonnée des pauvres mais aussi leur effort de parvenir à un sens de mutualité et d'autonomie morale. Cette étude contribue à une plus large compréhension des expériences du paternalisme, de l'inégalité et de la dépendance en éclairant la soumission agentique des personnes dans les relations de soins.