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no this is him?

hi just so you know @sniper_gamingwastaken, his mod's have been taken down from the website if you see this, sorry.

ik i was so sad

still don't know why he did it tho :/



same thing twice but ok

senpai:failure hurts kid you jumped off a building-

it wont play lol-

it works for my brother

well then how did he start it up because i clicked play and it didnt work



It's so bad it won't play.

bruh its works for my friends at school

Well, it wont work for ME.

(sorry if that sounded rude)


make this a download so i can play it asshole

Friday night funkin, but bad - GameBanana › ... › Remixes/Recharts + Skins

im not really on my school wifi im on my own but im on my schools computer and it still dosent work

idk its works for my brother my friends at schools and it works for my cousins so 

The play button doesn't work.

it works for me and i tested it on school issued chromebooks


I think it was the school wifi that messed mine up lol because it's working now