Papers by Nilgun Colpan Erkan
Iconarp international journal architecture and planning, Dec 27, 2023

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Dec 31, 2021
Today, public transportation has become an indispensable part of urban life. The increase in the ... more Today, public transportation has become an indispensable part of urban life. The increase in the time spent for transportation purposes during the day negatively affects the quality of life of individuals. 'Safety' issues, which are the most critical components of quality and comfort in places with transportation functions used by individuals in their daily lives, are gaining importance day by day in this context. It is essential to determine why and where users fear to make travels more comfortable and safer. In this study, individuals' perceptions of security and fear of crime during transportation and public transportation are explicitly examined by university students. To determine the fears felt during transportation behavior, qualitative research was conducted with 12 students from two universities in Istanbul. As a result of the data analysis, it was seen that the findings were gathered under four main themes: what is the crime in public space and public transport, the factors affecting security, the characteristics of places that are felt and not felt safe, and the issues related to the protection of Istanbul in general. All of the participants in the study stated that Istanbul has a security problem, and they defined physical violence as a source of fear at the forefront. However, they noted that stray animals, women, and cleanly dressed people create a sense of security. For the security perception of the space, cleaning, maintenance, inspection, and surveillance issues come to the fore. It is seen that the determined results coincide with the results revealed in the world literature on this subject.

Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sosyal bilimler Enstitüsü dergisi, Jun 30, 2020
Insanoglu temel yasam ihtiyaclarini karsilayabildigi andan itibaren fiziksel cevresiyle olan ilis... more Insanoglu temel yasam ihtiyaclarini karsilayabildigi andan itibaren fiziksel cevresiyle olan iliskilerinin duzenlenmesinde pek cok yaklasim gelistirmis, barinma ve uretim amacli kentler kurmustur. Kentlesme orani arttikca ve hiz kazandikca pek cok yerlesmede once merkez alanlari, daha sonra konut alanlari giderek dogadan uzaklasmaya baslamistir. Gunumuz kosullarinda hizli ve plansiz gelisme, plan kararlarina aykiri yapilasma, kentsel donusum kararlari vb. nedenler konut alanlarinda yogunlugu arttirmakta, bu durum kentsel yesil alanlarin giderek azalmasina, gecirimsiz/yansitici yuzeylerin artmasina ve kentlerde yasayanlarin doga ile iliskisinin kopmasina neden olmaktadir. Ayrica calisma hayatindaki rekabet, gundelik hayatta karsilasilan sorunlarla birlikte stres, gerginlik gibi olumsuz durumlar artmakta, doga ile iliskisi bozulan insanin kendisini yenileyebilecegi imkânlar giderek azalmaktadir. Bu dogrultuda yasamin her alaninda oldugu gibi fizik mekânda yapilacak duzenlemelerle bireylerin iyi olus halinin dolayisiyla mutlulugunun arttirilmasi onem kazanmaktadir. Bu calismada kentlerde yasayan bireylerin iyi olus halini arttirmaya katki saglayacak mekânsal unsurlar, konut yasam cevresindeki yesil alanlar ile konut yasam cevresinin fiziksel aktiviteye uygunlugu baglaminda incelenmektedir. Arastirma oncelikle kullanicilarin konut yasam cevrelerinde onlari mutlu eden konularin saptanmasi amaciyla pilot calisma ile baslamistir. Pilot calismadan elde edilen bilgiler dogrultusunda olusturulan anket formu, Istanbul’da yasayan 126 kisiye uygulanmistir. Anketlerden elde edilen veriler degerlendirilerek fizik mekânda bireylerin mutlulugunu arttirmaya yonelik yapilabilecek uygulamalar saptanmistir.

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jan 31, 2016
Zihinsel harita, kullanıcıların zihninde oluşan, temelde yol ve yön bulmayı sağlayan, zihinsel mo... more Zihinsel harita, kullanıcıların zihninde oluşan, temelde yol ve yön bulmayı sağlayan, zihinsel model olarak da tarif edilen olgudur. Zihinsel harita kısaca kullanıcının bir yerle ilgili zihnindeki imgelerin tümünü anlatmaktadır. Yapılan araştırmalar zihinsel haritaların kullanıcının özelliklerine göre biçimlenmesinin yanı sıra çevrenin özelliklerine göre de biçimlendiğini göstermektedir. Bu çalışma ile topoğrafya ve buna bağlı olarak ulaşım ağı gibi çevresel özelliklerin zihinsel harita tiplerini nasıl etkilediği ele almaktadır. Appleyard kullanıcıların çevreyi ulaşım sistemi bağlamında algıladığını, bu nedenle zihinsel haritaların çevrenin ulaşım sistemine göre biçimlendiğini savunmuştur. Yaptığı bir araştırmada bu savdan yola çıkarak zihinsel harita tipolojisini tarif etmiştir. Zihinsel haritalar ile ilgili yapılan diğer araştırmalar da bu bulguyu desteklemektedir. Ancak ulaşım ağının topoğrafya ve yerleşme kültürüne bağlı olarak organik biçimlendiği dokularda, zihinsel harita tipinin değiştiği saptanmıştır. Bu yerleşmelerin haritalarının zor kavranan ulaşım ağı yerine, daha kolay akılda kalan işaret öğelerine göre biçimlendiği görülmüştür. Bu çalışmada zihinsel haritalar ile ilgili araştırmalardaki saptamalar, bir kez daha düz bir alanda, ızgara sistemde kurulmuş bir yerleşmede sınanmıştır. Araştırma için düz bir topoğrafyada, ızgara biçimli ulaşım sistemine sahip olan Toronto kenti seçilmiştir. Çalışmanın yöntemi, gözlem çalışmalarına ek olarak, Toronto Üniversitesi'nde gerçekleştirilen yazılı ve çizili ifadeleri içeren anket çalışmasını kapsamaktadır. Bu ankette katılımcılardan bazı bilgilerin yanı sıra kentin haritasının çizilmesi istenmiştir. Elde edilen veriler ulaşım sisteminin, zihinsel harita tipini etkilediğini göstermektedir.

MEGARON / Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Architecture E-Journal, 2018
As a Factor of Improving the Life Quality: Measurement of Spatial Safety Tuba KOCA, Nilgün ÇOLPAN... more As a Factor of Improving the Life Quality: Measurement of Spatial Safety Tuba KOCA, Nilgün ÇOLPAN ERKAN Yaşam kalitesinin sağlanmasında önemli etmenlerden biri olan güvenlik; sağlıklı ve refah içinde yaşayan bir toplumun olmazsa olmazlarındandır. Kentlerde göçlere bağlı nüfus artışı, ortaya çıkan kalabalık nedeniyle bireylerin birbirlerine yabancılaşmasına neden olmakta, sıkı bağlar kurmasının önüne geçmekte ve denetlenebilirliğin azalmasına sebep olmaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra kentlere yığılan nüfusun neden olduğu işsizlik, yoksulluk, barınma sorunları ve sosyo-ekonomik gruplar arasındaki uçurumun derinleşmesi gibi sebepler kentsel mekânda suç ve suç korkusunun gelişmesine zemin hazırlamaktadır. Gelişen ve değişen dünyada suçluyu saptama, suçu önleme gibi konularda ilerlemeler kaydedilmekle birlikte dünyada suçun önlenmesine yönelik mekansal düzenlemelerin de geliştiği görülmektedir. Kentsel çevrelerde suç önleme konusu; psikoloji, sosyoloji, kriminoloji ve ekonomi disiplinlerinin yanı sıra mekânla birebir ilişkili olduğundan, aynı zamanda büyük ölçüde kent planlama ve kentsel tasarım bilimi alanlarını da ilgilendirmektedir. Bu çalışmada, kaliteli yaşam alanlarının oluşturulmasında güvenliğin önemi, kentsel tasarım rehberlerinde yer verilecek mekansal güvenlik ölçütleri ve uygulama yöntemlerinin etkisi ortaya konulmaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı, kentsel mekânlarda güvenliği olumlu etkileyecek ve suç korkusunu azaltacak mekansal ölçütlerin saptanması ve güvenlik konularının önemine dikkat çekerek bilinç uyandırmaktır. Söz konusu çalışma; güvenlik sorunlarının azaltılarak yaşam kalitesinin arttırılmasında kentsel tasarımın bir yöntem olarak kullanılabileceğini ortaya koymaktadır. Çalışmada güvenlik konularının mekân ile ilişkisinin anlaşılması amacıyla Kırık Camlar, Savunulabilir Mekân, Rasyonel Tercih, Rutin Aktiviteler ve Suç Deseni kuramları incelenmiş ve her birinin mekân ile ilgili ortaya koyduğu ölçütler birbiri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: Güvenlik; kentsel tasarım rehberi; yaşam kalitesi. Safety as a major component of providing the life quality, it is essential for community life to live at healthy and prosperity. The population growth which depending on the immigration in the urban area becomes a reason for individuals' alienation due to become a barrier to reduce creating the strong relationship and to decrease the controllability. Furthermore, the reasons such as the unemployment issue which it is a result of the immigration in the urban area, poverty, shelter issue, getting bigger the gap between social and economic groups to establish the ground to increase of crime and fear of crime. The subject of reducing the crime at urban area, due to correlating with psychology, sociology, criminology and economy fields and also mostly related to urban planning and urban design science's field. In this study, the necessity of safety for creating the quality livable area, the spatial safety measurements which it would be used at spatial design guide and the implementation techniques were mentioned. The goal of this study is creating awareness at the necessity of safety and at the developing the spatial measurements in order to improve safety and to decrease the fear of crime at urban area. In that study, the broken window theory, the defensible space theory, the rational choice theory, the routine activities theory, the crime pattern theory has been studied and each theory's spatial measurement has been compared with each other in order to understand the relation of space and safety.

Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, May 15, 2023
The facades that define the public open space shape the pedestrian behavior by affecting the visu... more The facades that define the public open space shape the pedestrian behavior by affecting the visual perception of the pedestrians. In the literature on facade and human interaction, there are pioneering studies in the perspective of environmental perception, but there is a lack and method limitation on the effect of the facade on pedestrian behavior. For this reason, the research aims to evaluate pedestrian behaviors in two areas that are variable in terms of facades, together with video analysis and heat maps. Areas of similar typology in Istanbul's Kadıköy district are compared because of the temporary exterior decoration of the historical candy store in case 1 during the New Year's Eve. According to the research findings, there is a significant difference between the quantity of pedestrians exhibiting stagnant and flowing behaviors and the distribution of these pedestrians in the space. In addition, the subcategories of fluid and static behavior in evening and day conditions also reveal interpretable results regarding the front. The results of the research reveal that the facade features of the public space significantly affect the pedestrian behavior, and therefore this issue should also gain importance in the future of public space design.
Mimarlık Fakültesi dergisi, Jun 1, 2014
Resim 16. Fizyolojik durum-Kadıköy (solda) ve Landstraße (sağda). Resim 17. Kamusal dış mekân mem... more Resim 16. Fizyolojik durum-Kadıköy (solda) ve Landstraße (sağda). Resim 17. Kamusal dış mekân memnuniyeti-Kadıköy (solda) ve Landstraße (sağda). Resim 18. Kamusal dış mekân memnuniyeti-Kadıköy (solda) ve Landstraße (sağda).
Türkiye bilimler akademisi kültür envanteri dergisi, Jun 15, 2007
Papers by Nilgun Colpan Erkan
This study is about the case described as 'cognitive map' or 'mental model' of the environment that function as a tool for users to find paths and directions. In short, ‘cognitive maps’ describe the collective images of locations the user gathers mentally.
Researches indicate that cognitive maps formed not only by user specifications but also by the environmental specifications. This study investigates how the topography and related environmental characteristics, such as transportation network, effects the types of ‘cognitive maps’.
Appleyard declares that cognitive maps are formed by the transportation system, because the users know/learn the environment in the context of the transportation network. Appleyard describes typologies of the cognitive maps based on this theory. Similar results were obtained from a research in the City of Kastamonu. This study presents a research of ‘cognitive maps’ for Golden Horn Area, due to the similarities in topography and transportation network.
In studies the cognitive maps can be compiled in verbal and, more widely, in drawn formats. In this study's research the drawn format of analysis has been utilized by collecting data of drawn mental maps from two groups of participants, adults and university students.
Key words: Haliç / Golden Horn; cognitive map; typology of cognitive maps
decrease in human mortality and an increase in the ratio of elderly population within the average population. Depending on geography, this proportional
rise often differs in the world’s developed and developing countries. Different agglomerations have been seen in the elderly population of Turkey in urban
and rural settlements. The purpose of the analysis is to assess if there is a connection between the rural and urban agglomeration of Turkey’s elderly population and the provincial data on the QOL. The goal is also to decide which cities are crowded with the elderly, whose ratio rises every year; to see which of the
QOL indicators in these cities stand out and which are lacking. The present study’s sub-objectives are to draw attention to the elderly’s QOL and to highlight
the fact that older people are part of social life, structure and culture. In the review, the methods of literature research and field analysis were used jointly.
Using the location coefficient technique, the agglomeration maps of the elderly population were made for urban and rural areas. In this report, as the rural
settlements of the provinces that were in Metropolitan Municipalities in 2012 were converted into neighborhoods under Law No. 6360 on rural and urban
settlements, instead of current statistics, the elderly population data for 2012 were used. In this sense, the 2013 data was regarded as the basis of the TURKSTAT QOL survey instead of the current QOL data. The agglomeration maps developed by the provinces with the highest and lowest accumulation of elderly
in urban and rural areas were taken into consideration. QOL data has been analyzed and interpreted in depth in the selected provinces. The indicators that
are not age-related (e.g. YGS (university admissions exam) average score) and may vary in the form of rural-urban settlement difference (e.g. airport access
rate) were not included in the analysis. The new indicators were therefore analyzed under 10 headings: housing, income and wealth, health, education, environment, safety, civic participation, access to infrastructure services, social life and the level of happiness over the age of 65. In addition, age dependency
ratio was also taken into account in the comments. Finally, a comparison table with parameters acceptable for the QOL of the elderly was developed for the
chosen cities. In the present study, the old age limit was taken into account as 65 years and above, and how the concept of old age changed in the historical
process was also observed. Demographic changes, elderly population rates, crude death rate and population estimates in Turkey have been examined with
related statistics in mind. Scientific studies which have explored the factors in the world assessing the QOL in old age were reviewed. In this way, it has been
ensured that the concept of QOL is viewed through the scope of old age requirements. The claim that “the accumulation of the elderly population in Turkey
at the provincial level and the provincial QOL data is directly proportional” is endorsed as a result of the report. In cities where the concentration of elderly
people is lower, it has been found that women, in particular, are less satisfied with health, education, housing, income and wealth satisfaction. It was found
that even in settlements where the elderly density is poor, the elderly participate in the work life actively. It was concluded here that, in any conditions, elderly
people should be assisted by a “strong pension system” at the national level or at least a “social assistance system” at the local level. It has been discovered
that the variations in QOL here relate to local and national service opportunities. The old-age practices should therefore be planned in an “administrative
context”. Although micro level (neighborhood, district, province level) management is important in the old age projects, this study shows that old age should
be evaluated in a holistic manner and approaches to macro level (national scale) insights are also needed. According to the results of this report, the TURKSTAT QOL survey was found to be inadequate because the service distance between urban and rural areas cannot be taken into account. In this context, a
rigorous study should be undertaken in compliance with both the needs of the elderly and the pillars of the society. The coexistence of old age and QOL is an
important concept that has not been studied much in Turkey. This study is expected to provide data for future studies on ageing.
Keywords: Ageing; life satisfaction; rural ageing; urban ageing; quality of life.