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Bu araştırmanın amacı, ilköğretim altıncı sınıf matematik dersi EBOB ve EKOK konuları için tasarlanan karma öğrenmeye dayalı öğrenme ortamının, öğrencilerin öğrenmeleri, sosyal becerileri ve derse karşı tutumları üzerindeki etkilerini... more
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      Educational TechnologyE-learningStudent Achievement MotivationBlended Learning
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      Curriculum DesignTeachers’ ViewsCurriculum mapping
ÖZET Planlı/formal bir eğitim sürecinde en önemli nokta, öğretim programın gerektirdiği özelliklere uygun olarak eğitim ortamlarında uygulamaya dönüştürülmesidir. Bu noktadaki asli sorumluluk öğretmenlerin elindedir. Öğretmenler, yazılı... more
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      Information LiteracyCurriculum StudiesEarly Childhood LiteracyCurriculum and Instruction
Bu çalışmada; Understanding by Design (UbD) Modeli'ni ve ATLAS'ı kullanarak, Matematik ve İngilizce dersleri öğretim planlarının geliştirilmesi amaçlandı. Ek olarak, UbD'nin neden öğrencilerde "anlam" oluşturmaya odaklandığı, tasarımın... more
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      Curriculum DesignCurriculum DevelopmentBackward designUnderstanding by Design (UbD)
The purpose of this quantitative survey study is to investigate the perceptions of teachers in Turkey about curriculum mapping process in three perspectives, short-range planning, long-range planning and standard alignment. The teachers'... more
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UbD modeli ve farklılaştırılmış öğretimin eğitim ortamlarında kullanılması son yıllarda adından sıkça söz ettirmeye başlamıştır. İkisinin öğretimi planlama ve süreci farklılaştırma konusundaki birlikteliği birçok eğitimciye ilham kaynağı... more
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      Science EducationCurriculum DesignTurkeyCurriculum Development
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Marmara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü Eğitim Yönetimi ve Denetimi Bilim Dalı'nda 2000-2012 yılları arasında yapılan tezleri yöntem açısından incelemek ve bu doğrultuda öneriler geliştirmektir. Çalışma,... more
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      Educational AdministrationAdministrationMarmara UniversityMaster Thesis
The usage of distance education in higher education has been widespread. To assess the effectiveness of distance education, the evaluation studies should be done. The purpose of this study is to evaluate distance education applied in... more
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      Distance EducationOnline LearningMarmara Üniversitesi
This manuscript builds on the previous reviews of professional learning communities (PLCs), using 10 empirical international research studies to present the impact of PLCs on teacher practice and student learning. The results showed that... more
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      Communities of practiceProfessional DevelopmentProfessional Learning CommunityLiterature Review
The purpose of this article is to explore validity evidence and appropriate uses of the revised Technology Uses and Perceptions Survey (TUPS) designed to measure in-service teacher perspectives about technology integration in K–12 schools... more
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      Survey ResearchTechnology IntegrationReliabilityTeachers
School Effectiveness and School Improvement
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    • Teachers' professional development
The main purpose of this study is to adapt and validate the Professional Learning Communities Assessment Revised (PLCA-R) by Olivier, Hipp, and Huffman within the context of Turkish schools. The instrument was translated and adapted to... more
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      Teachers' professional developmentProfessional Learning Community
Learning computer science (CS) is increasingly becoming a necessary component of K-12 education, but in most cases, teachers do not have either the essential knowledge to teach or a curriculum to follow. In this article, we analyze the... more
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      Teachers' professional developmentComuputer Science
Learning computer science (CS) is increasingly becoming a necessary component of K-12 education, but in most cases, teachers do not have either the essential knowledge to teach or a curriculum to follow. In this article, we analyze the... more
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      Computer ScienceGame Based LearningTeachers' professional development
The purpose of the present research is to investigate the relationship between public and private primary school principals’ strategic leadership actions (SLA) and organizational learning (OL). The current study was conducted by... more
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      Organizational Learning ProcessesOrganizational LearningOrganizational LeadershipStrategic Management and Leadership
Keywords Multicultural education is a process that attaches importance to the differences between students and makes no attempt to deny their existence. This ensures that the process continues in an egalitarian manner. Multicultural... more
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      MulticulturalismMultilingualismCultureMulticultural Education
Multicultural education is a process that attaches importance to the differences between students and makes no attempt to deny their existence. This ensures that the process continues in an egalitarian manner. Multicultural education is... more
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      MulticulturalismMultilingualismPolitical ScienceCulture
The current research aims to investigate the effects of pre-service teachers' personality traits on their perceived teacher competencies. The quantitative study was conducted by employing a crosssectional survey design with 206 teacher... more
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      Teacher TrainingTeaching competenciesBig Five Personality Traits
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      MulticulturalismMulticultural Education
The current research aims to explore the effects of a haptic augmented simulation on students’ achievement and their attitudes towards Physics in an immersive virtual reality environment (VRE). A quasi-experimental post-test design was... more
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    • Haptics In Virtual Environments