Papers by Alvard Jivanyan
Translation Studies: Theory and Practice
The present article deals with direct and mediated translations of Armenian folk and fairy tales ... more The present article deals with direct and mediated translations of Armenian folk and fairy tales presented in chronological order. Our research includes a number of major collections of Armenian tales told in non-Armenian milieux and recorded in languages other than Armenian. The collectors of these tales have apparently functioned both as recorders and translators. It is to be noted that there exist no printed versions of the mentioned tales in Armenian. The study and systematization of translated tale collections are important for making the Armenian material more distinct and identifiable for folklore and fairy-tale scholars.
This volume comprises a celebratory collection of articles presented to Seamus Mac Mathuna on the... more This volume comprises a celebratory collection of articles presented to Seamus Mac Mathuna on the occasion of his 75th birthday and launched at the 17th International Symposium of Societas Celtolog ...
Translation Studies: Theory and Practice, 2021
MacManus’s The Old Hag’s Long Leather Bag is a unique text in terms of style in the first place. ... more MacManus’s The Old Hag’s Long Leather Bag is a unique text in terms of style in the first place. The study of its translation into Armenian is of interest since it is the very first Irish folk tale translated into Armenian. As many renderings of folktales of the time it is an indirect translation mediated by the Russian version. The translation of each particular folktale is of interest, however a number of features of the text, which are held to be resulting from the translator’s individual style are in fact conditioned by the nature of the translated text as a distinct text type.
Armenian Folia Anglistika, 2007
The direct meanings of various tropes, similies, metaphors and exaggerations are restored in the ... more The direct meanings of various tropes, similies, metaphors and exaggerations are restored in the context of fairy tales. This phenomenon can be regarded as neutralization of the mentioned tropes. Metamorphosis – the trope most characteristic of a fairy tale, emerges as a result of the restoration of direct meanings.
Armenian Folia Anglistika, 2006
The article offers a contrastive study of several classical fairy tales and their animated versio... more The article offers a contrastive study of several classical fairy tales and their animated versions. Animated movies based on fairy tales can be considered the visual version of the tale. Along with a number of similarities, there are also radical differences between the fairy tale narratives and their animated versions. When the fairy tale narrative is converted into a script, along with noticeable plot similarities, a number of essential changes of the linguostylistic and rhetorical features occur. This is conditioned by the character of the cartoon genre. Despite the fact that the poetics of the animated version of a fairy tale is quite flexible, the authors often borrow certain elements of the narrated version which convey the illusion of a text to the animated version.
This volume is concerned with the history and traditions of two small countries on the western an... more This volume is concerned with the history and traditions of two small countries on the western and eastern fringes respectively of the Indo-European world - Ireland and Armenia. The focus is primarily on the early medieval period but attention is also paid to other periods in some of the contributions. The aim has been to compare aspects of the cultures of the two countries and seek to establish the inherited elements of a shared Indo-European background, influence of other languages and traditions such as the world of Christian and Classical learning, and possible contacts over the centurie

Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, 2007
An important stylistic feature of the fairy tale is its tendency to neutralize tropes by animatin... more An important stylistic feature of the fairy tale is its tendency to neutralize tropes by animating them. Distinctive fairy tale devices, transformations, for instance, appear at the expense of the intentional enlivening of the worn semantics of some hackneyed tropes. Neutralized tropes should be interpreted literally. In case of alternative, i.e. metaphoric interpretation, the succeeding narrative stretch will be under threat of logical and semantic collapse. A very similar phenomenon was observed by Zvetan Todorov in the fantastic fiction. As a rule, the oral fairy tale does not show the rhetorical figure and its extension in the same textual cut. The hackneyed trope is mostly absent. It is true; it can be easily restored owing to the fact that it is a phrase the listeners/ readers are well aware of. Doubtless, we are far from claiming that any transformation in a fairy tale appears as a consequence of a rhetorical operation.
Armenian Folia Anglistika, 2007
The Armenian church was quite intolerant towards any expression of pagan faith in the early perio... more The Armenian church was quite intolerant towards any expression of pagan faith in the early periods of Christianity. Pagan gods and spirits (fairies) were either rejected or labeled as “evil” or were simply “Christianized” acquiring the necessary features to be able to survive in the realm of the new religion. This phenomenon can be observed in various folklore narrations, namely in national tales. The article draws parallels between similar phenomena in other cultures.
Folklore, 2013
David Hunt is one of the most devoted scholars of Caucasian folklore and Legends of the Caucasus ... more David Hunt is one of the most devoted scholars of Caucasian folklore and Legends of the Caucasus is his outstanding contribution. Presenting the folklore of a region so rich in territorial disputes...
Papers by Alvard Jivanyan