Papers by Sepehr Daneshara

The study of moods of protagonists and other major characters of literary pieces have been one of... more The study of moods of protagonists and other major characters of literary pieces have been one of the hot debating areas of research for both psychoanalysts and literary critics. The role of subjectivism in modern studies has led critics to more deep and delicate understanding of texts. Freud, Lacan and Zizek were the most eminent pioneers of this movement towards the establishment of theoretical and methodological elements of such analysis. But a combined Nietzschean-Foucauldian approach under the name of 'Desubjectivization' in this study has a very new and untouched approach to analysis in literary texts. The present paper explores the impact of power relations over the unconsciousness of subjects in an ideological society of Southern America and the way in which these subjects turn into matters of objectivization in such situations. In the first step, the dominant ideology of 1900th South America and the powerful impact of its functionality are identified in Quentin Compson's section of The Sound and the Fury. Then, the process of metamorphosis from a coherent and active subject into an object of illusion is analyzed. At the final step, the study shows how subjects become highly preoccupied with the matters of value, beliefs, and shame that forget their role as a living creature capable of reasoning, and change into objects. In other words, they (subjects) become the things and all these things' externalizations do overshadow the events of the stories. For instance, in Quentin's case, this is not the Quentin who commits suicide, but it is the odium which devastates him.

Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL), 2021
In this article the polyphonic structures of two novels from two distinct literary traditions ar... more In this article the polyphonic structures of two novels from two distinct literary traditions are put under parallel syntactic analysis. Both texts are prevalently dominated by both inner and outer dialogisms, but the psychological tempers of their authors have dramatically affected the styles of their narration. In The Sound and the Fury, the inner polyphonies are of a high importance. Quentin- reckoned to be symbol of Faulkner in this article- narrates most of his part through flashbacks and dialogues that occur in his mind. In fact, these inner polyphonies endorse the fact that Faulkner had the same obsessions of Quentin. These repressed complexities have direct relations with Faulkner`s disappointments of his family and life and these internal struggles were still present in 1929 when the book published. Faulkner`s psychological complexities led him to hint them through symbolization of a character who always talks to himself and remember all others’ dialogues in his mind. Soliloquies and stream of consciousnesses are the means of expressing the inner repressions.
On the other hand, Reza Baraheni was in a situation that the period before Iran’s revolution in 1979 stood as an era of both courtiers and society’s corruptions for him. Even in 1987 when he sent all his manuscript for the publication, there existed a loophole of a different and better future for him. His dream of a great nation with respect to all its citizens was alive in his mind. This hope made him write a novel that had in fact more descriptive style rather than a subjective narration. Polyphonies in his writings are predominantly of external ones and the present dialogues of characters in his writing make up the majority of his dialogisms.

Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL), 2022
The romantic period in English literature can be reckoned as the most successful era in the forma... more The romantic period in English literature can be reckoned as the most successful era in the formation of specific type of poem genre. This success is indebted to several factors, however, among all the features which contributed to the architectonics of this genre of literature, the role of opium and drugs in general always remained passive, if not hidden. As one of the focal points of romanticism has been on the concept of tranquility, the present study attempts to elucidate the centrality of drugs in bringing up the so-called tranquility so that the poets could overflow their spontaneous feelings. Taking into consideration the main work of De Quincey, this paper overviews the works of Romantic poets from Coleridge to Browning showing the hidden signification of drugs throughout their works. Later in the discussion of mainly European poets, the productive effect of drugs is also made clear in Edgar Allan Poe's works, and finally, the remarkable role of drugs is related to what M. H. Abrams considers as the sacred milk in shaping romantic poets' minds. Finally, it is also made clear that without the existence of such a "Milk of Paradise," there would have never been such a brilliant period in the grip of literature at all.

Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL), 2022
For the readers of classical dramas, it would not be very surprising to come across with very sup... more For the readers of classical dramas, it would not be very surprising to come across with very supernatural elements which, in fact, built the core skeleton of such works. The focal attention of the classical dramas was mainly upon the violation of sacred codes of behavior in which there was no room for the appearance of impersonal relations or social significations. However, in the course of time, modern dramas, specifically American tragedies, shifted the focus of plays to everyday issues through which readers could sense the very similar experiences in their lives as depicted in these works. No longer these works deal with the farfetched themes which overwhelmed the classical works of art. The present article is a short comparative analysis of Arthur Miller's All My Sons and Eugene O'Neill's Mourning Becomes Electra in terms of their thematic levels in order to delineate the way they treat a few of the widespread issues of the twenty-first century America. By analyzing the thematic aspects of these works, the important role of expressionistic elements in showing the worldly issues of American individuals as well as nuclear families is made bare. Consequently, this study sheds light on the systematic movement in the grip of drama from the sacred Gods-individual relations and themes to the social and family problems. In conclusion, it is also shown that the modern American drama has very unique characteristics the parallels of which are very rare to be found in other literary traditions.

The majority of works of literature depict the world of what many people call normal characters, ... more The majority of works of literature depict the world of what many people call normal characters, in this case the characters without disabilities, especially the deaf. Mark Medoff's play, Children of Lesser God, depicts a world of a deaf character who has been neglected by his surrounding many for the reason that she (Sarah) cannot understand the world of normal people. However, this study analyzes the structure of discourses made by Sarah to show the fact that unlike the majority of characters in the play, the silent world of Sara is full of diverse deep psychological insight, none of which are identifiable for the other characters. In this article, it will be shown that what deaf people can understand from their surroundings is more than the grasp of common people's words and actions. They, in fact, are capable of understanding what goes under the very seemingly unimportant words or deeds of common people. Consequently, this article leads to the realization that the silence of this minor group of disabled people is full of polyphonies and, therefore, this article uses some of Bakhtin's polyphonic discourse types to shed light on the abundance of such facts. The final stage of this study depicts the world of deaf people as a world belonging neither to common humans, nor what common humans think of these deaf individuals; they, in fact, experience a third-world in which any signification is necessarily deep in terms of its thematic structure.
Papers by Sepehr Daneshara
On the other hand, Reza Baraheni was in a situation that the period before Iran’s revolution in 1979 stood as an era of both courtiers and society’s corruptions for him. Even in 1987 when he sent all his manuscript for the publication, there existed a loophole of a different and better future for him. His dream of a great nation with respect to all its citizens was alive in his mind. This hope made him write a novel that had in fact more descriptive style rather than a subjective narration. Polyphonies in his writings are predominantly of external ones and the present dialogues of characters in his writing make up the majority of his dialogisms.
On the other hand, Reza Baraheni was in a situation that the period before Iran’s revolution in 1979 stood as an era of both courtiers and society’s corruptions for him. Even in 1987 when he sent all his manuscript for the publication, there existed a loophole of a different and better future for him. His dream of a great nation with respect to all its citizens was alive in his mind. This hope made him write a novel that had in fact more descriptive style rather than a subjective narration. Polyphonies in his writings are predominantly of external ones and the present dialogues of characters in his writing make up the majority of his dialogisms.