Analyzing, transmitting, and editing an Anatolian tale: A literary translation project as process , 2019
R u m e l i D E D i l v e E d e b i y a t A r a ş t ı r m a l a r ı D e r g i s i 2 0 1 9. Ö 6 (K... more R u m e l i D E D i l v e E d e b i y a t A r a ş t ı r m a l a r ı D e r g i s i 2 0 1 9. Ö 6 (K a s ı m) / 5 3 3 Bir Anadolu masalını çözümlemek, aktarmak ve düzenlemek: Süreç olarak bir yazınsal çeviri projesi / D. Tuna; M. G. Avaz (533-554. s.) Analyzing, transmitting, and editing an Anatolian tale: A literary translation project as process 1 Didem TUNA 2 Mehmet Gökberk AVAZ 3 Abstract This study is based on a literary translation project conducted within the framework of a four-year translation and interpretation undergraduate program. A literary translation course is offered in the sixth term of the program as part of the literature module. In the first stage of the course, students read and analyze literary works using operations of analysis and compare them with their translations to determine meaning transformations of any type. This process is expected to enable students to develop an awareness of the indispensability of textual analysis for translation and the possibility of different kinds of meaning transformations. With this dual awareness, students as prospective translators are expected to be able to better understand and transfer the signs that constitute a literary work and avoid unintended meaning transformations. In the second stage, students choose a short story to translate by applying the knowledge and skills they acquired in the first stage. After this process, they edit the translated text. At the end of the semester, to share their translation with their class, students prepare a presentation on their analysis of the source text as well as the translation and editing processes, emphasizing the notable outcomes of the analysis and related decisions made to transfer distinctive signs. In this study, the translation of İki Peri Kızı (The Fairy Sisters) by Tahsin Yücel is aimed at providing an example for literary translation projects that may be conducted in similar contexts. Bir Anadolu masalını çözümlemek, aktarmak ve düzenlemek: Süreç olarak bir yazınsal çeviri projesi Öz Bu çalışma, dört yıllık İngilizce Mütercim Tercümanlık lisans programı kapsamında yürütülen bir yazınsal çeviri projesine dayanmaktadır. Programın altıncı döneminde yazın modülünün bir parçası olarak yazınsal çeviri dersi verilmektedir. Dersin ilk aşamasında öğrenciler çeşitli yazınsal yapıtları belli metin çözümleme işlemlerini kullanmak suretiyle okuyup çözümlemekte ve yapıtları çevirileriyle karşılaştırarak farklı türlerde anlam dönüşümleri saptamaktadırlar. Bu süreçte çevirmen adayı öğrencilerden metin çözümlemenin çeviri açısından gerekliliğine ve çeviride oluşabilecek farklı anlam dönüşümlerine yönelik farkındalık geliştirmeleri beklenmektedir. Bu iki yönlü farkındalıkla, öğrencilerin yazınsal yapıtın anlam evrenini oluşturan göstergeleri daha iyi alımlayıp aktarmaları ve istenmeyen anlam dönüşümlerinden kaçınmaları umulmaktadır. İkinci aşamada öğrenciler, ilk aşamada edindikleri bilgi ve becerileri kullanarak çevirecekleri kısa bir hikaye seçmekte, çevirdikten sonra metni gözden geçirip düzenlemektedir. Dönem sonunda ise kaynak metnin çözümlenmesine, çeviri ve düzelti süreçlerine ilişkin bir sunum hazırlayarak, çözümlemenin kayda değer sonuçlarını ve özel göstergelerin aktarılması için alınan ilintili kararları vurgulayarak, çevirilerini sınıfla paylaşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Tahsin Yücel'in İki Peri Kızı adlı masalının çözümlenmesi ve çevirisi üzerine yapılan bir proje ele alınmakta ve projenin benzer bağlamlarda yürütülebilecek yazınsal çeviri projelerine bir örnek teşkil etmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Anahtar kelimeler: Yazınsal çeviri, çevirmen eğitimi, çevirmen kararları, İki Peri Kızı.
Papers by Didem TUNA
The act of translation has had a crucial impact on the
development of children's literature in the Turkish literary
system. Children's literature is known to have been introduced
into the Turkish literary system through books translated during
the Tanzimat period in the 19th century and is still being shaped
by books translated mostly from English. In the 21st century, a feminist turn can be observed in Turkish children's literature as
a result of a systemic transition from the Western to the Turkish
literary system, with translated books. In this study, this turn of
events is analyzed through Jean-Claude Coquet's Theory of
Instances of Enunciation. According to Coquet, the enunciating
instance as a producer of discourse consists of four components
and the interaction between these components at a particular
moment shapes the subject's discourse and actions (Coquet
2007, Öztürk Kasar 2017; 2020). Within this context, authors
are taken as subjects acting facultatively and intentionally, and
their motives for creating this feminist turn are examined
through Coquet's theory, focusing on the interaction among the
authors' components as subjects that must have caused them to
take action to create stories promoting gender equality. Within
this context, and based on isotopies and subject transformations
as operations of literary text analysis compiled by Sündüz
Öztürk Kasar (2009) from the studies of the Paris School of
Semiotics as part of her approach to semiotics of translation,
this study also analyzes feminist signs in contemporary
children's stories that aim to undermine patriarchal and gender
roles in traditional children's tales. On the whole, this study
shows that despite the continued existence of traditional tales,
there are now new ones that do not enhance patriarchal
impositions. Instead, the factors that reproduce the rigid gender
roles seen in conventional tales created in line with the
patriarchy's norms are subverted in these new stories. This study
concludes that in Turkish children's literature, the contemporary
feminist viewpoint is now gaining influence, mostly through
children's books translated from English.
Key words: Feminism, sexism, gender inequality, children's
stories, semiotics of translation.
The act of translation has had a crucial impact on the
development of children's literature in the Turkish literary
system. Children's literature is known to have been introduced
into the Turkish literary system through books translated during
the Tanzimat period in the 19th century and is still being shaped
by books translated mostly from English. In the 21st century, a feminist turn can be observed in Turkish children's literature as
a result of a systemic transition from the Western to the Turkish
literary system, with translated books. In this study, this turn of
events is analyzed through Jean-Claude Coquet's Theory of
Instances of Enunciation. According to Coquet, the enunciating
instance as a producer of discourse consists of four components
and the interaction between these components at a particular
moment shapes the subject's discourse and actions (Coquet
2007, Öztürk Kasar 2017; 2020). Within this context, authors
are taken as subjects acting facultatively and intentionally, and
their motives for creating this feminist turn are examined
through Coquet's theory, focusing on the interaction among the
authors' components as subjects that must have caused them to
take action to create stories promoting gender equality. Within
this context, and based on isotopies and subject transformations
as operations of literary text analysis compiled by Sündüz
Öztürk Kasar (2009) from the studies of the Paris School of
Semiotics as part of her approach to semiotics of translation,
this study also analyzes feminist signs in contemporary
children's stories that aim to undermine patriarchal and gender
roles in traditional children's tales. On the whole, this study
shows that despite the continued existence of traditional tales,
there are now new ones that do not enhance patriarchal
impositions. Instead, the factors that reproduce the rigid gender
roles seen in conventional tales created in line with the
patriarchy's norms are subverted in these new stories. This study
concludes that in Turkish children's literature, the contemporary
feminist viewpoint is now gaining influence, mostly through
children's books translated from English.
Key words: Feminism, sexism, gender inequality, children's
stories, semiotics of translation.