Dr.Ece Yüksel
Faculty Member of
American University Of Cyprus
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American University Of Cyprus
Address: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ece-y%C3%BCksel-712431b9/
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Papers by Dr.Ece Yüksel
A Neturei Karta-Specific Review
One can collect the communities living in the State of Israel, established in the Middle East in 1948 after the end of the Second World War, under two subheadings as Modern and Ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) Jews. The Zionism-advocates are the Modern Orthodox Jews. Thanks to their anti-Zionist demonstrations, the Haredi Jews have quickly gained a worldwide popularity. The Haredi Jews have different subgroups. The first group is Hasidic Jews, the followers of Hasidic Judaism. Hasidism emerged in Poland as a belief or doctrine with the development of anti-Semitic ideas that had arisen since the end of the 18th century. The Hasidic Jews, led by Rabbi Israel Ben Eliezer, are very sensitive aboutobeying the commandments and prohibitions written in their holy book Torah. Taking a firm stand on the traditional attitude of Judaism, Hasidic Jews see no harm in expressing their feelings in an excessive manner during religious ceremonies and rituals. Hasidics Jews start to learn the religious teachings at the age of 5 and show an effort to live up to the 613 commandments throughout their lives. The boys' hairs are shaved. Some parts of the hair are left to grow long to be given a wavy shape afterwards. They wear ''Kippah'' which is a part of Jewish tradition. Wearing robes and black hats besides white shirts inside their suits, adult Hasidic men immediately stand out in the society with their crimped hairs. Hasidic young men are not conscripted like their peers in Israel when they reach the eligible age. Rather, they continue their education. Traditionally, the Hasidic Jews celebrate the New Year in Ukraine every year.
Arguing that living together with Arab Muslim people would pose no problem for them, Hasidic Jews are strongly opposed to Zionism.
On the Mavi Marmara incident that took place between the Republic of Turkey and Israel on May 31, 2010, The Hasidic Jews condemned Israel for her intervention to a ship delivering humanitarian aid to Palestine which resulted in armed conflict and casualties. Similarly, the statement made by US President Donald Trump on December 6, 2017, declaring the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, also had a similar result with Hasidic condemnation of the US.
Our study aims to analyze the struggle of the Hasidic Jews, a branch of Orthodox Judaism, against Israel's Zionist policy within the context of past and recent events comparatively.
Keywords: Israel, Zionism, Orthodox Jews, Hasidics Jews, Haredi Jews.
these civilizations have an important place in world cultural history. In the last period of the
Ottoman Empire, the works carried out by the Ottoman Hamdi Bey continued after the
proclamation of the Republic.
Ekrem Akurgal, who was sent abroad with the scholarship granted by the state, received
education in the fields such as Sedat Alp, Halet Çambel, Muazzez İlmiye Çığ, Archeology
and Hittitology. After returning to Turkey, these names have been educated by their own
students in different departments such as Archeology and Hittitology established within the
Faculty of Language, History and Geography of Ankara University. Muhibbe Darga, II. The grandson of Darugazade Mehmet Emin Bey, the Chief Chief Officer
of Abdulhamid. She is the daughter of Mr. Sait. He was born in 1921. He is a graduate of
Istanbul University, Department of Archeology. He became a doctor in 1947, associate
professor in 1965 and professor in 1973. He participated in the Karatepe, Gedikli and
Değirmentepe excavations and headed the Şemsiyetepe excavations. Muhibbe Darga,
Professor The. Bosset, Dr. Prof. Bahadır Alkım and Prof.Dr. Dr. He analyzed the Hittite
hieroglyphs in the Karatepe excavations together with Halet Çambel.
During the 1989-1991 excavation period, he worked as the head of excavation at the
Dorylaion ruins together with the Eskişehir Museum. Darga is a member of the Turkish
Historical Society and the German Archaeological Institute. Muhibbe Darga, one of the first
female archaeologists in Turkey, passed away on March 6, 2018.
Keywords: Muhibbe Darga, Republic, Archeology, Museology, Women Archeologists .
In 1853, as a result of the events that started with Russia's attack on the port of Sinop and burning the Ottoman Navy, the Ottoman Empire decided to declare war. In 1854, the British and the French, and in 1855, the Kingdom of Sardinia joined the Crimean War taking sides with the Ottoman Empire. This incident is very important for European diplomacy. After the ongoing conflicts in Crimea, Caucasus and Rumelia, the Crimean War ended with the Paris Peace Treaty signed on 25 February 1856.
Among the soldiers who fought in the Ottoman army for the Crimean War were those from the Syrian-Lebanese province. After the war, in memory of these soldiers who were martyred in the Crimean War, Mount Lebanon Governor Nasri Franko Pasha ordered the construction of a monument in the Belgrade Forest. This work named Şüheda Makberesi is known to have been built in 1870 (1871?). The aim of this article is to give information about the Crimean War, which has an important place in the history of the Ottoman Empire, and which shaped the process resulting in the Tanzimat and Islahat Firman (Edict of Reformations), and the Şüheda Makberesi Monument built in memory of the soldiers who were martyred in the war. I take this occasion to commemorate our soldiers who were martyred in the Crimean War.
Keywords: Crimean War, Şüheda Makberesi Monument, Nasri Franko Pasha, Russia, Ottoman Empire.
Cumhuriyet döneminde 1929 yılında 1416 Sayılı “Ecnebi Memleketlere Gönderilecek Talebe Hakkında Kanun” çıkartılmıştır Kanun ile tarih alanında gönderilenler arasında, bulunan Ekrem Akurgal, arkeolog olarak yurda geri dönmüştür.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Cumhuriyet, Ekrem Akurgal, Arkeoloji, Atatürk, Maarif Vekaleti
The traditional status of woman in the Ottoman society began to change with the proclamation of the Imperial Edict of Gülhane. Though not involving a special provision for women, the Edict brought about some innovations in the dressing of women and schools were opened for girls. The greatest achievement of this Edict was the opening of junior high schools for girls. In that period, students who received education in these schools for girls defended the voting right of women. The changes that had begun in the field of education with the Tanzimat Reform Era, continued in the Second Constitutionalist Period. This was due to the fact that, rulers of the State gave more importance to the rights of women after the Revolution of the Young Turks and adopted a policy which aimed for the expansion of freedoms and socialization of women by saving then from conventionalism. Education became widespread, primary education was made compulsory and free and actions were taken to enable unity in education. After the junior high school, girls continued high school, while those who wanted, got 5 years of training at teaching school for girls.
The legal arrangements carried out in the Second Constitutionalist Period brought about some improvements for women. The Family Law was regulated with the Familial Affairs Decree issued in 1917. University teachers, including Ziya Gökalp, Ahmet Şuayb, İbrahim Hakkı and Mansure-zade Saib, had great influence in the issuing of this Decree. The Familial Affairs Decree changed the age limit for marriage. It became 17 for women and 18 for women. Furthermore, civil marriage ceremony performed by State officer with 2 marriage witnesses, was made compulsory.
Many women's magazines participated in the press life in the Second Constitutionalist Period. In this period, women were able to freely present their thoughts to the society through the articles they published in newspapers and journals. Women gathered under several associations and organizations such as the Association of Anatolian Women for the Defense of the Homeland (1913), Association of Women for Aiding the Families of Soldiers (1914), Association of Women for the Ottoman Navy (1912), The Service of Women (1908) and Association of Women's University Graduates (1910) and found the chance to express themselves in society.
Keywords: The Ottoman woman, Society, The Second Constitutionalist Period, Education, Law, Marriage.
During the 1973 Arab-Israeli conflict, the US wanted to use Turkish airspace, but Turkey declined to open its airspace. On October 9, 1973, the Soviet command suffered heavy losses in the war. The Soviets delivered 15 thousand tons of military aid using Turkish airspace to the region to support Egyptian and Syrian armies. This news has created a shock wave all over Europe and America. Because, Turkey is a NATO ally. On January 26, 1974 a coalition government was established under the Prime Ministership of Ecevit. The ban on opium cultivation due to pressure from the United States was removed by the Ecevit government on July 1, 1974. The military operation in Cyprus was successful. But Greece and some NATO allies were not happy with the situation. Although there was political instability between 1976 and 1977, the country called on elections one more time and Bülent Ecevit, who won the election in January 1978, claimed the office with a new government.
The tension experienced with certain intervals between America and Turkey during this period led to the reshaping of Turkey's foreign policy. Turkey started diplomatic contacts to consolidate its status at the region and its weight in the Middle East policies by establishing military, political and economic cooperation with its neighbor, Soviet Union.Prime Minister Ecevit, went to Moscow on June 21, 1978 and met with President, L. Brezhnev This article aims to comparatively juxtapose Ecevit's visit to Russia, the relationships between the two countries, its reflections on the Turkish press and Ecevit's interview with the British BBC channel on May 1978
Key Words: Turkey-Soviet Relations, Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit, Moscow Visit, Press, Foreign Policy, US Arms Embargo
Osmanlı devletinin başkenti İstanbul, Batı dünyasından pek çok seyyah, araştırmacı ve ressamın ilgisini her dönemde çekmeyi
başaran nadir başkentlerden biridir. Osmanlı sultanlarının yaşadığı sarayın bazı kısımlarının yabancı ziyaretçiler tarafından
gezilemiyor olması da Batı dünyası açısından hayli gizemli bir durumdu. 18 yüzyılda çeşitli mesleklerden ziyaretçisi bulunan
İstanbul’un hem mimari hem doğal güzellikleri gravür sanatçıları ve seyyahlar tarafından eserlerinde yer bulmuştur. Bu
sanatçılardan gravürleri en gerçekçi bulunan Sultan III. Selim’in baş mimarı olan Antonie Ignase Melling’dir. Melling dönemin
hemen hemen tüm önemli mimari eserlerinin inşasında çalışmış, bahçelerin peyzajıyla ilgilenmiştir. En ünlü eseri Sultan Selim
‘in ikamet ettiği Beşiktaş Sahil Sarayıdır. Bu önemli eser günümüze ulaşmadığı için Melling’in gravürü ve verdiği bilgiler
oldukça değerlidir. “A Picturesque Voyage to Constantinople and the Shores of the Bosphorus - Voyage Pittoresque de
Constantinople et des Rives du Bosphore” “İstanbul ve Boğaz Kıyılarına Pitoresk Seyahat” adlı eserde bulunan gravürler ve
ayrıca Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi’nden temin edilen belge ile bu makalede Beşiktaş Sarayı hakkında bilgiler vermeyi
Anahtar Sözcükler: İstanbul Gravürleri, A. Ignase Melling, Beşiktaş Sahil Sarayı, Sultan III. Selim
İstanbul, the capital of the Ottoman state, is one of the rare capitals that has managed to attract the interest of many travelers,
researchers and painters from the western world at all times. The fact that some parts of the palace where the Ottoman sultans
lived can not be visited by foreign wanderers was a mysterious situation in terms of the Western world. In the 18th century,
Istanbul, where visitors from various professions were found, both architectural and natural beauties were found in works by
gravure artists and travelers. Antonie Ignase Melling, the chief architect of Sultan Selim III, whose engravings were the most
realistic of these artists. Melling worked on almost all important architectural works of the period and was interested in the
landscaping of the gardens. His most famous work is the Neşatabad Palace, built for Sultan Selim's sister Hatice Sultan. In
addition to this palace, Besiktas seaside palace where Sultan Selim resides, Valide Sultan Mansion in Topkapi Palace, and
many houses and palaces in the Bosphorus also have Melling signatures. Since these important works acan not be reached day
by day Melling's engravings are invaluable in terms of the information they give. Sultan III. The tension that started
between Selim and Napoleon was also reflected in the artists living in Istanbul. Melling left Istanbul in this period.
He printed the engravings of Istanbul in a book. “A Picturesque Voyage to Constantinople and the Shores of the
Pittoresque de Constantinople et des Rives du Bosphore. This book is also one of the basic examples of travel
history of the 19th century. In this article, the engravings of Antoine Ignace Melling and the important
architectural works of Istanbul, which have reached daily, will be emphasized.
Keywords: Istanbul Engravings, A. Ignase Melling, The Palace and the Yalis, Sultan 3.Selim
Ece Yüksel
Anadolu coğrafyasında “eserler bırakmış olan Yunan, Roma, Bizans, Selçuklu ve Osmanlı eserleri, ülkemizi dünya çapında eski eserlerin bolluğu ve niteliği açısından önemli kılmaktadır. Osmanlı imparatorluğunun son dönemlerinde Osmanlı Hamdi Bey öncülüğünde başlayan Arkeolojik kazılar ve Müzecilik çalışmaları, Türkiye Cumhuriyet’inin kurucusu, M. Kemal Atatürk döneminde verilen değer ve önem sayesinde, Türk Arkeolojisini Batı standartlarıyla eşit şartlara getirmeyi başarmıştır. Atatürk ‘ün Türk Tarih Kurumunu kurması sayesinde, Türk arkeologlarının her türlü araç gereç, araştırma masrafları karşılanarak, Anadolu tarihi ve arkeolojisi adına önemli başarılara imza atması sağlanmıştır. Atatürk döneminde, devletin kültür politikası, Selçuklu ve Osmanlı devirleri haricinde, Eski Anadolu uygarlıklarına da önem verilerek, yapılan kazılar ile eski eserlerin dünya kültür mirası arasında yer almasına katkı sağlanmıştır. Genç Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, yeni ve modern kurumları içerisinde 136 müze kurarak, kazılarda çıkarılan eserler bu müzelerde sergilenmiştir. Türk arkeologların Anadolu’nun pek çok yerinde yürüttüğü kazılar ve kurulan müzelerde sergilenen koleksiyonlarda, Anadolu kültür tarihi içerisinde yer alan yeni bilgi, belge ve eserler Türk ve Dünya kamuoyuyla paylaşılmıştır.
Atatürk döneminde yurtdışına gönderilen Ekrem Akurgal, Sedat Alp, Halet Çambel, Muhibbe Darga, Muazzez İlmiye Çığ gibi daha pek çok bilim insanı, yurda döndükten sonra Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Tarih Coğrafya Fakültesi bünyesinde kurulan Arkeoloji, Hititoloji ve Sümeroloji kürsülerinde öğrencilerini yetiştirmeye başlamışlardır.
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin ilk kadın arkeologlarından Muhibbe Darga, II. Abdülhamit ‘in Başmabeyincisi Darugazade Mehmet Emin Bey’in torunu, Dr. Sait Darga’nın kızıdır. 1921 doğumludur. İstanbul üniversitesi Arkeoloji bölümü mezunu Muhibbe Hanım 1947’de doktor, 1965’te doçent 1973’te profesör unvanını aldı. Karatepe, Gedikli, Değirmentepe kazılarına katılan Darga , Şemsiyetepe ve Şarhöyük kazılarına başkanlık etmiştir. Muhibbe Darga , Prof . Th . Bosset , Prof .Dr. Bahadır Alkım ve Prof. Dr. Halet Çambel ile Karatepe kazılarında Hitit hiyerogliflerinin çözümlenmesi üzerine çalışmalar yapmışlardır.“Arkeolojisiz yaşayabileceğimi düşünmüyorum, Arkeoloji benim aşkım ve senelerdir bu işin içindeyim. İmkânları, ortamı olduğu zaman bir kadının yapamayacağı hiçbir şey yoktur“ sözleriyle “Arkeolojinin Delikanlısı Muhibbe Darga “ , Türkiye Cumhuriyetin Kültür Tarihine yaptığı katkılar ile gelecek nesillere ve bilim insanlarına iyi bir örnek ve ilham kaynağıdır.
1989-1991 kazı döneminde Eskişehir Müzesi ile beraber Şarköy Antik Dorylaion ören yeri kazı başkanlığını üstlenen Darga ,bu son çalışmasında öğrencileri ile birlikte çalışmıştır. Darga, Türk Tarih Kurumu ve Alman Arkeoloji Enstitüsü üyesidir. Ülkemizin ilk kadın arkeologlarından Muhibbe Darga , 6 Mart 2018 tarihinde vefat etmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Muhibbe Darga, Atatürk, Arkeoloji, Müzecilik, Kadın Arkeologlar
The Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman works, which have left their vestiges in Anatolia, make our country important in terms of the abundance and quality of world class ancient artifacts. Archaeological excavations and museology works pioneered by Osman Hamdi Bey in the last period of the Ottoman Empire, has managed to bring the Turkish archaeology to equal terms with Western standards thanks to the value and importance given during the period of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of the Republic of Turkey. Thanks to Atatürk's founding the Turkish Historical Society, all kinds of equipment and research expenses of the Turkish archaeologists were met and they were able to achieve significant achievements in the name of Anatolian history and archaeology. In the Atatürk period, Ancient Anatolian Civilizations, other than the Ottoman and Seljuk era, were attached importance as the culture policy of the state, and the ancient works' getting their place among the world cultural heritage was ensured with the excavations conducted. The young Republic of Turkey has established 136 museums within the scope of modern institutions and the works explored in the excavations were exhibited in these museums. In the excavations carried out by the Turkish archaeologists in many parts of Anatolia and the collections exhibited in the museums established, new information, documents and works that take place in Anatolian culture history are shared with the Turkish and the world public. Many scientists, such as Ekrem Akurgal, Sedat Alp, Halet Çambel, Muhibbe Darga, Muazzez İlmiye Çığ, who were sent abroad during the Atatürk period, started to educate their students in the departments of Archeology, Hittitology and Sumerology established within the Faculty of Language, History and Geography of Ankara University.
Muhibbe Darga, grand daughter of II. Abdulhamit's Head chamberlain Darugazade Mehmet Emin Bey, who is one of the first woman archaeologists of the Republic of Turkey is the daughter of Dr. Sait Darga. She was born in 1921. Miss Muhibbe, who was graduated from the Archaeology Department of Istanbul University, earned the title of Doctor in 1947, associated professor in 1965 and professor in 1973. Darga attended the Karatepe, Gedikli and Değirmentepe excavations and chaired the Şemsiyettepe and Şarhöyük excavations. Muhibbe Darga, Prof. Th. Bosset, Prof.Dr. Bahadır Alkım and Prof. Dr. They have conducted joint studies with Halet Çambel on the decipherment of Hittite hieroglyphs in the Karatepe excavations. Muhibbe Darga who is the “gazebo of archaeology"is a role model and source of inspiration for the next generations and scientists with her contributions to the Culture History of the Republic of Turkey said that "I cannot think that I can live without archaeology, archaeology is my passion and I am involved in it for years. When she finds the means and medium, there is nothing a women cant't do“ .
Darga, who assumed the chairmanship of the Şarköy Antique Dorylaion archaeological site excavations with the Eskişehir Museum in the 1989-1991 period, worked with her students in this very last work of hers. Darga is a member of Turkish Historical Society and German Archeology Institute. Muhibbe Darga, one of the first female archaeologists of our country, died on March 6, 2018.
Key Words: Muhibbe Darga, Atatürk, Archaeology, Museology , Woman Archaeologists
A Neturei Karta-Specific Review
One can collect the communities living in the State of Israel, established in the Middle East in 1948 after the end of the Second World War, under two subheadings as Modern and Ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) Jews. The Zionism-advocates are the Modern Orthodox Jews. Thanks to their anti-Zionist demonstrations, the Haredi Jews have quickly gained a worldwide popularity. The Haredi Jews have different subgroups. The first group is Hasidic Jews, the followers of Hasidic Judaism. Hasidism emerged in Poland as a belief or doctrine with the development of anti-Semitic ideas that had arisen since the end of the 18th century. The Hasidic Jews, led by Rabbi Israel Ben Eliezer, are very sensitive aboutobeying the commandments and prohibitions written in their holy book Torah. Taking a firm stand on the traditional attitude of Judaism, Hasidic Jews see no harm in expressing their feelings in an excessive manner during religious ceremonies and rituals. Hasidics Jews start to learn the religious teachings at the age of 5 and show an effort to live up to the 613 commandments throughout their lives. The boys' hairs are shaved. Some parts of the hair are left to grow long to be given a wavy shape afterwards. They wear ''Kippah'' which is a part of Jewish tradition. Wearing robes and black hats besides white shirts inside their suits, adult Hasidic men immediately stand out in the society with their crimped hairs. Hasidic young men are not conscripted like their peers in Israel when they reach the eligible age. Rather, they continue their education. Traditionally, the Hasidic Jews celebrate the New Year in Ukraine every year.
Arguing that living together with Arab Muslim people would pose no problem for them, Hasidic Jews are strongly opposed to Zionism.
On the Mavi Marmara incident that took place between the Republic of Turkey and Israel on May 31, 2010, The Hasidic Jews condemned Israel for her intervention to a ship delivering humanitarian aid to Palestine which resulted in armed conflict and casualties. Similarly, the statement made by US President Donald Trump on December 6, 2017, declaring the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, also had a similar result with Hasidic condemnation of the US.
Our study aims to analyze the struggle of the Hasidic Jews, a branch of Orthodox Judaism, against Israel's Zionist policy within the context of past and recent events comparatively.
Keywords: Israel, Zionism, Orthodox Jews, Hasidics Jews, Haredi Jews.
these civilizations have an important place in world cultural history. In the last period of the
Ottoman Empire, the works carried out by the Ottoman Hamdi Bey continued after the
proclamation of the Republic.
Ekrem Akurgal, who was sent abroad with the scholarship granted by the state, received
education in the fields such as Sedat Alp, Halet Çambel, Muazzez İlmiye Çığ, Archeology
and Hittitology. After returning to Turkey, these names have been educated by their own
students in different departments such as Archeology and Hittitology established within the
Faculty of Language, History and Geography of Ankara University. Muhibbe Darga, II. The grandson of Darugazade Mehmet Emin Bey, the Chief Chief Officer
of Abdulhamid. She is the daughter of Mr. Sait. He was born in 1921. He is a graduate of
Istanbul University, Department of Archeology. He became a doctor in 1947, associate
professor in 1965 and professor in 1973. He participated in the Karatepe, Gedikli and
Değirmentepe excavations and headed the Şemsiyetepe excavations. Muhibbe Darga,
Professor The. Bosset, Dr. Prof. Bahadır Alkım and Prof.Dr. Dr. He analyzed the Hittite
hieroglyphs in the Karatepe excavations together with Halet Çambel.
During the 1989-1991 excavation period, he worked as the head of excavation at the
Dorylaion ruins together with the Eskişehir Museum. Darga is a member of the Turkish
Historical Society and the German Archaeological Institute. Muhibbe Darga, one of the first
female archaeologists in Turkey, passed away on March 6, 2018.
Keywords: Muhibbe Darga, Republic, Archeology, Museology, Women Archeologists .
In 1853, as a result of the events that started with Russia's attack on the port of Sinop and burning the Ottoman Navy, the Ottoman Empire decided to declare war. In 1854, the British and the French, and in 1855, the Kingdom of Sardinia joined the Crimean War taking sides with the Ottoman Empire. This incident is very important for European diplomacy. After the ongoing conflicts in Crimea, Caucasus and Rumelia, the Crimean War ended with the Paris Peace Treaty signed on 25 February 1856.
Among the soldiers who fought in the Ottoman army for the Crimean War were those from the Syrian-Lebanese province. After the war, in memory of these soldiers who were martyred in the Crimean War, Mount Lebanon Governor Nasri Franko Pasha ordered the construction of a monument in the Belgrade Forest. This work named Şüheda Makberesi is known to have been built in 1870 (1871?). The aim of this article is to give information about the Crimean War, which has an important place in the history of the Ottoman Empire, and which shaped the process resulting in the Tanzimat and Islahat Firman (Edict of Reformations), and the Şüheda Makberesi Monument built in memory of the soldiers who were martyred in the war. I take this occasion to commemorate our soldiers who were martyred in the Crimean War.
Keywords: Crimean War, Şüheda Makberesi Monument, Nasri Franko Pasha, Russia, Ottoman Empire.
Cumhuriyet döneminde 1929 yılında 1416 Sayılı “Ecnebi Memleketlere Gönderilecek Talebe Hakkında Kanun” çıkartılmıştır Kanun ile tarih alanında gönderilenler arasında, bulunan Ekrem Akurgal, arkeolog olarak yurda geri dönmüştür.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Cumhuriyet, Ekrem Akurgal, Arkeoloji, Atatürk, Maarif Vekaleti
The traditional status of woman in the Ottoman society began to change with the proclamation of the Imperial Edict of Gülhane. Though not involving a special provision for women, the Edict brought about some innovations in the dressing of women and schools were opened for girls. The greatest achievement of this Edict was the opening of junior high schools for girls. In that period, students who received education in these schools for girls defended the voting right of women. The changes that had begun in the field of education with the Tanzimat Reform Era, continued in the Second Constitutionalist Period. This was due to the fact that, rulers of the State gave more importance to the rights of women after the Revolution of the Young Turks and adopted a policy which aimed for the expansion of freedoms and socialization of women by saving then from conventionalism. Education became widespread, primary education was made compulsory and free and actions were taken to enable unity in education. After the junior high school, girls continued high school, while those who wanted, got 5 years of training at teaching school for girls.
The legal arrangements carried out in the Second Constitutionalist Period brought about some improvements for women. The Family Law was regulated with the Familial Affairs Decree issued in 1917. University teachers, including Ziya Gökalp, Ahmet Şuayb, İbrahim Hakkı and Mansure-zade Saib, had great influence in the issuing of this Decree. The Familial Affairs Decree changed the age limit for marriage. It became 17 for women and 18 for women. Furthermore, civil marriage ceremony performed by State officer with 2 marriage witnesses, was made compulsory.
Many women's magazines participated in the press life in the Second Constitutionalist Period. In this period, women were able to freely present their thoughts to the society through the articles they published in newspapers and journals. Women gathered under several associations and organizations such as the Association of Anatolian Women for the Defense of the Homeland (1913), Association of Women for Aiding the Families of Soldiers (1914), Association of Women for the Ottoman Navy (1912), The Service of Women (1908) and Association of Women's University Graduates (1910) and found the chance to express themselves in society.
Keywords: The Ottoman woman, Society, The Second Constitutionalist Period, Education, Law, Marriage.
During the 1973 Arab-Israeli conflict, the US wanted to use Turkish airspace, but Turkey declined to open its airspace. On October 9, 1973, the Soviet command suffered heavy losses in the war. The Soviets delivered 15 thousand tons of military aid using Turkish airspace to the region to support Egyptian and Syrian armies. This news has created a shock wave all over Europe and America. Because, Turkey is a NATO ally. On January 26, 1974 a coalition government was established under the Prime Ministership of Ecevit. The ban on opium cultivation due to pressure from the United States was removed by the Ecevit government on July 1, 1974. The military operation in Cyprus was successful. But Greece and some NATO allies were not happy with the situation. Although there was political instability between 1976 and 1977, the country called on elections one more time and Bülent Ecevit, who won the election in January 1978, claimed the office with a new government.
The tension experienced with certain intervals between America and Turkey during this period led to the reshaping of Turkey's foreign policy. Turkey started diplomatic contacts to consolidate its status at the region and its weight in the Middle East policies by establishing military, political and economic cooperation with its neighbor, Soviet Union.Prime Minister Ecevit, went to Moscow on June 21, 1978 and met with President, L. Brezhnev This article aims to comparatively juxtapose Ecevit's visit to Russia, the relationships between the two countries, its reflections on the Turkish press and Ecevit's interview with the British BBC channel on May 1978
Key Words: Turkey-Soviet Relations, Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit, Moscow Visit, Press, Foreign Policy, US Arms Embargo
Osmanlı devletinin başkenti İstanbul, Batı dünyasından pek çok seyyah, araştırmacı ve ressamın ilgisini her dönemde çekmeyi
başaran nadir başkentlerden biridir. Osmanlı sultanlarının yaşadığı sarayın bazı kısımlarının yabancı ziyaretçiler tarafından
gezilemiyor olması da Batı dünyası açısından hayli gizemli bir durumdu. 18 yüzyılda çeşitli mesleklerden ziyaretçisi bulunan
İstanbul’un hem mimari hem doğal güzellikleri gravür sanatçıları ve seyyahlar tarafından eserlerinde yer bulmuştur. Bu
sanatçılardan gravürleri en gerçekçi bulunan Sultan III. Selim’in baş mimarı olan Antonie Ignase Melling’dir. Melling dönemin
hemen hemen tüm önemli mimari eserlerinin inşasında çalışmış, bahçelerin peyzajıyla ilgilenmiştir. En ünlü eseri Sultan Selim
‘in ikamet ettiği Beşiktaş Sahil Sarayıdır. Bu önemli eser günümüze ulaşmadığı için Melling’in gravürü ve verdiği bilgiler
oldukça değerlidir. “A Picturesque Voyage to Constantinople and the Shores of the Bosphorus - Voyage Pittoresque de
Constantinople et des Rives du Bosphore” “İstanbul ve Boğaz Kıyılarına Pitoresk Seyahat” adlı eserde bulunan gravürler ve
ayrıca Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi’nden temin edilen belge ile bu makalede Beşiktaş Sarayı hakkında bilgiler vermeyi
Anahtar Sözcükler: İstanbul Gravürleri, A. Ignase Melling, Beşiktaş Sahil Sarayı, Sultan III. Selim
İstanbul, the capital of the Ottoman state, is one of the rare capitals that has managed to attract the interest of many travelers,
researchers and painters from the western world at all times. The fact that some parts of the palace where the Ottoman sultans
lived can not be visited by foreign wanderers was a mysterious situation in terms of the Western world. In the 18th century,
Istanbul, where visitors from various professions were found, both architectural and natural beauties were found in works by
gravure artists and travelers. Antonie Ignase Melling, the chief architect of Sultan Selim III, whose engravings were the most
realistic of these artists. Melling worked on almost all important architectural works of the period and was interested in the
landscaping of the gardens. His most famous work is the Neşatabad Palace, built for Sultan Selim's sister Hatice Sultan. In
addition to this palace, Besiktas seaside palace where Sultan Selim resides, Valide Sultan Mansion in Topkapi Palace, and
many houses and palaces in the Bosphorus also have Melling signatures. Since these important works acan not be reached day
by day Melling's engravings are invaluable in terms of the information they give. Sultan III. The tension that started
between Selim and Napoleon was also reflected in the artists living in Istanbul. Melling left Istanbul in this period.
He printed the engravings of Istanbul in a book. “A Picturesque Voyage to Constantinople and the Shores of the
Pittoresque de Constantinople et des Rives du Bosphore. This book is also one of the basic examples of travel
history of the 19th century. In this article, the engravings of Antoine Ignace Melling and the important
architectural works of Istanbul, which have reached daily, will be emphasized.
Keywords: Istanbul Engravings, A. Ignase Melling, The Palace and the Yalis, Sultan 3.Selim
Ece Yüksel
Anadolu coğrafyasında “eserler bırakmış olan Yunan, Roma, Bizans, Selçuklu ve Osmanlı eserleri, ülkemizi dünya çapında eski eserlerin bolluğu ve niteliği açısından önemli kılmaktadır. Osmanlı imparatorluğunun son dönemlerinde Osmanlı Hamdi Bey öncülüğünde başlayan Arkeolojik kazılar ve Müzecilik çalışmaları, Türkiye Cumhuriyet’inin kurucusu, M. Kemal Atatürk döneminde verilen değer ve önem sayesinde, Türk Arkeolojisini Batı standartlarıyla eşit şartlara getirmeyi başarmıştır. Atatürk ‘ün Türk Tarih Kurumunu kurması sayesinde, Türk arkeologlarının her türlü araç gereç, araştırma masrafları karşılanarak, Anadolu tarihi ve arkeolojisi adına önemli başarılara imza atması sağlanmıştır. Atatürk döneminde, devletin kültür politikası, Selçuklu ve Osmanlı devirleri haricinde, Eski Anadolu uygarlıklarına da önem verilerek, yapılan kazılar ile eski eserlerin dünya kültür mirası arasında yer almasına katkı sağlanmıştır. Genç Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, yeni ve modern kurumları içerisinde 136 müze kurarak, kazılarda çıkarılan eserler bu müzelerde sergilenmiştir. Türk arkeologların Anadolu’nun pek çok yerinde yürüttüğü kazılar ve kurulan müzelerde sergilenen koleksiyonlarda, Anadolu kültür tarihi içerisinde yer alan yeni bilgi, belge ve eserler Türk ve Dünya kamuoyuyla paylaşılmıştır.
Atatürk döneminde yurtdışına gönderilen Ekrem Akurgal, Sedat Alp, Halet Çambel, Muhibbe Darga, Muazzez İlmiye Çığ gibi daha pek çok bilim insanı, yurda döndükten sonra Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Tarih Coğrafya Fakültesi bünyesinde kurulan Arkeoloji, Hititoloji ve Sümeroloji kürsülerinde öğrencilerini yetiştirmeye başlamışlardır.
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin ilk kadın arkeologlarından Muhibbe Darga, II. Abdülhamit ‘in Başmabeyincisi Darugazade Mehmet Emin Bey’in torunu, Dr. Sait Darga’nın kızıdır. 1921 doğumludur. İstanbul üniversitesi Arkeoloji bölümü mezunu Muhibbe Hanım 1947’de doktor, 1965’te doçent 1973’te profesör unvanını aldı. Karatepe, Gedikli, Değirmentepe kazılarına katılan Darga , Şemsiyetepe ve Şarhöyük kazılarına başkanlık etmiştir. Muhibbe Darga , Prof . Th . Bosset , Prof .Dr. Bahadır Alkım ve Prof. Dr. Halet Çambel ile Karatepe kazılarında Hitit hiyerogliflerinin çözümlenmesi üzerine çalışmalar yapmışlardır.“Arkeolojisiz yaşayabileceğimi düşünmüyorum, Arkeoloji benim aşkım ve senelerdir bu işin içindeyim. İmkânları, ortamı olduğu zaman bir kadının yapamayacağı hiçbir şey yoktur“ sözleriyle “Arkeolojinin Delikanlısı Muhibbe Darga “ , Türkiye Cumhuriyetin Kültür Tarihine yaptığı katkılar ile gelecek nesillere ve bilim insanlarına iyi bir örnek ve ilham kaynağıdır.
1989-1991 kazı döneminde Eskişehir Müzesi ile beraber Şarköy Antik Dorylaion ören yeri kazı başkanlığını üstlenen Darga ,bu son çalışmasında öğrencileri ile birlikte çalışmıştır. Darga, Türk Tarih Kurumu ve Alman Arkeoloji Enstitüsü üyesidir. Ülkemizin ilk kadın arkeologlarından Muhibbe Darga , 6 Mart 2018 tarihinde vefat etmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Muhibbe Darga, Atatürk, Arkeoloji, Müzecilik, Kadın Arkeologlar
The Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman works, which have left their vestiges in Anatolia, make our country important in terms of the abundance and quality of world class ancient artifacts. Archaeological excavations and museology works pioneered by Osman Hamdi Bey in the last period of the Ottoman Empire, has managed to bring the Turkish archaeology to equal terms with Western standards thanks to the value and importance given during the period of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of the Republic of Turkey. Thanks to Atatürk's founding the Turkish Historical Society, all kinds of equipment and research expenses of the Turkish archaeologists were met and they were able to achieve significant achievements in the name of Anatolian history and archaeology. In the Atatürk period, Ancient Anatolian Civilizations, other than the Ottoman and Seljuk era, were attached importance as the culture policy of the state, and the ancient works' getting their place among the world cultural heritage was ensured with the excavations conducted. The young Republic of Turkey has established 136 museums within the scope of modern institutions and the works explored in the excavations were exhibited in these museums. In the excavations carried out by the Turkish archaeologists in many parts of Anatolia and the collections exhibited in the museums established, new information, documents and works that take place in Anatolian culture history are shared with the Turkish and the world public. Many scientists, such as Ekrem Akurgal, Sedat Alp, Halet Çambel, Muhibbe Darga, Muazzez İlmiye Çığ, who were sent abroad during the Atatürk period, started to educate their students in the departments of Archeology, Hittitology and Sumerology established within the Faculty of Language, History and Geography of Ankara University.
Muhibbe Darga, grand daughter of II. Abdulhamit's Head chamberlain Darugazade Mehmet Emin Bey, who is one of the first woman archaeologists of the Republic of Turkey is the daughter of Dr. Sait Darga. She was born in 1921. Miss Muhibbe, who was graduated from the Archaeology Department of Istanbul University, earned the title of Doctor in 1947, associated professor in 1965 and professor in 1973. Darga attended the Karatepe, Gedikli and Değirmentepe excavations and chaired the Şemsiyettepe and Şarhöyük excavations. Muhibbe Darga, Prof. Th. Bosset, Prof.Dr. Bahadır Alkım and Prof. Dr. They have conducted joint studies with Halet Çambel on the decipherment of Hittite hieroglyphs in the Karatepe excavations. Muhibbe Darga who is the “gazebo of archaeology"is a role model and source of inspiration for the next generations and scientists with her contributions to the Culture History of the Republic of Turkey said that "I cannot think that I can live without archaeology, archaeology is my passion and I am involved in it for years. When she finds the means and medium, there is nothing a women cant't do“ .
Darga, who assumed the chairmanship of the Şarköy Antique Dorylaion archaeological site excavations with the Eskişehir Museum in the 1989-1991 period, worked with her students in this very last work of hers. Darga is a member of Turkish Historical Society and German Archeology Institute. Muhibbe Darga, one of the first female archaeologists of our country, died on March 6, 2018.
Key Words: Muhibbe Darga, Atatürk, Archaeology, Museology , Woman Archaeologists
pestis, and it has influenced the whole world in the middle ages. Istanbul, the
capital of the Ottoman Empire, remained the capital of Byzantine until 1453,
although it was surrounded by different states throughout history. The
surrender of Istanbul by the Turks is a great military success that changes
the world history as much as Turkish history. The people of Konstantiniyye
faced many epidemic diseases due to food shortage, especially clean water.
One of the biggest enemies of the city people, who are already psychologically
damaged, is the plague. In this article, the plague epidemic in the city during
the siege of Constantinople by the Ottoman army was examined. In this
study, the surrender process and plague epidemic are evaluated by taking
the works of Byzantine historians as the primary sources of the period.
Keywords: II. Mehmet, Constantinapol, Plague, Conquest, Byzantine
ISBN: 978-605-68880-0-7
ABSTRACT İstanbul, the capital of the Ottoman state, is one of the rare capitals that has managed to attract the interest of many travelers, researchers and painters from the western world at all times. The fact that some parts of the palace where the Ottoman sultans lived can not be visited by foreign wanderers was a mysterious situation in terms of the Western world. In the 18th century, Istanbul, where visitors from various professions were found, both architectural and natural beauties were found in works by gravure artists and travelers. Antonie Ignase Melling, the chief architect of Sultan Selim III, whose engravings were the most realistic of these artists. Melling worked on almost all important architectural works of the period and was interested in the landscaping of the gardens. His most famous work is the Neşatabad Palace, built for Sultan Selim's sister Hatice Sultan. In addition to this palace, Besiktas seaside palace where Sultan Selim resides, Valide Sultan Mansion in Topkapi Palace, and many houses and palaces in the Bosphorus also have Melling signatures. Since these important works acan not be reached day by day Melling's engravings are invaluable in terms of the information they give. Sultan III. The tension that started between Selim and Napoleon was also reflected in the artists living in Istanbul. Melling left Istanbul in this period. He printed the engravings of Istanbul in a book. “A Picturesque Voyage to Constantinople and the Shores of the Bosphorus-Voyage Pittoresque de Constantinople et des Rives du Bosphore. This book is also one of the basic examples of travel history of the 19th century. In this article, the engravings of Antoine Ignace Melling and the important architectural works of Istanbul, which have reached daily, will be emphasized.
Keywords: Istanbul Engravings, A. Ignase Melling, The Palace and the Yalis, Sultan 3.Selim
1853 yılında, Rusya’nın Sinop limanı baskı ve Osmanlı donanmasını yakması ile başlayan gelişmeler sonucu Osmanlı Devleti savaş kararı almıştır. 1854’te İngiliz ve Fransızlar, 1855’te ise Sardunya Krallığı, Osmanlı Devletinin yanında olarak Kırım Savaşına dâhil olmuşlardır. Bu durum, Avrupa diplomasi açısından oldukça önemlidir. Kırım, Kafkaslar ve Rumeli’de devam eden çatışmalardan sonra, Kırım Savaşı 25 Şubat 1856 tarihinde imzalanan Paris Barış Antlaşması ile sona ermiştir.
Kırım Savaşı için Osmanlı ordusunda savaşan askerler arasında, Suriye-Lübnan vilayetinden gelenlerde vardır. Savaştan sonra, Kırım Savaşında şehit olan bu askerler anısına Cebel-i Lübnan valisi Nasri Franko Paşa, tarafından Belgrad Ormanı içerisinde bir anıt inşa edilmesi talimatı verilmiştir. Şüheda Makberesi adlı bu eserin 1870 (1871?) tarihinde inşa edildiği bilinmektedir. Bu makale ile Osmanlı tarihinde önemli bir yere sahip olan ve sonuçları ile Tanzimat ve Islahat Fermanının kabulüne uzanan bir sürece şekil veren Kırım Savaşı ve savaşta şehit olan askerler anısına inşa edilen Şüheda Makberesi Anıtı hakkında bilgi verilmesi hedeflemektedir. Bu vesile ile Kırım Savaşında şehit olan askerlerimizi rahmetle anıyorum.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Kırım Savaşı, Şüheda Makberesi Anıtı, Nasri Franko Paşa, Rusya, Osmanlı Devleti.
‘’If the Scorpions (Christians) set the sea with ships, if the flags of the Venetian Doge , the Pope, the French and Spanish kings are on the coast of Rumelia, the reason is only your betrayal and my tolerance. However, I suppose I would like to have a strong and dense navy.’’
Yavuz Sultan Selim
Suez, which is an important port city belonging to Egypt and located in the north of the Red Sea, has been an important military and commercial center throughout history. That is why the region attracted the attention of Portuguese sailors and pirates.
The first Shipyard of the Ottoman Empire was built in Gallipoli. In parallel with the expansion of the Ottoman Empire, a shipyard was built in Istanbul on the Golden Horn. The name of this Shipyard built in the Golden Horn is Galata. Galata Shipyard has gradually become the center of maritime activities. It is known that it was given its final shape during the reign of Yavuz Sultan Selim, after a few additions were made during the time of Fatih Sultan Mehmet. He gave the order to build new shipyards in order to strengthen the navy before Yavuz Sultan Selim's campaign to Egypt. Shipyards were built on the Black Sea and Mediterranean coasts, especially in Istanbul and Gallipoli. Mediterranean type warships were built in the Suez shipyard , one of the shipyards built during this period. After the conquest of Egypt in 1517, when Yavuz's army conquered Egypt, the Suez shipyard for the Ottomans, who took control of Yemen in 1526 and the Gulf of Aden in 1538 and tried to make their domination permanent, the Red Sea, which was dominated by the Ottoman Empire after this date. It became a naval base in the vast geography stretching from the Indian Ocean to the Indian Ocean. Ottoman Navy located in the Red Sea.Mediterranean type ships. It is possible to say that the number of ships built varies depending on the characteristics of the period.
Within the scope of this study, it is aimed to contribute to the literature by making an evaluation in the light of archive documents about the Suez shipyard , which built ships for the Ottoman Navy and was an important base in the Mediterranean.
Keywords: Suez shipyard , Yavuz Sultan Selim, Red Sea, Mediterranean, navy.
As one of the important figures of Turkish political life; Tansu Ciller, an economics professor whom President Suleyman Demirel addressed as “My Daughter" and led her to step in politics, started her political career at the True Path Party (Doğru Yol Partisi) in 1990. She was elected as the member of parliament from Istanbul in 1991 elections. Ciller served as the state minister in charge of the economy in the coalition government established with the Social Democratic People's Party with Suleyman Demirel as prime minister.
After the death of the 8th President Turgut Ozal, Suleyman Demirel was elected as the president and left the position of the prime minister and chairman of the True Path Party. Tansu Ciller elected as the chairman of the True Path Party on June 13, 1993, with the highest number of votes and also became Turkey's first female prime minister. She served as prime minister in the 50th, 51st and 52nd governments formed from June 1993 to March 1996.
Since she is Turkey's first female prime minister, Tansu Ciller governments are periods that should be examined specifically with women's projects and women's policies. Within the scope of this study; the perspective of the current ideology of the period on the concept of women will be essentially examined in the first part. The introduction will provide information on the women's policies of the governments formed before the Ciller Governments. Studies on women's problems and women's rights conducted during the periods of these governments will be evaluated. In Chapter 1, data on Ciller governments' (1993-1996) women's policies and practices conducted on women will be presented, supported by media reports. In Chapter 2, how successful the government programs were and their shortcomings will be focused on and the study will be concluded with an overall assessment. With this study, it is aimed to contribute to both women's projects and literature of Turkish Political Life by analyzing the women's policies of Governments of Tansu Ciller, Turkey's first and only elected female prime minister so far.
Keywords: First Women Prime Minister, Tansu Ciller, Political Life, Women's Studies, True Path Party.