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The broad span of Logistics Management encompasses control of time, place, movement, energy (efforts, labor), as well as the positioning, stance and movement of products, materials, commodities, and people. This study coins the term... more
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ABSTRACT The broad span of Logistics Management encompasses control of time, place, movement, energy (efforts, labor), as well as the positioning, stance and movement of products, materials, commodities, and people. This study coins... more
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PROMISE MANAGEMENT AND THE ROLE OF LOGISTICS IN BRANDING Ömer Baybars Tek Yaşar University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of International Logistics. İzmir, Turkey Abstract Main focus of the paper is first... more
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The word is getting more polluted each day. Fortunately, consumers are now more aware and concern about environmental issues. Customers are expecting the same sensitivity to the environment in both the marketing and the production... more
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s-Events hold an important role for the profit and non-profit activities. Today, Event Management has become a scientific discipline. Inherently, Events involve some uncertainties. Therefore the organization of Event Management and their... more
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Globalization is transforming the branding activities in ways never been imagined a century ago. As companies reach out across borders and are inspired to become more globalized, competition has become more challenging. The pressures of... more
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In the last decades, improvements on the technology leads great improvements on the elevator sector and building sector. High-rise buildings have become more common and elevator systems have been improved relatively with the needs of the... more
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    • Multi Criteria Decision Making
Automative sector is one of the three leading sectors in the World. Increasements on the sale rates is mot the only sequences of this power of the sector, but it ends up with the reverse logistics activities. Most important reverse... more
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Sports have evolved into a more professional and industrial sector in the last decades and the usage of analytical decision making methods in sports clubs has gained importance than ever. Decision makers in sports clubs have to make many... more
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Sporun endüstriyelleşmesinden sonra, stadyumlar sadece bir oyun alanı olmaktan çok daha fazlası haline gelmiştir. Buna göre, bir stadyum için en iyi yeri seçmek spor kulüpleri için önemli bir problemdir. Bu çalışmada, stadyum yeri... more
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    • Development of Sports Stadiums
Günümüzde, artan küreselleşmenin bir sonucu olarak, dış ticarette en yaygın kullanılan taşımacılık modu olan denizyolu taşımacılığının önemi de son derece artmıştır. Üretimin Batı pazarlarından, Doğu pazarlarına kaymasıyla birlikte, Doğu... more
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    • Logistics Management
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Since 2008, private shopping sites have been amongst the leading business models in the world. However, with the growing number of these companies, there are some problems which are declared by the customers through online platforms.... more
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    • Customer Complaints
Urbanization has been evolved both in developed and emerging countries in the world. Increase of urban population, mobility, the usage of internet and computerized systems, environmental friendly applications are likely to lead dynamic... more
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