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Petani lahan kering belum berperan mendukung ketahanan pangan. Sebagian besar petani adalah petani kecil dengan kapasitas yang rendah untuk menghasilkan pangan. Penelitian bertujuan merumuskan rekomendasi kebijakan untuk meningkatkan... more
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An agricultural development approach that is centralized, top down, and applied linear communication (transfer of technology) puts farmers as a tool to achieve national's goals (rice self-sufficiency) and makes them dependant to the... more
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Pembangunan pertanian belum menciptakan petani yang berdaya. Sebagian besar petani Indonesia adalah petani kecil yang pendapatan rendah, sehingga tergolong penduduk miskin. Kondisi ini menyebabkan ketidaktahanan pangan pada sebagian besar... more
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The lack of village apparatus capacity has caused government implementation, development and community services not optimal. The purpose of the study is to analyze the level of capacity of village government of�icials on aspects of... more
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The implementation of regional innovation has not been effective in improving public services and regional competitiveness. Several factors are considered to be an obstacle to implementing regional innovation, namely regulation,... more
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The most crucial issue of money politics in the election is the high cost of contestation borne by candidates in the election process. The study's objective is to analyze the causes of high political costs in regional head elections... more
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A neutral state civil apparatus will guarantee stability in the government. However, the facts show that the local government's bureaucracy gets political intervention in determining positions. The study aims to describe phenomena of... more
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