? ?

Hello and welcome... Yankees Picture of the Day - your 'one-a-day' picture resource.

Player candids, action shots, fans, around the stadium, the opposition screwing up plays to our advantage. All here with commentary.

All images increase in size upon clicking.

[Extra Edition] I don't think we need a makeover just yet...
!comms yankees-potd
When two of Anj's favourite things collide...

Ty and a EM:HE family meet the Yankees...

Ty Pennington brings one of his Extreme Makeover: Home Edition families to the stadium to announce that their home would be getting a makeover, and to meet members of the team.

More on the family...borrowed from the Yankees official website...Collapse )

[Extra Edition] They Don't Sell This Shit At Modells...
!comms yankees-potd
Yankees are in your orbit, pwning your planet...

Garrett Reisman rocks the Yankees love...

Reisman: "Ump, you suck! I can see from here that was a fucking ball..."

Astronaut Dr. Garrett Reisman rocks the Yankees love as he dons his space suit to spend seven hours and 25 minutes installing an antenna on the International Space Station from Space Shuttle Atlantis, 250 miles above the earth.

And two more up here...Collapse )

For the record, when he gets home, he needs to throw out a ceremonial first pitch...

[mod post] yankees_potd is hiring!
!comms yankees-potd
As you may have noticed, there have been virtually no POTD so far this season. This is because I have a lot of stuff going on at the moment - serious real-life stuff - that means after games and my duties at yankeesfans, I pretty much don't have the time for much else on the Internet but trying to deal with all this stuff.

So, I am looking for one, maybe two people to join the yankees_potd staff. If you're interested, post a comment here with:
- your name.
- email address.
- the reason why you'd like to join the staff.
- an example POTD for the Minnesota game on May 14th.

Successful applicants will be expected to make at least one POTD post per series and will be given posting access to do this.

Comments are screened to keep applications private.

April 29th \\ vs. BAL \\ @ Camden Yards
!comms yankees-potd

Robbie rounds the bases after hitting a home run in the 4th inning.

He's just been unbelievably good so far this season.

Extra Edition \\ The Yankees Meet The President
!comms yankees-potd

You can download the video to keep at the YouTube page. (Just click the title of the video to go there.)

Opening Day 2010
!comms yankees-potd
Opening Day 2010 Cover featuring the Yankees 2009 World Series Champion Ring

Five pictures under the cut...Collapse )

Spring Training Photoshoot - UPDATE!
!comms yankees-potd
I have updated the download from yesterday's post with a new archive containing more pictures - addition of some players not previously included plus lots of new ones of all players - especially Mark Teixeira. (My apologies for the ones with the incorrect orientation - I downloaded them like that and didn't get around to sorting them.)

The new archive can be downloaded [here]

Spring Training Photoshoot
!comms yankees-potd
Squad Photoshoot Cover

Some samples and an archive...Collapse )

[Extra Edition] I know the season hasn't started yet, but...
derek: batting cage
I have these in hi-res and thought you'd all like them.

Derek Jeter opening his 2010 Golf Tournament.

Click to make bigger...ooh-er!

Four more under here...Collapse )

Extra Edition // Cue Bad Camera Angle...
!comms yankees-potd

Derek and his bat