Articles & essays in peer-reviewed journals by Nari Shelekpayev
Europe-Asia Studies, 2021
This article attempts to reconstruct and reconnect the history of transfers of power and mass pro... more This article attempts to reconstruct and reconnect the history of transfers of power and mass protests in Kazakhstan since 1959. The investigation focuses on two events, the uprising in Temirtau in 1959 and the so-called December events (referred to as 'Zheltoqsan') in Almaty and other cities in Kazakhstan in 1986. In doing so, this article does not intend to simply set the two episodes side by side to discuss their similarities and differences. Rather, it aims to explore the common dynamics that influenced and, to a certain extent, shaped Kazakhstan as a polity in the second half of the twentieth century.
Urban History (Cambridge), 2021
Canadian historiography has long regarded the choice and elaboration of Ottawa as a capital city ... more Canadian historiography has long regarded the choice and elaboration of Ottawa as a capital city in the mid-nineteenth century as a political compromise between Ontario (Canada West) and Quebec (Canada East). This article suggests that this view be reconsidered in the context of Canada's expansion westward and the dispossession of Indigenous lands. The key goal of this article is to provide a comprehensive analysis of transforming Ottawa into a capital city in 1857-60, including not only its choice as the seat of government but also the elaboration of Canada's Parliament Buildings, which were to become the key symbol of its future statehood, as well as the visit of the prince of Wales to Ottawa in 1860. The prince's visit allowed the city to be legitimized and inaugurated as the new seat of government.

Slavic Review, 2021
This article investigates a series of events that occurred in Quaragandy, a postindustrial city i... more This article investigates a series of events that occurred in Quaragandy, a postindustrial city in northern Kazakhstan in the mid-2010s. These events led to Evgenii Tankov, an established lawyer, hitting a judge, Arai Alshynbekov, with a fly swatter during a routine court session. This research demonstrates that Tankov's act was not a flash of rage or a real attempt to harm the judge. It was, instead, a calculated strategy in which a political statement was concealed if not sheathed within the form of a grotesque performance. Tankov knew he would be judged for disrespect towards the court: and yet he used his subsequent trial to demonstrate the moral and intellectual impasse of Kazakhstan's judicial system. This article claims that as a performance, Tankov's case is useful because it allows one to re-think the genre itself. Moreover, it argues that the form of the trial per se became a genre of political agency in contemporary Kazakhstan. As an example of political praxis, this case allows one to question the ways in which non-political actors produce and affirm their identities and create new forms of political agency in a reality in which political behavior is bounded by a postsocialist authoritarian state.

Planning Perspectives, 2020
Astana, Kazakhstan's new capital city, was established in 1998 and became the only seat of govern... more Astana, Kazakhstan's new capital city, was established in 1998 and became the only seat of government to be relocated within the former Soviet Union. In 1998, the government of Kazakhstan held an open international competition for a new master plan of Astana, for which 27 projects from 14 countries were received. This article focuses on the activities of the Japanese architect Kisho Kurokawa, who, despite having been awarded third place by the competition's jury, was nevertheless declared its winner. I propose to reexamine the circumstances behind the choice of Kurokawa's proposal (not to mention its financing by the Japan International Cooperation Agency) that eventually led to its implementation as the Master Plan for the new capital of Kazakhstan. A close look at this process will shed light on the way Astana has been perceived and planned since 1998 and also reveal the ways in which planning strategies and (international) politics influenced and co-constructed one another in post-Soviet Kazakhstan.

Ab Imperio, 2018
Статья посвящена феномену “блуждающей столицы” Казахстана в ХХ веке, когда за неполные семьдесят ... more Статья посвящена феномену “блуждающей столицы” Казахстана в ХХ веке, когда за неполные семьдесят пять лет четыре разных города выполняли функцию республиканского центра. Согласно автору, решения о переносе столицы в новый город до 1991 г. отражали структурные перемены политических и экономических отношений Казахстана и центрального правительства. Таким образом, последовательность переноса столиц может прочитываться как нарратив развивающейся колониальной ситуации Казахстана в ХХ веке. Этот нарратив помогает понять, каким образом инфраструктурное и дискурсивное наследие имперской политики принималось и присваивалось постсоветским Казахстаном. С точки зрения метрополии, перенос административного центра Казахстана из Оренбурга в Кзыл-Орду (бывший Перовск и Ак- Мечеть) а затем в Алма-Ату, с параллельным развитием в конце 1950-х Целинограда (будущей Астаны), рассматривался как элемент социально-политической инженерии и экономического прогресса. Каждый раз новые человеческие и финансовые ресурсы, привлекаемые для развития новой столицы, подстегивали развитие региона. Эти структурные социально-экономические перемены имели глубинные демографические последствия. Казахское население либо маргинализировалось, либо сливалось с новоприбывшими переселенцами, что приводило к формированию новой местной этнокультурной идентичности.

The Russian Sociological Review, 2020
В своей статье «Разыскивая Глобальный Восток: мышление между Севером и Югом» Мартин Мюллер предла... more В своей статье «Разыскивая Глобальный Восток: мышление между Севером и Югом» Мартин Мюллер предлагает ряд радикальных, хотя и не новых, мыслей о роли, которую постсоциалистические страны играют в современном мире, их восприятии, а также производстве знания о самих себе в этих странах. Данная статья является ответом на текст Мюллера и размышлением над историографией Центральной Азии — составной части «Глобального Востока». В первом разделе этого текста мы разберем собственно подход Мюллера и объясним, почему он кажется нам проблематичным с исторической точки зрения. Во втором сфокусируемся на производстве «внешнего» и «внутреннего» знания о Центральной Азии и предложим ответную парадигму — «тактический эссенциализм» — которая, как нам кажется, лучше всего описывает производство исторических нарративов в регионе на настоящий момент. Несмотря на различия между двумя понятиями, нам представляется, что «стратегический» и «так- тический» эссенциализм по сути являются проявлениями одного и того же процесса — а именно попытками вытеснения советского прошлого из этоса постсоциалистических исследователей (либо его замещения другими нарративами).
Новое Литературное Обозрение, 2020
Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History , 2020
Journal of Urban History, 2018
Books by Nari Shelekpayev

by Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong, Emese Gyimesi, Ali Hatapçı, Tereza Horackova, Andrea Kocsis, Edina Kőműves, Oldřiška Prokopová, Juan Gabriel Ramirez Bolívar, Nari Shelekpayev, Luis Alberto Velasco Ruiz, and Miklós Tömöry This volume of studies is a result of the TEMA Erasmus Mundus Programme, organized at ELTE Univer... more This volume of studies is a result of the TEMA Erasmus Mundus Programme, organized at ELTE University Budapest, Charles University Prague, EHESS Paris, and the University of Catania, and showcases some of the outstanding research done within this Programme by its students and alumni on the three main themes of Identity, Nation, and City.
At the same time, it is also a publication dedicated to two of TEMA's professors, Lud'a Klusáková and Gábor Czoch, in honour of their constant dedication to teaching, to research, and above all, to their students.
Bibliographical reference:
Ira, Jaroslav, Jan de Jong, and Imre Tarafás. Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. Print.
Bibliographical references (by chapter):
Bouchot, Alicia. "« Quartier Ethnique » ou « Lieu de Mixité » ? Réflexions Autour de Deux Concepts en Sciences Sociales". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st Ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 219-234. Print.
Gyimesi, Emese. "Urban Space Through Children’s Eyes: the Image of Pest-Buda in the 1860s". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st Ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 251-265. Print.
Hatapçı, Ali. "the Image of the Kurds and the Revolutionary Left in Turkey in the 1960s: the Case of Yön". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives From the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st Ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 25-46. Print.
Horáčková, Tereza. "Les Vietnamiens en République Tchèque et Leurs « Adaptation » au Sein D’Une Société en Transformation Autour de L’Année 1989". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 67-86. Print.
de Jong, Jan. "The EU Crisis And European Identities In The Netherlands: Analysing Representations of the EU in the Dutch Press in 2005 And 2012". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 47-66. Print.
Kocsis, Andrea. "Constructing a National Symbol? The Sword of God". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 117-136. Print.
Kőműves, Edina. "The Image of France and the French Civilization in the History Books for High Schools in the Interwar Period in Hungary". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 101-114. Print.
Prokopová, Oldřiška. "The Image of the Other: The Case of Eighteenth-Century Tuscan Travellers in England". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 87-100. Print.
Puškarov, Katarina. "Remembering to Commemorate. Case Study of Commemorative Traditions of the Belgrade Bombings from World War II (1995–2003)". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 235-250. Print.
Ramírez Bolívar, Juan Gabriel. "Mediating the National Hero: Alberto Urdaneta, El Pápel Periódico Ilustrado, and the Centenary of Simon Bolivar in 1883". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 137-152. Print.
Shelekpayev, Nari. "Some Considerations on the Historiography of Contemporary Capital Cities: Toward a Transnational Approach?". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 203-218. Print.
Tarafás, Imre. "Performative Notions and Discourse as a Practice. Research Aspects of the Nationality Question in the Hungary of the Ausgleich". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 183-200. Print.
Tömöry, Miklós. "National Self-Representation in and Beyond a Multinational City. A Serbian “Beseda” in Pest in 1867". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 153-166. Print.
Velasco Ruiz, Luis Alberto. "Quintana Roo, an “Island Of History”? Rethinking the Contemporary Relation to Time of a Territorial Vacuum Conquered by Tourism". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 167-182. Print.
Chapters by Nari Shelekpayev
Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA network (ed. by Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong & Imre Tarafás), European Social Science and Historiography Department Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of History, 2015
Book Reviews by Nari Shelekpayev
Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des ser... more Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998.
Talks by Nari Shelekpayev
Articles & essays in peer-reviewed journals by Nari Shelekpayev
Books by Nari Shelekpayev
At the same time, it is also a publication dedicated to two of TEMA's professors, Lud'a Klusáková and Gábor Czoch, in honour of their constant dedication to teaching, to research, and above all, to their students.
Bibliographical reference:
Ira, Jaroslav, Jan de Jong, and Imre Tarafás. Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. Print.
Bibliographical references (by chapter):
Bouchot, Alicia. "« Quartier Ethnique » ou « Lieu de Mixité » ? Réflexions Autour de Deux Concepts en Sciences Sociales". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st Ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 219-234. Print.
Gyimesi, Emese. "Urban Space Through Children’s Eyes: the Image of Pest-Buda in the 1860s". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st Ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 251-265. Print.
Hatapçı, Ali. "the Image of the Kurds and the Revolutionary Left in Turkey in the 1960s: the Case of Yön". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives From the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st Ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 25-46. Print.
Horáčková, Tereza. "Les Vietnamiens en République Tchèque et Leurs « Adaptation » au Sein D’Une Société en Transformation Autour de L’Année 1989". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 67-86. Print.
de Jong, Jan. "The EU Crisis And European Identities In The Netherlands: Analysing Representations of the EU in the Dutch Press in 2005 And 2012". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 47-66. Print.
Kocsis, Andrea. "Constructing a National Symbol? The Sword of God". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 117-136. Print.
Kőműves, Edina. "The Image of France and the French Civilization in the History Books for High Schools in the Interwar Period in Hungary". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 101-114. Print.
Prokopová, Oldřiška. "The Image of the Other: The Case of Eighteenth-Century Tuscan Travellers in England". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 87-100. Print.
Puškarov, Katarina. "Remembering to Commemorate. Case Study of Commemorative Traditions of the Belgrade Bombings from World War II (1995–2003)". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 235-250. Print.
Ramírez Bolívar, Juan Gabriel. "Mediating the National Hero: Alberto Urdaneta, El Pápel Periódico Ilustrado, and the Centenary of Simon Bolivar in 1883". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 137-152. Print.
Shelekpayev, Nari. "Some Considerations on the Historiography of Contemporary Capital Cities: Toward a Transnational Approach?". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 203-218. Print.
Tarafás, Imre. "Performative Notions and Discourse as a Practice. Research Aspects of the Nationality Question in the Hungary of the Ausgleich". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 183-200. Print.
Tömöry, Miklós. "National Self-Representation in and Beyond a Multinational City. A Serbian “Beseda” in Pest in 1867". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 153-166. Print.
Velasco Ruiz, Luis Alberto. "Quintana Roo, an “Island Of History”? Rethinking the Contemporary Relation to Time of a Territorial Vacuum Conquered by Tourism". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 167-182. Print.
Chapters by Nari Shelekpayev
Book Reviews by Nari Shelekpayev
Talks by Nari Shelekpayev
At the same time, it is also a publication dedicated to two of TEMA's professors, Lud'a Klusáková and Gábor Czoch, in honour of their constant dedication to teaching, to research, and above all, to their students.
Bibliographical reference:
Ira, Jaroslav, Jan de Jong, and Imre Tarafás. Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. Print.
Bibliographical references (by chapter):
Bouchot, Alicia. "« Quartier Ethnique » ou « Lieu de Mixité » ? Réflexions Autour de Deux Concepts en Sciences Sociales". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st Ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 219-234. Print.
Gyimesi, Emese. "Urban Space Through Children’s Eyes: the Image of Pest-Buda in the 1860s". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st Ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 251-265. Print.
Hatapçı, Ali. "the Image of the Kurds and the Revolutionary Left in Turkey in the 1960s: the Case of Yön". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives From the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st Ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 25-46. Print.
Horáčková, Tereza. "Les Vietnamiens en République Tchèque et Leurs « Adaptation » au Sein D’Une Société en Transformation Autour de L’Année 1989". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 67-86. Print.
de Jong, Jan. "The EU Crisis And European Identities In The Netherlands: Analysing Representations of the EU in the Dutch Press in 2005 And 2012". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 47-66. Print.
Kocsis, Andrea. "Constructing a National Symbol? The Sword of God". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 117-136. Print.
Kőműves, Edina. "The Image of France and the French Civilization in the History Books for High Schools in the Interwar Period in Hungary". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 101-114. Print.
Prokopová, Oldřiška. "The Image of the Other: The Case of Eighteenth-Century Tuscan Travellers in England". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 87-100. Print.
Puškarov, Katarina. "Remembering to Commemorate. Case Study of Commemorative Traditions of the Belgrade Bombings from World War II (1995–2003)". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 235-250. Print.
Ramírez Bolívar, Juan Gabriel. "Mediating the National Hero: Alberto Urdaneta, El Pápel Periódico Ilustrado, and the Centenary of Simon Bolivar in 1883". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 137-152. Print.
Shelekpayev, Nari. "Some Considerations on the Historiography of Contemporary Capital Cities: Toward a Transnational Approach?". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 203-218. Print.
Tarafás, Imre. "Performative Notions and Discourse as a Practice. Research Aspects of the Nationality Question in the Hungary of the Ausgleich". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 183-200. Print.
Tömöry, Miklós. "National Self-Representation in and Beyond a Multinational City. A Serbian “Beseda” in Pest in 1867". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 153-166. Print.
Velasco Ruiz, Luis Alberto. "Quintana Roo, an “Island Of History”? Rethinking the Contemporary Relation to Time of a Territorial Vacuum Conquered by Tourism". Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network. Jaroslav Ira, Jan de Jong and Imre Tarafás. 1st ed. Budapest: Atelier, 2015. 167-182. Print.