This is a rare and one-time only public post for the sake of helping others. There will not be any other real public posts further on.
I have written to a great majority of companies about possible contamination from their products due to the Fukushima Fallout. I'm going to post the email exchanges here for people to read as they like. This will be a continuously updated post, so check back as often as you like for more brands / information. I am also going to rate the companies in the subject line of the LJ cuts, either *, **, or *** stars, based on the quality of the answer I receive back. Some of these companies have given me sketchy replies that don't really address my questions, so those will receive low ratings. These star ratings do not reflect whether or not I believe them or think their products are safe, only how straight forward I think they were in their replies. The only company I am truly reassured by is Nature's One
Please note, I am a lazy arse and so I am only posting a few of my exchanges tonight, but please continue to check back. I will change the subject line of this post with the most recently update so that at a casual glance, you will be able to see when the last time I made changes was. If you have also contacted companies via email and you would like me to post your own Fukushima researching, I will be happy to post yours here, with your permission. Thank you
( Nature's One - Baby's Only Organic Formula ***Collapse )
( Arrowhead Mills - A brand owned by Hain Celestial *Collapse )
( St. Dalfour ***Collapse )
( Living Fuel *Collapse )
( Vital Choice Seafood *Collapse )
( Amazing Grass *Collapse )