A Place For Sublime Junkies A Community For Sublime Junkies' Journal
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Thursday, June 11th, 2009

(Pull out the nine)

Subject:Slightly Stoopid, anyone?
Posted by:derektrainwreck.
Time:1:28 pm.
Hey everybody.

are there any other sublime fans that love slightly stoopid like me? i've been into both bands for a really long time. i'd like to meet some more fans. stoopid is going to be on tour this summer on the "blazed and confused" tour with snoop dogg. if you havent heard them yet, i definitely think you should check them out, you guys will LOVE them i bet. check out their myspace here

if you dig it, you should come hang out at the tour this summer. it's gonna be a blast!

get your tix here!

Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

(Pull out the nine)

Subject:Rare SUBLIME CD!
Posted by:taifan666.
Time:3:58 pm.

Hey everyone!

Check out this rare Sublime CD I'm selling on eBay!

Sunday, June 17th, 2007

(1 Let one slip | Pull out the nine)

Posted by:legalizee.
Time:10:19 am.
Does any one know where I can find this shirt?

I've noticed that this comm. doesn't have comment-able entries, so feel free to reply anywhere on my journal.

~Stay high

Sunday, May 13th, 2007

(1 Let one slip | Pull out the nine)

Posted by:beakers.
Time:2:48 am.

i'm looking for an official sublime webpage where i can buy merchandise that's not ebay or any big company that's looking to make a buck.

pls anyone help, thanks in advance.

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

(Pull out the nine)

Subject:Sublime 10th Anniversary CD
Posted by:synthysys.
Time:11:36 am.
FYI - Sublime are releasing a limited-edition 2-disc reissue of Sublime to honor the tenth anniversary of the album.

The album has 8 unreleased tracks, featuring acoustic and remixed songs. Plus, the album includes the original version of "Doin' Time" with the complete vocal performance of Bradley Nowell.

You can pick up a copy of it at the website - click here to check it out.

Tuesday, July 18th, 2006

(1 Let one slip | Pull out the nine)

Subject:Ellie's favorite Sublime Pic
Posted by:sublimeidiot182.
Time:4:44 pm.
Mood: cheerful.
My Punk WallPretty ain't it!!!

Thursday, July 13th, 2006

(1 Let one slip | Pull out the nine)

Posted by:vomitspit.
Time:12:29 pm.

hell yea

Friday, June 16th, 2006

(Pull out the nine)

Posted by:_electricmagic.
Time:12:34 am.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
everyone post your favourite sublime pictures! this community is slow which makes no sense because there are so many things to say about such a great band.

Monday, March 6th, 2006

(Pull out the nine)

Subject:Custom Sublime / Google Sart Page
Posted by:vkxonline.
Time:6:20 pm.


You can customize all the links and make it your homepage. If you get lost (or just don't get it) there's also an FAQ.

Tuesday, August 30th, 2005

(Pull out the nine)

Posted by:thecircusact.
Time:10:34 am.
Circus show.. circus showwwww

Sept. 3rd. 5:00. 10$
tokyo rose (sidecho records)
lux courageous (triple crown records)
just surrender (warner bros. records)
Learning takes a lifetime
THE CIRCUS. <33333333333333

We're all like friends here. Friendly show. Even better. You know you want to go. seriously.

you should really check us out.. it would be a very nice thing to do. :)

Friday, July 8th, 2005

(Pull out the nine)

Posted by:thecircusact.
Time:11:28 am.
Hey guys,
Check out my band the circus. We're influenced by the mars volta, cursive, the faint, at the drive-in, the blood brothers, stars, the decemberists, and many more. You probably don't care, but its fun and dancy. check it out.
Pure volume

Thanks so much.
Also If you are from jersey, come to this show. Its going to be really good. especially if you don't have anything to do on a tuesday.
June 12th
The Stone pony
the circus
between love and murder
Gray lines of perfection.

Thanks a lot guys

Friday, June 17th, 2005

(Pull out the nine)

Posted by:esebonemachine.
Time:10:00 pm.

Tuesday, April 19th, 2005

(6 Let one slip | Pull out the nine)

Posted by:esebonemachine.
Time:8:36 pm.
Mood: good.
everyone should go pick up the new cd by the band slightly stoopid. it cam out today and its so good. SS is on skunk records and alot of their songs sound so much like sublime. if you dont know who they are download some music of buy their cds. i deffinetly recomend it. probably the second best band next to sublime

Thursday, March 3rd, 2005

(3 Let one slip | Pull out the nine)

Subject:Figured I'd share with those who don't know
Posted by:jimstylee.
Time:6:40 pm.
2 songs off the forth coming Sublime Tibute CD

Thursday, February 10th, 2005

(Pull out the nine)

Posted by:strawberri1.
Time:11:05 pm.
oh man i havent listened to sublime since summer adn today i put my ipod on random and santaria came on. after that i just listened to all the songs i had by sublime. damn, i nearly forgot how effing good they were.

Thursday, December 23rd, 2004

(1 Let one slip | Pull out the nine)

Posted by:mkvl3.
Time:7:30 pm.
Hey guys, it may be a little late for this, but i'll post it anyway. I made a christmasy sublime wallpaper for myself and figured i'd share it, just incase someone else wants to use it as well. So go ahead and take it if you want =)

800x600 version
1024x768 version

x-posted to: __sublime bradnowellfans sublimefans sublimers the_pawn_shop xsublime xsublimex

Saturday, December 18th, 2004

(1 Let one slip | Pull out the nine)

Subject:New news on Tribute CD
Posted by:jimstylee.
Time:4:20 pm.
Sublime Tribute Album "Look At All the Love We've Found"

looks like one hell of a line up.

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004

(1 Let one slip | Pull out the nine)

Posted by:justin151.
Time:1:07 pm.
sublime totally owns man, i started listenin to this music a while back and it never gets old, its a shame there is no more sublime for the world ..:(

Sunday, November 14th, 2004

(3 Let one slip | Pull out the nine)

Posted by:rasta_vibration.
Time:4:58 pm.
this community looks amazing
i have a love for sublime and i always have
what do i have to do to be able to get in here?

Saturday, November 13th, 2004

(1 Let one slip | Pull out the nine)

Posted by:islndgrl.
Time:9:25 pm.
Hey Sublime fans! If you're interested go check us out... hope to see ya over there!


keep tokin'

LiveJournal for A Community For Sublime Junkies.

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