The Internet is a land of infinite potential. It contains the truest thoughts and barest emotions of people you will never, ever meet. And yet, somehow, this precious resource has not yet been strip mined for comedy.
This community has been created to facilitate your enjoyment of this internet. We ask only that you share with us your most treasured links.
Links to what, you ask?
Links to inane debates raging out of control; to desperate pleas for attention; to poetry; to the most unoriginal opinions stated with the most earnest conviction. Links to gothy goth kids and makeouty emo kids and bigoty normal kids. Links to everyone embarking on a balls-to-the-wall voyage of self-discovery, and sharing each moment with us, the General Public. Above all else, links to teenagers.
Is this mean-spirited? Perhaps. But in our xselfparodyx safe space, we prefer to call it "irony-appreciative."