ali babapur
He got his license in Tabriz in 2006.
He graduated in Mathematics Teaching. In 2009, Atatürk University Computer and She started her master's degree in Instructional Technology (CEIT) Department. Computer in the same department in 2020
She finished her doctorate in assisted mathematics teaching.
Dynamic mathematics learning objects produced with Mathematica software in Iran and Doctoral dissertation on its use in high schools in Turkey, in which it is evaluated comparatively.
successfully completed its work.
Supervisors: Supervisor
He graduated in Mathematics Teaching. In 2009, Atatürk University Computer and She started her master's degree in Instructional Technology (CEIT) Department. Computer in the same department in 2020
She finished her doctorate in assisted mathematics teaching.
Dynamic mathematics learning objects produced with Mathematica software in Iran and Doctoral dissertation on its use in high schools in Turkey, in which it is evaluated comparatively.
successfully completed its work.
Supervisors: Supervisor
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Papers by ali babapur
their views about the Mathematica program when university students studying at Atatürk University Kazım
Karabekir Education Faculty Elementary Mathematics Department retell the subjects they learned in
previous years with the Mathematica program. For this purpose, the Descriptive Case Study method was
used to obtain data in the study. An interview form was developed in order to obtain quantitative and
qualitative data in the research. The interview form consisted of Quantitative and Qualitative questions. The
main premise in both groups of questions was to measure the change in students' perceptions within the
framework of teaching activities. In the research, as a result of the findings obtained from the students'
opinions; It was stated that after using the Mathematica program in mathematics lessons, the change in
perception was positively affected.
dynamic mathematics Mathematics Learning Objects (DMLO’s); It is aimed to examine the effect of
students' academic achievements, attitudes and participation in the lesson. In addition, the impact on students
in math class considering the use of dmlo training conditions in Turkey and Iran were compared. For this
purpose, the quasi-experimental design in quantitative research methods was used in the study. Academic
achievement test, attitude and class participation scale were used to collect data in the study. In the study,
Academic achievement test, attitude and class participation scale were used to collect data. Mann-Whitney U
test and Wilcoxon signed rank test were used to analyze quantitative data. The study, designed as a pretestposttest quasi-experimental design with experimental and control groups, was conducted with 112 students.
The participants of the study, students 56 from Shaheed Mehdi Salek High School in the city of Tabriz in
Iran (28 experimental group and 28 students in the control group) and 56 students in Erzurum Province of
Mehmet Akif Ersoy High School in Turkey (28 students in the experimental group and 28 students in the
control group) is created. Considering the analysis of the data obtained from the 6-week study result; dmlo
studying with Turkey and academic achievement scores of students from the experimental group, Iran has
appeared to be more than the control group. It is also noted that there is a significant difference between
attitude and class participation of students in the experimental group scores Turkey and Iran. Both countries
(Iran and Turkey) 10th grade students as a result of the use of mathematics in the course dmlo, academic
achievement, attitudes and attendance appeared to be affected in a positive way. The data of the study
belongs to 2019-2020
Books by ali babapur
eğitim ortamlarına entegre edilmesi, eğitim kalitesinin artmasına yol
açmaktadır. Yapılan çalışmaların bu doğrultuda olması, konunun ne
kadar önemli olduğunun bir belirtisi olabilir. Bir öğretmen olarak
matematik gibi soyut bir dersin anlatılmasında ne gibi zorluklarla
karşılaştığımı çok iyi bilirim. Wolfram Mathematica programıyla tanışıp
kullanmaya başladığım andan itibaren matematik dersinin anlatımında
bana ciddi bir destek sağladığını çok iyi fark ettim. O yüzden
Mathematica ile matematik uygulamaları ve Dinamik Matematik
Öğrenme Nesneleri (DMÖN) adlı kitabın yazılmasına karar verdim. Bu
kitapta Wolfram Mathematica kurulumu ve Menüleri, matematiksel
ifadeler, fonksiyonlar ve komutlar anlatılmaktadır. Bu kitabın hazırlanma
sürecinde akademik desteğini esirgemeyen kıymetli hocam Prof. Dr.
Aslan Gülcü’ye teşekkürlerimi sunarım.
Kitabın akademiye ve alana faydalı olması dileklerimle…
their views about the Mathematica program when university students studying at Atatürk University Kazım
Karabekir Education Faculty Elementary Mathematics Department retell the subjects they learned in
previous years with the Mathematica program. For this purpose, the Descriptive Case Study method was
used to obtain data in the study. An interview form was developed in order to obtain quantitative and
qualitative data in the research. The interview form consisted of Quantitative and Qualitative questions. The
main premise in both groups of questions was to measure the change in students' perceptions within the
framework of teaching activities. In the research, as a result of the findings obtained from the students'
opinions; It was stated that after using the Mathematica program in mathematics lessons, the change in
perception was positively affected.
dynamic mathematics Mathematics Learning Objects (DMLO’s); It is aimed to examine the effect of
students' academic achievements, attitudes and participation in the lesson. In addition, the impact on students
in math class considering the use of dmlo training conditions in Turkey and Iran were compared. For this
purpose, the quasi-experimental design in quantitative research methods was used in the study. Academic
achievement test, attitude and class participation scale were used to collect data in the study. In the study,
Academic achievement test, attitude and class participation scale were used to collect data. Mann-Whitney U
test and Wilcoxon signed rank test were used to analyze quantitative data. The study, designed as a pretestposttest quasi-experimental design with experimental and control groups, was conducted with 112 students.
The participants of the study, students 56 from Shaheed Mehdi Salek High School in the city of Tabriz in
Iran (28 experimental group and 28 students in the control group) and 56 students in Erzurum Province of
Mehmet Akif Ersoy High School in Turkey (28 students in the experimental group and 28 students in the
control group) is created. Considering the analysis of the data obtained from the 6-week study result; dmlo
studying with Turkey and academic achievement scores of students from the experimental group, Iran has
appeared to be more than the control group. It is also noted that there is a significant difference between
attitude and class participation of students in the experimental group scores Turkey and Iran. Both countries
(Iran and Turkey) 10th grade students as a result of the use of mathematics in the course dmlo, academic
achievement, attitudes and attendance appeared to be affected in a positive way. The data of the study
belongs to 2019-2020
eğitim ortamlarına entegre edilmesi, eğitim kalitesinin artmasına yol
açmaktadır. Yapılan çalışmaların bu doğrultuda olması, konunun ne
kadar önemli olduğunun bir belirtisi olabilir. Bir öğretmen olarak
matematik gibi soyut bir dersin anlatılmasında ne gibi zorluklarla
karşılaştığımı çok iyi bilirim. Wolfram Mathematica programıyla tanışıp
kullanmaya başladığım andan itibaren matematik dersinin anlatımında
bana ciddi bir destek sağladığını çok iyi fark ettim. O yüzden
Mathematica ile matematik uygulamaları ve Dinamik Matematik
Öğrenme Nesneleri (DMÖN) adlı kitabın yazılmasına karar verdim. Bu
kitapta Wolfram Mathematica kurulumu ve Menüleri, matematiksel
ifadeler, fonksiyonlar ve komutlar anlatılmaktadır. Bu kitabın hazırlanma
sürecinde akademik desteğini esirgemeyen kıymetli hocam Prof. Dr.
Aslan Gülcü’ye teşekkürlerimi sunarım.
Kitabın akademiye ve alana faydalı olması dileklerimle…