Papers by Muhammed Emin DOĞAN

Culture and Civilization, 2024
The Normans are one of the most influential states in medieval European history. In the process t... more The Normans are one of the most influential states in medieval European history. In the process that began after their conversion to Christianity, they shaped European politics with the empire they established centered in Sicily. The Normans, who took Sicily from the Fatimids, maintained the Islamic traditions that had been going on in the island for nearly two centuries and approached the Muslims subjects with tolerance. Especially during the reign of Roger II, Islamic culture dominated the island. It is possible to see the influence of Islamic art in architectural monuments such as palaces, churches, chapels and handicrafts built by the Normans. One of the most prominent elements of this influence is the Arabic kufic inscriptions included in Norman art. These inscriptions consist of expressions belonging to Islamic literature as well as expressions directly conveying the Norman reign. In addition, ornaments in imitation of kufic also found a place in Norman architecture. In this study, the Arabic kufic inscriptions found in Norman Sicily are analyzed in the context of the Royal Ceremonial Cloak commissioned by Roger II. The study, which is handled under the headings of Kufic Writing, Fatimid Influence in Norman Art and Kufic Writing in Norman Art, aims to introduce the Islamic influences in Christian Norman art to the world of science.

Tarih ve Tarihçi, 2024
Hârût ve Mârût, Orta Doğu dinlerinin ortak motiflerinden biridir. Kökeni Zerdüştlüğün kutsal meti... more Hârût ve Mârût, Orta Doğu dinlerinin ortak motiflerinden biridir. Kökeni Zerdüştlüğün kutsal metinlerine dayandırılan öykü, İsrailiyat kaynaklı pek çok metinde “düşmüş melek” ikonografisi ile ele alınmıştır. İnsandan daha itaatkâr olduklarını ispat etmek üzere yeryüzüne gönderilen meleklerin insansı günahlar işlemesi ve lanetlenmesi üzerine kurulu bu öykü, Midraş metinleri vasıtasıyla İslam dünyasına da benzer bir tema ile etki etmiştir. İslam ikonografisinin, Kur’an-ı Kerim’de isimleri geçen Hârût ve Mârût’tan temel aldığı bu öykünün bileşenleri ise Yahudi külliyatına aittir. İslami kaynaklarda, Hârût ve Mârût isimli iki meleğin insana özgü günahlar işlemesi ve kıyamete kadar dünyada azap çekmekle cezalandırılması anlatılmaktadır. Yahudi kaynakları ile benzer olan Hârût ve Mârût anlatısının bir diğer ortak yönü ise bu meleklerin insanlara büyü ilmini öğretmesidir.
Çalışmada Hârût ve Mârût’un etimolojik kökeninin yanı sıra farklı inançlardaki yansımaları ve tasvirlerde hangi özelliklerle işlendikleri ele alınmıştır. Tasvirler büyük oranda İslam minyatürlerinden oluşmaktadır. Bunun başlıca sebebi diğer inançlarda bu öykünün az sayıdaki sanat eserine işlenmiş olmasıdır. İslam minyatürlerinden ise farklı dönem ve ekollere ait örnekler seçilmiştir. Bu örnekler arasına birbirini tekrar eden ya da büyük ölçüde benzeyen minyatürler dâhil edilmemiş, çoğunlukla ikonografinin farklı kısımlarına hitap eden örnekler değerlendirilmiştir.
Çalışmada, farklı inançların söz konusu bu öyküyü nasıl ele aldıkları ve İslam dünyasına yansımaları sanat yapıtları üzerinden değerlendirilmiş ve bilim dünyasına tanıtılması amaçlanmıştır.
Hârût and Mârût are a common motif of Middle Eastern religions. The story, which has its origins in the sacred texts of Zoroastrianism, is treated with the iconography of “fallen angels” in many Israelite texts. This story, which is based on angels sent to earth to prove that they are more obedient than human beings, committing human sins and being cursed, has influenced the Islamic world with a similar theme through the Midrash texts. The Islamic iconography is based on the Qur'anic figures of Hārūt and Mārūt, but the components of this story belong to the Jewish corpus. Islamic sources tell the story of two angels, Hârût and Mârût, who commit human sins and are punished with torment on earth until the Day of Judgment. Another common aspect of the Hârût and Mârût narrative, which is similar to Jewish sources, is that these angels teach people the science of magic.
In this study, the etymological origins of Hârût and Mârût, their reflections in different beliefs and the characteristics of their depictions are discussed. The depictions are largely composed of Islamic miniatures. The main reason for this is that this story has been depicted in few works of art in other faiths. From Islamic miniatures, examples from different periods and schools were selected. Miniatures that are repetitive or substantially similar to each other were not included among these examples, and examples that mostly address different parts of iconography were evaluated.
In this study, it is aimed to evaluate how different faiths have handled this story and its reflections on the Islamic world through works of art and to introduce it to the world of science.

Palmet Dergisi, 2024
Mihrişah Valide Sultan Külliyesi, 1792-1796 yılları arasında Osmanlı Sultanı III. Selim’in annesi... more Mihrişah Valide Sultan Külliyesi, 1792-1796 yılları arasında Osmanlı Sultanı III. Selim’in annesi Mihrişah Valide Sultan tarafından dönemin baş mimarları Mehmed Arif Ağa ve Ahmed Nurullah Ağa’ya inşa ettirilmiştir. Külliye, imaret, türbe, sıbyan mektebi, sebil, çeşme ve hazire bölümlerinden oluşmaktadır. Külliyenin türbesinde, sıbyan mektebinde, imaretin kuzey ve güney bahçelerinde hazire bölümleri bulunmaktadır. Başta sadrazam, kadı, müftü, kapudan, reisülküttab, başkapı gulamı, cariyeler, kalfalar, ustalar ve Osmanlı saray teşkilatı içerisinde çeşitli görevlerde bulunan üst yönetici sınıfa ait kişilerin mezarlarının bulunduğu külliyenin mezar taşları, Osmanlı Batılılaşma Dönemi süsleme üslup özelliklerini yansıtan önemli örneklerdir. İmaret avlusunun doğusunda ve batısında yer alan mezar taşlarından örneklerin olduğu çalışmada, haziredeki 10 mezar taşı ele alınmıştır. Hazirede yer alan 31 mezar taşının incelenmesi ve değerlendirilmesi bir makaleye sığdırılmasının güç olacağından, mezar tipi, başlık, form, süsleme üslubu bakımından nitelikli ve yinelenmeyen mezarlar katalog başlığı altında değerlendirilmiştir. Haziredeki mezar taşlarının tamamı fotoğraflanarak belgelenmiş, kitabeleri okunmuş ve dijital ortamda çizimleri yapılarak tasniflenmiştir. Türk İslam Sanatı içerisinde tarihsel olayların takip edildiği, süsleme üsluplarının gelişiminin izlendiği mezar taşları, ölümü simgelemenin ötesinde Türk Sanatının ihtişamını ve zarafetini gösteren tanıklarıdır. Mihrişah Valide Sultan Külliyesi hazirelerinde yer alan mezar taşları da XVIII-XX. yüzyıl Osmanlı sanatının inceliklerinin taşa işlendiği anıtsal örneklerdir.

The Silk Road, which connects many civilizations and cultures with its historical background and ... more The Silk Road, which connects many civilizations and cultures with its historical background and a length of approximately 8000 km, has been a bridge connecting east and west with religions, languages, cultures, travelers, scholars and caravans loaded with valuable goods. The Silk Road formed the world's most important and voluminous trade network, starting from China and continuing westward from the steppes of Asia, passing through Anatolia and the Mediterranean, and reaching North Africa and Europe. Political conflicts and wars have occurred between ancient empires with a historical past such as Chinese, Indian, Turkish, Arab, Sassanid and Byzantine, who wanted to dominate this road that enriched every civilization it passed.
Wars, natural disasters, looting caravans interrupted the trade between east and west. In order to ensure the safety of the caravans, the states that dominated the Silk Road started to build structures that could meet all the needs of the merchants and passengers at certain distances on this route. Ribats, which started with the Abbasids in the Islamic period and were built along the border, appear as architectural structures where the warriors are sheltered and their needs are met with their fortress-like appearance. The ribats, whose functionality changed and developed over time, started to be built in the ranges on the trade routes and became the places where caravans stayed.
The inns and caravanserais, which developed from ribats, continued their existence until the beginning of the 20th century as structures where passengers and their animals were accommodated, trade was carried out, and the power and dominance of the state at 20-40 km intervals. With its geopolitical position, Anatolia, which has a sea and land transportation network since the early periods, has been the most preferred shortcut for the goods coming from the east to reach Europe. The caravanserais, which developed in Central Asia and Iran, and which were the foundations of sultans and benefactors in Anatolia, played a very important role in the continuity of trade and travel.
Intercity and inner city inns built in Anatolia during the period of Turkish Seljuks and Ottomans constitute an important building group of Turkish Art with their plan, architecture and decorations. Inns are a place where people and animals breathe after a long journey.
Araştırmaya konu olan mezar taşları "Deniz Müzesi Komutanlığı'na" ait olup eserlerin Görsel ve öl... more Araştırmaya konu olan mezar taşları "Deniz Müzesi Komutanlığı'na" ait olup eserlerin Görsel ve ölçülerinin alınması, Müze Komutanlığı'ndan alınan izinle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Başta müze müdürü olmak üzere katkılarından dolayı tüm müze çalışanlarına teşekkür ederiz.

Kemah, a district of Erzincan, is one of the strategic castle cities of Anatolia as of its founda... more Kemah, a district of Erzincan, is one of the strategic castle cities of Anatolia as of its foundation. Kemah is a capital of Mengücek, where Anatolian Turkishness sprouted, and the sanjak city of the Ottoman period. The traditional Kemah houses that have survived are those built in the XIX-XX centuries. The ground floors of the houses, which are mostly two-storey, are used as barns, warehouses and cellars, while the upper floors consist of harem and selamlık sections. The most decisive factors in traditional residential architecture are undoubtedly geography, climate and materials used in construction technology. We can evaluate the life of the tandoori houses and their usage items in the Kemah Castle from the architectural and ceramic finds unearthed in our archaeological excavations. The fragments of glazed and unglazed ceramics, which were found extensively in the castle excavations, indicate that pots serving different functions were used in the castle for centuries. The tandoori, pots and pans found in the excavations provide information about the local culinary culture of the period. The fact that the traditional Kemah Houses show similar characteristics with the housing samples unearthed in the castle in terms of plan, material and technique reveals the importance of the excavations started in 2011 in Kemah Castle. Kemah has its own unique local cuisine culture, as in various regions within the Turkish Cuisine Culture. However, the number of studies on Kemah's food and foods is quite limited. In Kemah, which shows richness and diversity in terms of food culture, the tradition of setting a table for every guest, as in many regions of Anatolia, has played a very important role in the development of food culture.

Öz Çalışmaya konu olan ve 1861 tarihinde Saliha Hanım tarafından yaptırılan Narman Güvenlik Köyü ... more Öz Çalışmaya konu olan ve 1861 tarihinde Saliha Hanım tarafından yaptırılan Narman Güvenlik Köyü Camii'nin eski isminden hareketle (Gornes) arşiv belgeleri taraması yapılmış ve ulaşılan belgeler okunup değerlendirilmiştir. Kitabe tarihiyle de tutarlı olan arşiv belgesinden sonra yapının ahşap destekli olması nedeniyle giriş bölümünde Orta Asya ve Arap Yarımadası'ndan başlayan ve Osmanlı Devleti'ni içerisine alan kısa bir ahşap destekli cami gelişimi verilmiştir. Daha sonra yapının eskiden bağlı olduğu bölgeyle birlikte tarihçesi, mimari ve süsleme özellikleri irdelenip fotoğraflar ve çizimlerle desteklenmiştir. Erzurum'un Doğu Karadeniz'e komşu olan bir coğrafyada yer alması nedeniyle hem Doğu Karadeniz'deki hem de Erzurum'daki ahşap destekli camilerin karşılaştırılması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca yapının kapı kanatlarından başlayan minber, mahfil, vaaz kürsüsü ve tavanında toplanan bezemeler bölgedeki eserlerle mukayese edilmiştir. Bu değerlendirme ve karşılaştırma sonucunda köyün, "Karadenizliler" tarafından kurulduğu ve caminin de "Karadenizli" ustalar tarafından inşa edildiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bununla birlikte harimi tezyin eden süslemelerin Karadeniz camilerinde görülen desen kurgusunu yansıttığı ortaya çıkartılmıştır.
Papers by Muhammed Emin DOĞAN
Çalışmada Hârût ve Mârût’un etimolojik kökeninin yanı sıra farklı inançlardaki yansımaları ve tasvirlerde hangi özelliklerle işlendikleri ele alınmıştır. Tasvirler büyük oranda İslam minyatürlerinden oluşmaktadır. Bunun başlıca sebebi diğer inançlarda bu öykünün az sayıdaki sanat eserine işlenmiş olmasıdır. İslam minyatürlerinden ise farklı dönem ve ekollere ait örnekler seçilmiştir. Bu örnekler arasına birbirini tekrar eden ya da büyük ölçüde benzeyen minyatürler dâhil edilmemiş, çoğunlukla ikonografinin farklı kısımlarına hitap eden örnekler değerlendirilmiştir.
Çalışmada, farklı inançların söz konusu bu öyküyü nasıl ele aldıkları ve İslam dünyasına yansımaları sanat yapıtları üzerinden değerlendirilmiş ve bilim dünyasına tanıtılması amaçlanmıştır.
Hârût and Mârût are a common motif of Middle Eastern religions. The story, which has its origins in the sacred texts of Zoroastrianism, is treated with the iconography of “fallen angels” in many Israelite texts. This story, which is based on angels sent to earth to prove that they are more obedient than human beings, committing human sins and being cursed, has influenced the Islamic world with a similar theme through the Midrash texts. The Islamic iconography is based on the Qur'anic figures of Hārūt and Mārūt, but the components of this story belong to the Jewish corpus. Islamic sources tell the story of two angels, Hârût and Mârût, who commit human sins and are punished with torment on earth until the Day of Judgment. Another common aspect of the Hârût and Mârût narrative, which is similar to Jewish sources, is that these angels teach people the science of magic.
In this study, the etymological origins of Hârût and Mârût, their reflections in different beliefs and the characteristics of their depictions are discussed. The depictions are largely composed of Islamic miniatures. The main reason for this is that this story has been depicted in few works of art in other faiths. From Islamic miniatures, examples from different periods and schools were selected. Miniatures that are repetitive or substantially similar to each other were not included among these examples, and examples that mostly address different parts of iconography were evaluated.
In this study, it is aimed to evaluate how different faiths have handled this story and its reflections on the Islamic world through works of art and to introduce it to the world of science.
Wars, natural disasters, looting caravans interrupted the trade between east and west. In order to ensure the safety of the caravans, the states that dominated the Silk Road started to build structures that could meet all the needs of the merchants and passengers at certain distances on this route. Ribats, which started with the Abbasids in the Islamic period and were built along the border, appear as architectural structures where the warriors are sheltered and their needs are met with their fortress-like appearance. The ribats, whose functionality changed and developed over time, started to be built in the ranges on the trade routes and became the places where caravans stayed.
The inns and caravanserais, which developed from ribats, continued their existence until the beginning of the 20th century as structures where passengers and their animals were accommodated, trade was carried out, and the power and dominance of the state at 20-40 km intervals. With its geopolitical position, Anatolia, which has a sea and land transportation network since the early periods, has been the most preferred shortcut for the goods coming from the east to reach Europe. The caravanserais, which developed in Central Asia and Iran, and which were the foundations of sultans and benefactors in Anatolia, played a very important role in the continuity of trade and travel.
Intercity and inner city inns built in Anatolia during the period of Turkish Seljuks and Ottomans constitute an important building group of Turkish Art with their plan, architecture and decorations. Inns are a place where people and animals breathe after a long journey.
Çalışmada Hârût ve Mârût’un etimolojik kökeninin yanı sıra farklı inançlardaki yansımaları ve tasvirlerde hangi özelliklerle işlendikleri ele alınmıştır. Tasvirler büyük oranda İslam minyatürlerinden oluşmaktadır. Bunun başlıca sebebi diğer inançlarda bu öykünün az sayıdaki sanat eserine işlenmiş olmasıdır. İslam minyatürlerinden ise farklı dönem ve ekollere ait örnekler seçilmiştir. Bu örnekler arasına birbirini tekrar eden ya da büyük ölçüde benzeyen minyatürler dâhil edilmemiş, çoğunlukla ikonografinin farklı kısımlarına hitap eden örnekler değerlendirilmiştir.
Çalışmada, farklı inançların söz konusu bu öyküyü nasıl ele aldıkları ve İslam dünyasına yansımaları sanat yapıtları üzerinden değerlendirilmiş ve bilim dünyasına tanıtılması amaçlanmıştır.
Hârût and Mârût are a common motif of Middle Eastern religions. The story, which has its origins in the sacred texts of Zoroastrianism, is treated with the iconography of “fallen angels” in many Israelite texts. This story, which is based on angels sent to earth to prove that they are more obedient than human beings, committing human sins and being cursed, has influenced the Islamic world with a similar theme through the Midrash texts. The Islamic iconography is based on the Qur'anic figures of Hārūt and Mārūt, but the components of this story belong to the Jewish corpus. Islamic sources tell the story of two angels, Hârût and Mârût, who commit human sins and are punished with torment on earth until the Day of Judgment. Another common aspect of the Hârût and Mârût narrative, which is similar to Jewish sources, is that these angels teach people the science of magic.
In this study, the etymological origins of Hârût and Mârût, their reflections in different beliefs and the characteristics of their depictions are discussed. The depictions are largely composed of Islamic miniatures. The main reason for this is that this story has been depicted in few works of art in other faiths. From Islamic miniatures, examples from different periods and schools were selected. Miniatures that are repetitive or substantially similar to each other were not included among these examples, and examples that mostly address different parts of iconography were evaluated.
In this study, it is aimed to evaluate how different faiths have handled this story and its reflections on the Islamic world through works of art and to introduce it to the world of science.
Wars, natural disasters, looting caravans interrupted the trade between east and west. In order to ensure the safety of the caravans, the states that dominated the Silk Road started to build structures that could meet all the needs of the merchants and passengers at certain distances on this route. Ribats, which started with the Abbasids in the Islamic period and were built along the border, appear as architectural structures where the warriors are sheltered and their needs are met with their fortress-like appearance. The ribats, whose functionality changed and developed over time, started to be built in the ranges on the trade routes and became the places where caravans stayed.
The inns and caravanserais, which developed from ribats, continued their existence until the beginning of the 20th century as structures where passengers and their animals were accommodated, trade was carried out, and the power and dominance of the state at 20-40 km intervals. With its geopolitical position, Anatolia, which has a sea and land transportation network since the early periods, has been the most preferred shortcut for the goods coming from the east to reach Europe. The caravanserais, which developed in Central Asia and Iran, and which were the foundations of sultans and benefactors in Anatolia, played a very important role in the continuity of trade and travel.
Intercity and inner city inns built in Anatolia during the period of Turkish Seljuks and Ottomans constitute an important building group of Turkish Art with their plan, architecture and decorations. Inns are a place where people and animals breathe after a long journey.