? ?
23 March 2009 @ 12:52 pm
...OMG, a real update!! One with a lot of randomness.

We had our Frontierland trainer outing last week, which rocked. First they fed us all breakfast at Splash. Then we went to DAK, and rode a Safari truck from storage out to the attraction, got our own ride through the safari, and then rode back. We got a free lunch, did a big scavenger hunt, then got a tour of Dinosaur's tower and got backdoored. So much win! And we got paid for all that. XD

The parks are PACKED. Holy crap. I think Disney was caught unawares by this year's Spring Break rush. Recession? What recession? They've had to extend park hours and/or add extra Spectros this week almost every day. Oh! And I finally saw Move It! Shake It! Celebrate It!... and LOVED it. It's everything that the new day parade should have been. I have way too much fun with it. I got lots of pics, I just need to get around to uploading them. I also finally met the fairies! Tink was AWESOME. She was afraid of leprechauns. XD I got pics of all that too that I need to get up.

Character audition... as thought, back in the pool! They combined it with a CP audition, so there were like 300 people there. I didn't get out til like 8, and I was one of the first ones there. But I'm back in the pool... yet again. (They also turned away HORDES of CPs... if they took any, it wasn't much)

Swallow-tail kites are back for the summer! Eee! I've seen them twice in the last week, right in front of my apartment complex.

And at the same time - the rains are finally back! There's been showers on and off today. We need it badly. Hasn't done anything to stop the fires up in Volusia, though. Yesterday the park smelled strongly of smoke, and when I did the morning ride-through, everything at the top of C-lift (that tied-up Brer Rabbit) was really hazy. And we're a long way away!

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is out... I totally need to go to GameStop and trade in some stuff and get it. :P And DDR: Disney Groove for the Wii comes out on the 2nd! WOO!


I totally got my roommates hooked on X-Files. We've started at the beginning and are watching the whole series beginning to end, 2-3 episodes a night. :D Half of the episodes I'd totally forgotten because I saw them once and never again. :P

Also... Free Willy 4. No joke. Bindi Irwin and Beau Bridges. XDDD

And in a last note, recent Guest!win quotes:
"Why does the water smell bad?"
(kid gets off, soaking wet) "I took a HUGE dump!"
Current Music: Disneyland - Pixar Play Parade
15 May 2008 @ 06:59 pm
So I went to Aquatica on Monday! For those outside the Orlando area, Aquatica is SeaWorld's new water park that just opened a couple of months ago. So I headed out there with a friend and checked it out! Review under the cut!Collapse )

The major suckage? I burned LIEK WOAH, even after putting on sunscreen. My shoulders, back, and upper legs already huuuuuuurt... *hugs the aloe vera bottle* So I've called in the last two days, because putting a shirt on hurts so much I want to cry. (The shower did make me cry.) Blah. I feel bad losing the money from 24 hours of work, but I've worked so much lately, I suppose it's okay. And I feel less guilty taking the point because calling in two days in a row is still only one point. :P I got a few things done that I've been trying to get to for ages.

Also, in trying to compile lists of the guest casts from Flipper episodes for my website, I've found episodes with: Dwight Schultz, Virginia Hey, Lani Tupu, Helen Dallimore, and Don Jeffcoat (yes, my 80s childhood, Nickelodeon-watching kids, THAT one). And dammit, this show still needs fic. *grumbles* (oh, and a DVD release, too...)

Oh, and someone at's boards posted a link to a football game that I'm hooked on now, Goal Line Blitz. You make your own football player and train him and play him and everything. OMG, it's like crack (like Travian and Furry Paws). Anyways, if anyone else wants to try, register!


(LEGO Star Wars update: 70%)
Current Music: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull OST
07 May 2008 @ 09:17 pm

Also, Amazon (spoilerphobes - track titles ahoy!) just posted samples from the soundtrack. John Williams rocks my socks. LOVE the arrangement of track 7. And 8. I feel like I hear hints of score from the original three movies at times (especially track 14). And track 19? OMG YES. XDDD

"Operation: Beat Lego Star Wars" now stands at 59% complete.

And in totally unrelated news, this person wins. We need episodes I don't already have on there, though!
17 February 2008 @ 05:40 pm
Okay, so really not much to update! I passed my audition, thankfully, and as I predicted, was put into the hiring pool! So now I just gotta wait for a call. Been kicking back and relaxing - sleeping in, playing video games, getting odds and ends for the apartment. I started making a muslin for my "That's How You Know" dress last night, and it's coming along well! Of course, I don't have a table to put my sewing machine on yet, so it's all pin-basted together. :p

I went and saw Enchanted again this week, with vinsaneboy!! Woo! Downtown Disney is still showing it once a day. What's with the random cow in Giselle's woodland home? It's all like bunnies and squirrels and deer and chipmunks... and a cow. We went to Adventurer's Club after that... I'd never been there before, but that place is freakin' awesome! The jokes are HILARIOUS (and sooooo not what you expect to hear in a Disney establishment), the booze is good (Kungaloosh = YUMMY), great theming... LOVE.

I've also spent the week watching the Flipper episodes that were put up on Hulu (or here on Veoh if you don't have a Hulu beta account...unfortunately, all available only in the US)... OMG, I need this show on DVD nooooow! And then I found out that it IS out on DVD - in Japan! Does that bode well for a US release? *crosses fingers* (I'm sorely temped to get the Japanese DVDs through since I have a region-free player... alas, they're like $85-90 for half a season!)

My Wii gave me a big-ass scare today. I couldn't get the power to turn on! A couple of mornings ago we lost power for a bit (I was asleep, but my clock was blinking when I woke up) and I was afraid that it had gotten fried, even though it's on a surge protector. But unplugging everything for 90 seconds and then trying again worked! Phew! It woulda been a bitch to fix, I think - since mine's a used system, I couldn't register it and I imagine I would have had to pay for the repairs myself. *hugs her now-working Wii and goes back to playing Lego Star Wars*
04 April 2007 @ 11:01 pm
After weeks of work, it's finally able to be uploaded! Since there's no real fansite for Flipper, I made one myself! I wanted it to be as comprehensive as possible... and that's taken a loooong time. It's still not completely finished - I still have a few episodes left to do screencaps and transcripts for. And I know that the "Forum" link goes nowhere - still working on getting that set up! But if you'd like to see, check out and see what you think! Feedback and suggestions are always appreciated, and definitely let me know of any dead links (aside from the "forum" one I already mentioned).

Alas, the reading report for March is very, very short. You have my crazy schedule to thank for that. Hopefully I'll get a bit more reading done this month! As always, the current list and all-time favorites are here.

The Romanov Prophecy - Steve Berry

While it's a very interesting concept, the execution has about as much finesse as your average Mary Sue fanfic. The author has an irritating fixation on his main character's race, and it starts to sound more like a soapbox than a plot. Everything about the book is predictable from page one, and just as cliched. This author managed to take one of my favorite ideas and turn it into trash. While the historical side of it is interesting, I really wouldn't bother with this one.
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27 February 2007 @ 08:01 pm
So I finished transferring all the Flipper episodes I had on tape (all nine of them... *headdesk*) to DVD... and I'd forgotten how damn squee-worthy the ship on that show was. Now that was a show that knew how to deliberately build up a ship from day one and ride the UST wave all the way to the resolution. *sigh* Two amazing leads, dolphins, and The Perfect Ship... this show needs to be out on DVD so I can have all the first season episodes. Now.

(we'll just pretend that seasons 2-4 never happened, 'cause they didn't have either Brian Wimmer or Colleen Flynn...)
18 February 2007 @ 12:10 am
I got "killed" for the first time today! *sniff* I feel like I'm really part of the team, now. :P What we call "getting killed" is when one of the polar bears jumps at you from the other side of the bars, basically in what would be a pounce to kill you if they could get to you. Blizzard "killed" me today. I saw it coming, too, and sat back and watched as he crept up and pounced. Thanks, Blizz! I feel loved! :P

I've totally been on a Flipper (the 1995 series) kick this week. I busted out my old tapes and have been watching the few episodes I have. I really need to burn them to DVD, because the tapes are like ten years old and I think they're starting to go bad. I would cry if I lost those. Or they need to hurry up and put it out on DVD (ha, right, when hell freezes over). I need to make screencaps from those eps and make some icons... *nods* Oh, man, and that show had such wonderful 'ship...

And in a random somewhat-related idea, is it sad that I'm giggling over the fact that there's a pic of David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Anthony Rapp, and Colleen Flynn (Pam, my fave character from "Flipper"), all together in "Detour"? As if that episode wasn't already awesome enough. It's like Kirsten's fandoms, all smooshing themselves together. :P (I should add here that I always called the tech guy in that episode "the really whiny character that needs to hurry up and get offed." Years later I realized that he was played by Anthony Rapp. Go figure. :P) I should go watch that episode again. There is no such thing as watching The Conversation in the Woods too many times.

OMG, and this is one of the most hilarious videos I've ever seen! (thanks to kasatka for passing along the link!) She-Ra and Evil-Lyn singing "What is This Feeling" (with special guest chorus members!)

10 Things MemeCollapse )

Okay, I'll stop rambling now. I have to be up for a food prep shift at 4:30... I should probably go to bed. :P
Current Mood: tiredtired