...OMG, a real update!! One with a lot of randomness.
We had our Frontierland trainer outing last week, which rocked. First they fed us all breakfast at Splash. Then we went to DAK, and rode a Safari truck from storage out to the attraction, got our own ride through the safari, and then rode back. We got a free lunch, did a big scavenger hunt, then got a tour of Dinosaur's tower and got backdoored. So much win! And we got paid for all that. XD
The parks are PACKED. Holy crap. I think Disney was caught unawares by this year's Spring Break rush. Recession? What recession? They've had to extend park hours and/or add extra Spectros this week almost every day. Oh! And I finally saw Move It! Shake It! Celebrate It!... and LOVED it. It's everything that the new day parade should have been. I have way too much fun with it. I got lots of pics, I just need to get around to uploading them. I also finally met the fairies! Tink was AWESOME. She was afraid of leprechauns. XD I got pics of all that too that I need to get up.
Character audition... as thought, back in the pool! They combined it with a CP audition, so there were like 300 people there. I didn't get out til like 8, and I was one of the first ones there. But I'm back in the pool... yet again. (They also turned away HORDES of CPs... if they took any, it wasn't much)
Swallow-tail kites are back for the summer! Eee! I've seen them twice in the last week, right in front of my apartment complex.
And at the same time - the rains are finally back! There's been showers on and off today. We need it badly. Hasn't done anything to stop the fires up in Volusia, though. Yesterday the park smelled strongly of smoke, and when I did the morning ride-through, everything at the top of C-lift (that tied-up Brer Rabbit) was really hazy. And we're a long way away!
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is out... I totally need to go to GameStop and trade in some stuff and get it. :P And DDR: Disney Groove for the Wii comes out on the 2nd! WOO!
I totally got my roommates hooked on X-Files. We've started at the beginning and are watching the whole series beginning to end, 2-3 episodes a night. :D Half of the episodes I'd totally forgotten because I saw them once and never again. :P
Also... Free Willy 4. No joke. Bindi Irwin and Beau Bridges. XDDD
And in a last note, recent Guest!win quotes:
"Why does the water smell bad?"
(kid gets off, soaking wet) "I took a HUGE dump!"
We had our Frontierland trainer outing last week, which rocked. First they fed us all breakfast at Splash. Then we went to DAK, and rode a Safari truck from storage out to the attraction, got our own ride through the safari, and then rode back. We got a free lunch, did a big scavenger hunt, then got a tour of Dinosaur's tower and got backdoored. So much win! And we got paid for all that. XD
The parks are PACKED. Holy crap. I think Disney was caught unawares by this year's Spring Break rush. Recession? What recession? They've had to extend park hours and/or add extra Spectros this week almost every day. Oh! And I finally saw Move It! Shake It! Celebrate It!... and LOVED it. It's everything that the new day parade should have been. I have way too much fun with it. I got lots of pics, I just need to get around to uploading them. I also finally met the fairies! Tink was AWESOME. She was afraid of leprechauns. XD I got pics of all that too that I need to get up.
Character audition... as thought, back in the pool! They combined it with a CP audition, so there were like 300 people there. I didn't get out til like 8, and I was one of the first ones there. But I'm back in the pool... yet again. (They also turned away HORDES of CPs... if they took any, it wasn't much)
Swallow-tail kites are back for the summer! Eee! I've seen them twice in the last week, right in front of my apartment complex.
And at the same time - the rains are finally back! There's been showers on and off today. We need it badly. Hasn't done anything to stop the fires up in Volusia, though. Yesterday the park smelled strongly of smoke, and when I did the morning ride-through, everything at the top of C-lift (that tied-up Brer Rabbit) was really hazy. And we're a long way away!
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is out... I totally need to go to GameStop and trade in some stuff and get it. :P And DDR: Disney Groove for the Wii comes out on the 2nd! WOO!
I totally got my roommates hooked on X-Files. We've started at the beginning and are watching the whole series beginning to end, 2-3 episodes a night. :D Half of the episodes I'd totally forgotten because I saw them once and never again. :P
Also... Free Willy 4. No joke. Bindi Irwin and Beau Bridges. XDDD
And in a last note, recent Guest!win quotes:
"Why does the water smell bad?"
(kid gets off, soaking wet) "I took a HUGE dump!"
Current Music: Disneyland - Pixar Play Parade
14 wishes | rub the lamp