Happy New Year! My resolution is to update this thing more than once every six months. See? I'm doing it already!
Splash is down for refurb for two months! Yaaaay! And there was much rejoicing. I'm at Bears every day from here on out, and they say we'll get the update training at Splash in late Feb. Tiana's Showboat Jubilee is over, though... SADNESS. That show was awesome! But it's Goin' Down the Bayou now... :(
The View! Candlelight Processional! My night! Video here! I can see me, but they're all in quick, far away shots, so I'm not recognizable. I'm about third row from the top of the tree (the choir in green robes, for the uninitiated), towards the left of the tree. (Either on the edge or next to it... it was filmed over two shows, and me and the CM next to me made the Rail Deal) In any case, if you've never seen the Candlelight Processional and want a 3-minute overview, that's it!
Finally got a couple of runs in this week! I got a 7-miler in on Saturday, and a 5.6-miler today... planning on one more run, a 3-miler, before the half marathon on Saturday. I still need to hit up Target and the Nike Outlet for cold weather gear, because OMG, low of 29 predicted on Friday night/Saturday morning, with a windchill of 14... and the possibility of snow flurries. What state am I in again?!?!? In any case, cold race will be cold. And considering that the staring gun goes off at 5:40, I will be Freezing My Ass Off waiting in that chute. So i need to pick up a running cap and some running gloves, and a disposable long-sleeve tech shirt or jacket. I say disposable so that when I've worked up a sweat after a few miles, I can ditch it on the side of the road. (Disney collects all clothing that people throw aside and donates it to charity) And just in case anyone is particularly curious, you can track my run in real time here and get updates by e-mail or text message! (My last name is Wahlquist, for those who didn't know)
In other things running, I should totally scan the photos from the fall races that my parents got me. But that would also require being un-lazy enough to install my scanner driver on the new laptop. :P So in place of that:
2009 Expedition Everest Challenge - September 26, 2009
2009 Race for the Taste 10k - October 11, 2009 (And my own photos here)
2009 Twilight Zone Tower of Terror 13k - October 24, 2009 (my bib number is my birth year... how awesome is that?)
Feeling the X-Files love these days. The rewatch dropped off at the end of season 7 'cause the roomies aren't as interested without Mulder. Sound familiar, Philes? :P I have season 8, though, and am feeling the need to pop it in. Per Manum, Essence, Existence... and the SG-1-wannabee-Roadrunners (can haz Goa'uld?) and the creepy-as-shit Badlaa...
Also feeling the need to get un-lazy and watch the last season and a half of SGA. Yes kids, I still haven't watched it. Never did catch my interest again after the cast changes... now I'm just curious to see what happened. Must install Azureus on the new lappy...
Getting tired of being stuck in Fro-land, and it shows. Bitterness abounds! I'm tired of being frustrated and working hard and staying in place. So I've decided to kick up my workouts and try to get into shape for SeaWorld's trainer swim tests this year. It's what I've wanted for a long time, it's right in my backyard, but I've never gotten the guts up to do it... well, now I will. If I can't get where I want with Disney, I'll get it with SeaWorld.
On the plus side of that (HA), bitterness, depression and frustration has a good side: imagination! Real life sucks balls, so I play inside my head, and it makes for great artistic inspiration. Now if only I could get some of that nice and finished! I've been jonesing to finish more X-Files art, too... so if anyone has reference pics they'd love me to play with, link me up! MSR preferred, 'cause yeah, after 13 years I'm still an MSR girl. (Suck it, NoRomos! *runs* :P)
And, finally, this deserves a return:
Guest!win... and Guest!fail... this one won them both!
Guest in Fort Langhorn on Tom Sawyer Island: Does this "Escape Tunnel" go back off the island?
ETA: BitTorrent! Candlelight Processional! Me! Edward James Olmos! Downloading!! http://www.mousebits.com
Splash is down for refurb for two months! Yaaaay! And there was much rejoicing. I'm at Bears every day from here on out, and they say we'll get the update training at Splash in late Feb. Tiana's Showboat Jubilee is over, though... SADNESS. That show was awesome! But it's Goin' Down the Bayou now... :(
The View! Candlelight Processional! My night! Video here! I can see me, but they're all in quick, far away shots, so I'm not recognizable. I'm about third row from the top of the tree (the choir in green robes, for the uninitiated), towards the left of the tree. (Either on the edge or next to it... it was filmed over two shows, and me and the CM next to me made the Rail Deal) In any case, if you've never seen the Candlelight Processional and want a 3-minute overview, that's it!
Finally got a couple of runs in this week! I got a 7-miler in on Saturday, and a 5.6-miler today... planning on one more run, a 3-miler, before the half marathon on Saturday. I still need to hit up Target and the Nike Outlet for cold weather gear, because OMG, low of 29 predicted on Friday night/Saturday morning, with a windchill of 14... and the possibility of snow flurries. What state am I in again?!?!? In any case, cold race will be cold. And considering that the staring gun goes off at 5:40, I will be Freezing My Ass Off waiting in that chute. So i need to pick up a running cap and some running gloves, and a disposable long-sleeve tech shirt or jacket. I say disposable so that when I've worked up a sweat after a few miles, I can ditch it on the side of the road. (Disney collects all clothing that people throw aside and donates it to charity) And just in case anyone is particularly curious, you can track my run in real time here and get updates by e-mail or text message! (My last name is Wahlquist, for those who didn't know)
In other things running, I should totally scan the photos from the fall races that my parents got me. But that would also require being un-lazy enough to install my scanner driver on the new laptop. :P So in place of that:
2009 Expedition Everest Challenge - September 26, 2009
2009 Race for the Taste 10k - October 11, 2009 (And my own photos here)
2009 Twilight Zone Tower of Terror 13k - October 24, 2009 (my bib number is my birth year... how awesome is that?)
Feeling the X-Files love these days. The rewatch dropped off at the end of season 7 'cause the roomies aren't as interested without Mulder. Sound familiar, Philes? :P I have season 8, though, and am feeling the need to pop it in. Per Manum, Essence, Existence... and the SG-1-wannabee-Roadrunners (can haz Goa'uld?) and the creepy-as-shit Badlaa...
Also feeling the need to get un-lazy and watch the last season and a half of SGA. Yes kids, I still haven't watched it. Never did catch my interest again after the cast changes... now I'm just curious to see what happened. Must install Azureus on the new lappy...
Getting tired of being stuck in Fro-land, and it shows. Bitterness abounds! I'm tired of being frustrated and working hard and staying in place. So I've decided to kick up my workouts and try to get into shape for SeaWorld's trainer swim tests this year. It's what I've wanted for a long time, it's right in my backyard, but I've never gotten the guts up to do it... well, now I will. If I can't get where I want with Disney, I'll get it with SeaWorld.
On the plus side of that (HA), bitterness, depression and frustration has a good side: imagination! Real life sucks balls, so I play inside my head, and it makes for great artistic inspiration. Now if only I could get some of that nice and finished! I've been jonesing to finish more X-Files art, too... so if anyone has reference pics they'd love me to play with, link me up! MSR preferred, 'cause yeah, after 13 years I'm still an MSR girl. (Suck it, NoRomos! *runs* :P)
And, finally, this deserves a return:
Guest!win... and Guest!fail... this one won them both!
Guest in Fort Langhorn on Tom Sawyer Island: Does this "Escape Tunnel" go back off the island?
ETA: BitTorrent! Candlelight Processional! Me! Edward James Olmos! Downloading!! http://www.mousebits.com
Current Location: United States, Florida, Orlando
Current Music: Brother Bear - On My Way
9 wishes | rub the lamp