In Feed The Monster we control a little alien monster called Quoru.

After passing through the earth, Quoru's saucer is shot down. Upon receiving the strong impact, an energy sphere detaches from the ship and ends up in the hands of a terrible monster.

In order to recover his energy sphere and be able to return home, Quoru will have to feed the Monster.

Game developed for the Game Boy Compo 2023.


To complete each screen of the game, Quoru must get his gun, which will be located somewhere in the room. Once he has it in his possession, he will be able to shoot a human and thus capture him.

Once you have the human in your possession, go to the FEED sign to throw it straight into the Monster's jaws, make sure you don't fall down the hole or you will end up being dinner for that horrible creature.

Feed The Monster offers:

- An Arcade game with fixed screens.

- Designed specifically for your Game Boy Color.

- Various locations loaded with levels of pure love.

- A playable mechanic full of fun and pocket entertainment.

- A Monstrous Soundtrack.

- A simple but friendly artistic design.

- Fun BOSSES at the end of each level.

And much more.

You can play the game on a real Game Boy Color Hardware with Everdrive or Game Boy Color Emulator.

This is a reduced version of the game created for the GB Compo 23, we are working on an expanded version with new locations, more enemies, fun and surprising mechanics to overcome the different levels that the game will offer.

The purpose is to create a game that is entertaining and fun to play, making this an ideal combination for a portable system like our beloved Game Boy.

I hope you enjoy it ^^






En Feed The Monster controlamos a un pequeño monstruito alienígena llamado  Quoru.

Tras su paso por la tierra, el platillo de Quoru es derribado, al recibir el fuerte impacto una esfera de energía se desprende de la nave y acaba en manos de un terrible monstruo.

Para recuperar su esfera de energía y poder regresar a casa, Quoru tendrá que alimentar al Monstruo.

Juego desarrollado para la Game Boy Compo 2023.


Para completar cada pantalla del juego, Quoru debe conseguir su pistola que estará ubicada en algún lugar de la estancia, una vez la tenga en posesión, podrá disparar a un humano y así capturarlo.

Ahora con el humano en su poder, dirígete al cartel de FEED para lanzarlo directo a las fauces del Monstruo pero vigila de no caerte por el agujero o terminaras siendo la cena de esa horrible criatura.

Feed The Monster ofrece:

- Un juego Arcade de pantallas fijas.

- Diseñado específicamente para tu Game Boy Color.

- Varias ubicaciones cargadas con niveles de puro amor.

- Una mecánica jugable  llena de diversión y entretenimiento de bolsillo.

- Una Banda Sonora Monstruosa.

- Un diseño artístico sencillo pero simpático.

- Divertidos JEFES al final de cada nivel .

Y mucho mas.

Puedes jugar al juego en una consola Game Boy Color mediante Everdrive y similares o utilizar un emulador de Game Boy Color.

Esta es una versión reducida del juego creada para la GB Compo 23, se está trabajando en una versión ampliada con nuevas localizaciones, mas enemigos, situaciones divertidas y sorprendes mecánicas para superar los diferentes niveles que el juego ofrecerá.

La finalidad es crear un juego entretenido y divertido de jugar, haciendo de este una combinación idónea para un sistema portátil como es nuestra querida Game Boy.

Espero que lo disfrutes ^^






Original Idea: Xeif

Music: Mr. V

Graphics: Xeif

Code: Xeif

Art Cover: Alba Aramayo

Special Thanks: Xavisan, Mananuk, Valentina (Coffee Bat)


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FeedTheMonsterDemo.gbc 512 kB


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Really a fun idea that works well in these small puzzles! I played to Stage 6 and died a looooot on my way there ^^

I'd say the hitbox of our character and of the enemies is a bit hard to read sometimes (I lost count of how many times I felt like I could jump above that fire enemy in Stage 2 ^^) but I really dig what's there. I also enjoy the fact that loosing all our lives doesn't send us back to the beginning of the world as it would be quite painful!

I'll be following the development with care, congrats!

(are you on any social networks so that I can follow you there if you happen to post about your games?)


Thanks for playing Feed the Monster and leaving your feedback, it helps a lot to take notes on things that can be fixed and be more flexible with the collisions or the difficulty of the game.

I have the X account where I post games I'm working on.


You can also visit my youtube channel where I usually publish trailers or videos of my games as well as my chiptune music compositions. ^^



I'm really looking forward to further levels. Playing through the demo was great fun. Thank you also for the demo cartridge that came with the physical version of Cherry Rescue :-)

Thank you very much for the feedback. The final game will have very fun levels as well as a more balanced difficulty. ^^

Gran juego. Cuando he jugado no sabia que hacer. 

Mi sugerencia: Los objetivos del juego, deberian estar incluidos en el juego. puedes hacerlo en una pantalla ó miniventana al principio del juego, y que aparezca en español e ingles. 

Unicamente eso. Gracias por tu esfuerzo.

Muchas Gracias por la sugerencia, crearé un how to play en el que jugando un nivel tutorial el jugador sepa que ha de recoger la pistola, disparar al humano y lanzarlo al monstruo ^^

(1 edit)

Felicidades por este juegazo!, lo estoy disfrutando mucho, entretenido y hay que darle a la cabeza, divertido, bien ambientado, temática no vista con una gran idea y una gran imaginación, mis felicitaciones y espero ver muchos más como este. Simplemente Genial!!! 

Muchas gracias ^^