This community is for like minded alternative individuals who are into music (for EXAMPLE; jack off jill, my ruin, scarling, hole and many more), goth / trashy /lolita / burlesque / retro fashion, 50's pin ups like bettie paige, wannabe suicide girls, dollies and erotica. Stories, poems, lyrics and photos are very welcome.
the rules are:
1. no spamming
2. No flaming members...if you have a problem with someone let me know and i will check it out
3. i will not censor anything posted but i do ask that if you post something that is actual porn then can you put it behind a cut and post a warning. I dont care but other people might.
4. If someone posts something they have written then CONSTRUCTIVE criticism only, i dont want anyone to be mean to another member.
When you join, it would help us if your first contained this....
Name/nickname: Age: Location: Fave bands/music artists: Style Icon: Who you admire most: and a photo of yourself. of course other information is welcome.