Papers by Bibhupada Sahoo
The Journal of chemical …, 2008
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) has proven to be a powerful tool for the study of a r... more Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) has proven to be a powerful tool for the study of a range of biophysical problems including protein aggregation. However, the requirement of fluorescent labeling has been a major drawback of this approach. Here we show that the ...
... B. Sahoo, VA Jaleel and PK Panda Materials Science Division National Aerospace Laboratories B... more ... B. Sahoo, VA Jaleel and PK Panda Materials Science Division National Aerospace Laboratories Bangalore-560 017 ... A maximum d33 value of 598 pC/N is obtained at 1250°C. The maximum value of d33 can be co related to the sintered density of the samples ie greater the ...
... A maximum dielectric constant of about 79,100 obtained at a frequency of 4.18 MHz. Acknowledg... more ... A maximum dielectric constant of about 79,100 obtained at a frequency of 4.18 MHz. Acknowledgements. The authors are very grateful to Dr. S. Usha Devi for XRD patterns, Mr. PS Laxmi Narasimham for extending the poling facilities and to Mrs. Kalavati for help in SEM studies. ...
In the present work, we discuss an anaysis about the localization of different members of scrambl... more In the present work, we discuss an anaysis about the localization of different members of scramblase protein family. Different scramblase sequences were picked up from organisms of all eukaryotic phyla and their localization were predicted using the P-SORT programme. Our analysis showed that the scramblase protein family shows multiple subcellular localization. Most proteins were found to be localized to the cytoplasm, where as others were found to be present in the nucleus or mitochondria. Interestingly, we found that in yeast, all putative scramblases were localized in the nucleus with a reliability of more than 95%. Our analysis shows that scramblases are a family of protein having diversed cellular localization and hence hypothesized to be performing multiple cellular functions in various organisms.
The magnetic interactions and the Fe spin structure have been studied in Fe(6 nm)/FeRh systems by... more The magnetic interactions and the Fe spin structure have been studied in Fe(6 nm)/FeRh systems by magnetometry, magneto-optic Kerr effect and conversion electron M. ossbauer spectroscopy. A spin-flop coupling mechanism, with the interfacial spins of the ferromagnetic phase perpendicular to the spins of the antiferromagnetic phase was experimentally proved.
Cheminform, 2010
ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was e... more ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 100 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a “Full Text” option. The original article is trackable via the “References” option.

Most distributed systems nowadays are consists of various nodes having different functions and/or... more Most distributed systems nowadays are consists of various nodes having different functions and/or different processing capabilities and speeds. We have considered a heterogeneous distributed system consists of a set of nodes(autonomous computers) with same functionality but different processing capability. This paper is aimed to find out the number of autonomous computer required to design a distributed computing platform (DCP) for a specific problem domain. The transactions initiated in any node routed to the central job scheduler (leader) for execution. The leader once elected is assumed to be fault-free during the assignment and execution of a submitted task. Scheduler model uses Dijkstra algorithm that takes half of that of Bellman-Frod algorithm for Single Origin Shortest Path problem(SOHP). Simulation are being done on a Pentium-II computer system with the model developed using Boroland C++.
... Aser Avinash Ekka Department of Computer Science & Engineering NIT Rourkela, ORISSA, ... more ... Aser Avinash Ekka Department of Computer Science & Engineering NIT Rourkela, ORISSA, INDIA ... in DNA based computations [1]. So, we are inspired to use DNA computing to solve the assignment and scheduling problem in distributed system, which is a NP-Hard problem. ...
This paper presents a fault-tolerant routing algorithm that employs a modified distributed recove... more This paper presents a fault-tolerant routing algorithm that employs a modified distributed recovery block (DRB) approach. The section of a parallel or distributed system spanning between the source and destination nodes is partitioned into a series of overlapping DRB groups. Each DRB group consists of three nodes: a current node and two successor nodes. Primary successor executes the primary try
This paper presents a novel economic based resource allocation model for grid. We proposed model ... more This paper presents a novel economic based resource allocation model for grid. We proposed model which contains three components the client, monetary grid and local grid. The proposed model supports basic requirements for grid market. This model address issues like reduce scarcity of resource, shakeout of grid and ruinous competition. We presented future trading in proposed model and benefits of future of proposed model are discussed.
Grid computing system consists of machines with varied computational capabilities. These systems ... more Grid computing system consists of machines with varied computational capabilities. These systems assist in the computing of large amounts of complicated tasks in scientific and engineering areas. It may operate in an environment where system performance features degrade due to unpredictable changes, inaccuracies in the estimation of task execution times etc. These systems need robustness. The robustness guarantees limited degradation in system performance. The following research is based on the requirement of robustness for resource allocation in grid computing environment. Four heuristic techniques for resource allocation are used to compare the robustness.

Wireless networking has witnessed an explosion of interest from consumers in recent years for its... more Wireless networking has witnessed an explosion of interest from consumers in recent years for its applications in mobile and personal communication. Energy efficiency is also an important design consideration due to the limited battery life of wireless node. In order to maximize the network life time and to minimize energy consumption, instead of routing through shortest path we propose routing through alternate paths. Along with that when traversing in one path, other nodes of network will be switched off in order to reduce energy consumption. For efficient sleep and active node mechanism we divide the entire network into clusters. In this paper we propose the method of using clustering along with that the probabilistic approach to find the number of active and sleep nodes at a particular time. We consider the network in terms of queuing network and consider the packets arrival rate in terms of poisson distribution.

A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is an infrastructure less distributed network without any central... more A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is an infrastructure less distributed network without any central control in which each node jointly participate for routing. Topology of the network is not fixed and varies dynamically with time. Routing in such an infrastructure less network is still a challenging task. In this paper we propose a novel load balanced routing for mobile ad hoc network. In this approach load is defined as the number bytes of packets transmitted by the node and the number of nodes from which it is currently receiving the data packets. Route is constructed in on demand fashion. In our approach there is a provision for handling the data collision occurred by interference by selecting the disjoint paths. For each node contributing in routing a flag bit is set with the time limit TTL once the time limit exceeds this value flag bit is reset. By this flag bit we are able to monitor the data collisions occurred due to interference of the data packets. Each node keeps track of the number of data packets transmitted by him as well as the data packets transmitted by its one hop neighboring nodes along with their flag bit status for the current time interval, by limited broadcasts of hello messages. For relaying the route request the flag bits of neighboring nodes must be at reset status. By this approach we are able to enhance the performance of DSR routing algorithm for larger extent.

Energy is a critical resource in the design of wireless networks. Since wireless devices are usua... more Energy is a critical resource in the design of wireless networks. Since wireless devices are usually powered by batteries.. Battery capacity is finite and the progress of battery technology is very slow, with capacity expected to make little improvement in the near future. Under these conditions, many techniques for conserving power have been proposed to increase battery life. In this dissertation we consider energy consumption cannot be achieved by routing through shortest path. By taking the shortest path energy of a small set of nodes decreases very rapidly as compare to other nodes, making the nodes to die which leads network to partition. So to maximize network life instead of using the shortest path try to use alternate path to avoid congestion. In this paper we propose one algorithm of finding alternate routes in wireless network which may decrease energy consumption by sharing the load and avoiding congested path and retransmission. I.
Phase Transitions, 2006
... Rev , 100: 663 [CrossRef], [Web of Science ®] View all references. Mg 2 Sn has similar electr... more ... Rev , 100: 663 [CrossRef], [Web of Science ®] View all references. Mg 2 Sn has similar electronic properties like α-Sn 33. Svane, A and Antoncik, E. 1987. ... Mg 2 Sn has practically the same s-electron content per Sn atom as α-Sn (about 1.4) 33. Svane, A and Antoncik, E. 1987. ...

Water Resources Management
The Green-Ampt (GA) infiltration model is a simplified version of the physically based full hydro... more The Green-Ampt (GA) infiltration model is a simplified version of the physically based full hydrodynamic model, known as the Richards equation. The simplicity and accuracy of this model facilitates for its use in many field problems, such as, infiltration computation in rainfall-runoff modelling, effluent transport in groundwater modelling studies, irrigation management studies including drainage systems etc. The numerous infiltration models based on the Green-Ampt approach have been widely investigated for their applicability in various scenarios of homogeneous soils. However, recent advances in physically based distributed rainfall-runoff modeling demands for the use of improved infiltration models for layered soils with non-uniform initial moisture conditions under varying rainfall patterns to capture the actual infiltration process that exists in nature. The difficulty that modelers are facing now-a-days includes the estimation of time of ponding and the application of the infil...

Accurate thematic classification is one of the most commonly desired outputs from remote sensing ... more Accurate thematic classification is one of the most commonly desired outputs from remote sensing images. Recent research efforts to improve the reliability and accuracy of image classification have led to the introduction of the Support Vector Classification (SVC) scheme. SVC is a new generation of supervised learning method based on the principle of statistical learning theory, which is designed to decrease uncertainty in the model structure and the fitness of data. We have presented a comparative analysis of SVC with the Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC) method, which is the most popular conventional supervised classification technique. SVC is an optimization technique in which the classification accuracy heavily relies on identifying the optimal parameters. Using a case study, we verify a method to obtain these optimal parameters such that SVC can be applied efficiently. We use multispectral and hyperspectral images to develop thematic classes of known lithologic units in order to compare the classification accuracy of both the methods. We have varied the training to testing data proportions to assess the relative robustness and the optimal training sample requirement of both the methods to achieve compa
Papers by Bibhupada Sahoo