Favourites at 3 years, 2months |
[Oct. 21st, 2006|05:37 pm]
Food: Milkshakes
Word: Forwits! (forklifts) and lots of discussion about 'pooop'. Doogie poop, Xander poop, car poop, mermaid poop. & wampooter (computer)
Toy: His tools, specifically the pliers, and whatever the dog is playing with.
Place: Daddy's work, driving the fowits or visiting Caleigh
Movie: The Little Mermaid
Tele Show: Spongebob: the Halloween episode
Music: Beego-Beego! (oingo boingo)
Doing: Walking the dog, talk-talk-talking!, pointing out letters to me (though, they are always A,E,R,P and 6) waving to other drivers when we are in the car
Working on: counting, learning new words several times a day.
Afraid of: Airplanes, once in a while (since the air and water show)
Getting in trouble for: stealing the dog's toys, general dog harrasment, turning off mommy's computer |