Are You A Reject?!
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[03 Nov 2006|11:21pm]

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[09 Apr 2005|12:45am]


JOIN NOW!</strong></font></p>

Am I a reject [01 Mar 2005|12:02am]
[ mood | Sort of bf is pissing me off ]

[x] Name: Kaity
[x] Age: 14
[x] Sex: girl
[x] 5 of your favorite bands: AFI, The Used, My Chemical Romance, Senses Fail, Metallica
[x] 2 of your favorite Singers or music artists: Davey Havok, Scott Weiland
[x] In what community(s) have you been rejected: wh0red_out
[x] What state do you live in? Maryland

[x] Pictures: None

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am i a reject?? [21 Jan 2005|08:43pm]

[ mood | im failing history... ]


[x] Name: katie
[x] Age: 14
[x] Sex: girl
[x] 5 of your favorite bands: feable weiner, sunday druver, story of the year, slipknot, taking back sunday
[x] 2 of your favorite Singers or music artists: tyson ritter, cyndie lauper
[x] In what community(s) have you been rejected: _____ohdear i think thats how you spell it
[x] What state do you live in? texas

[x] Pictures: dont got any my computers retarded

but id like to be a reject <3333

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[22 Dec 2004|12:14am]
[x] Name:Nar
[x] Age:17
[x] Sex:Dude
[x] 5 of your favorite bands: Red hot chili peppers, Rise Against, Silverstein, Nirvana, Slipknot
[x] 2 of your favorite Singers or music artists: Anthony Kiedis
[x] In what community(s) have you been rejected: never tried any.
[x] What state do you live in? New york city
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Am I a Reject? [05 Sep 2004|12:52pm]

[ mood | aggravated ]

[x] Name: Nicole
[x] Age: 14
[x] Sex: chick
[x] 5 of your favorite bands: dashboard, taking back sunday, greenday, sublime, red rover
[x] 2 of your favorite Singers or music artists: madonna, billy joe
[x] In what community(s) have you been rejected: I haven't been reject on this sn but I have on my other one xxtootsirollxx because I haven't aplyed to any on this one.....aren't you luck =) ( ___suckerpunch was one i got rejected from on xxtootsirollxx)
[x] What state do you live in? The only new state where you don't have to use the new.....for challanged people...jersey *big smile*

[x] Pictures:
The eggplants (me on the right I'm "green")

(ok well i'll post the picture in a comment b/c imageshack is being a biznitch hommie)

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[17 Aug 2004|09:45am]


[x] Name:Jessikaaaa
[x] Age:13
[x] Sex:GIRL
[x] 5 of your favorite bands:brand new, dashboard confessional, taking back sunday,uhmmm,lil wyte, g-unit lol
[x] 2 of your favorite Singers or music artists: uhm john michael montgomery and toby keith!
[x] In what community(s) have you been rejected: venoumous_vanity
[x] What state do you live in? mainers for life!

[x] Pictures:
golly i'm good looking lol jp jp .... i aint that cocky lol :)

ps melissa albert rocks my socks off!!!
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[13 Aug 2004|11:03am]

[ mood | busy ]

Everyone in this community MUST spread the news about this community. mention it in your journal, community, or something else!! thanks


</3 MelissaXanne

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[12 Aug 2004|03:17pm]

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[12 Aug 2004|02:42pm]

[x] Name: Melissa Ann
[x] Age: 15
[x] Sex: Female
[x] 5 of your favorite bands: Groove Coverage, Sugarcult, Dashboard Confessional, Yellowcard, Simple Plam
[x] 2 of your favorite Singers or music artists: Ashlee Simpson, ??
[x] In what community(s) have you been rejected: anything that had to do with being sexii
[x] What state do you live in? Michigan

[x] Pictures:
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hello [12 Aug 2004|12:27pm]

[ mood | excited ]


I'm Melissa the Mod of this community.

please join!!!

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