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Apr. 5th, 2013


Presenting Cerebro Legends!!

Presenting the only challenge community of its kind . . .


Here comes YOUR chance to side with Xavier or Magneto and get points for your team by creating new fan works, of any kind, based off of new challenges for each round! Plus, get bonus points by making those fan works star your chosen X-Man or X-Woman!

All characters are still available!!

We also welcome all things X-Men -- comics, cartoons, movies! As long as it's X-Men, it's good! :-)

Click here for more information!

Mar. 10th, 2012



Compliment, Enemies, Leaving, Relax (Rogue, Mystique/Magneto, Wolverine/Sabretooth)

Titles: Compliment, Enemies, Leaving, Relax (Alpha #23-26)
Author: vikingprincess|[personal profile] vikingprincess
Mystique/Magneto, Wolverine/Sabretooth, Rogue, (see spoiler information for details)
Ratings/Warnings: All Ages
Spoiler InformationCollapse )
Genre: Drabbles (4 x 100)
Prompt/s: Omega, Alpha, and Beta drabble theme sets are from x_men100 and can be found here.
Disclaimer: I neither own nor profit from anything related to the X-Men, who belong to Marvel and Disney (which is still weird to me).

( Compliment, Enemies, Leaving, and Relax )

Feb. 15th, 2012



4 X-Men Drabbles: Priest, Benevolence, Calm, Charity (Rogue/Various)

Titles: Priest, Benevolence, Calm, Charity (Alpha #19-22)
Author: vikingprincess|[personal profile] vikingprincess
Rogue & OMC, Rogue/Magneto, Rogue/Carol Danvers, Rogue/Wolverine; various X-Men universes (see spoiler information for details)
Ratings/Warnings: All Ages
Spoiler InformationCollapse )
Genre: Drabbles (4 x 100)
Prompt/s: Omega, Alpha, and Beta drabble theme sets are from x_men100 and can be found here.
Disclaimer: I neither own nor profit from anything related to the X-Men, who belong to Marvel and Disney.

( Priest, Benevolence, Calm, Charity )

Feb. 2nd, 2012



Eyes, Whip, God, Doctor (Rogue, Rogue/Gambit, Beast)

Titles: Eyes, God, Whip, Doctor (Alpha #15-19)
Author: vikingprincess|[personal profile] vikingprincess
Rogue, Rogue/Gambit, Beast; various X-Men universes (see spoiler information for details)
Ratings/Warnings: All Ages
Spoiler InformationCollapse )
Genre: Drabbles (4 x 100)
Prompt/s: Omega, Alpha, and Beta drabble theme sets are from x_men100 and can be found here.
Disclaimer: I neither own nor profit from anything related to the X-Men, who belong to Marvel and Disney.

( Eyes, God, Whip, and Doctor )

Jan. 26th, 2012



"Fell Apart" and "Destroyer" - Two X-Men Song Fics (Gambit, Sabretooth)

Title: Fell Apart (from the lyrics for "The World Around You," by Papa Roach)
Author: vikingprincess|[personal profile] vikingprincess
Setting: X-Men 616, after Rogue plays tag with Danger in Australia
Characters: Gambit (Rogue)
Rating: All Ages

Title: Overdrive (from the lyrics for "Destroyer," by Static X)
Setting: Movie-verse, XMO:W only
Characters: Sabretooth (Wolverine/Silver Fox)
Rating: PG-13 (lots of obscenity)

Thanks to xenokattz for putting up a music inspired comment fic challenge on her journal!

Jan. 21st, 2012



Voodoo, Tumble, Feet, Kissing (Four Rogue Drabbles)

Titles: Voodoo, Tumble, Feet, Kissing (Alpha #11-14))
Author: vikingprincess|[personal profile] vikingprincess
Rogue; set in The Reeducation of Remy LeBeau 'verse, inspired by a combination of X1, X2, X-Men Evolution, and X-Men 616.
Ratings/Warnings: All Ages
Spoiler InformationCollapse )
Genre: Drabbles (4 x 100)
Prompt/s: Omega, Alpha, and Beta drabble theme sets are from x_men100 and can be found here.
Disclaimer: I neither own nor profit from anything related to the X-Men, who belong to Marvel and Disney.

( Voodoo, Tumble, Feet, Kissing )

Jan. 8th, 2012



Learning, Ocean, Chains, Laughter - Four More Rogue Drabbles

Titles: Learning, Ocean, Chains, Laughter (Omega #47-50)
Author: vikingprincess
Rogue (Mystique, Cody); set in The Reeducation of Remy LeBeau 'verse, inspired by a combination of X1, X2, X-Men Evolution, and X-Men 616.
Ratings/Warnings: All Ages for the first three, FRT/PG13 for the fourth (check the spoilers for potentially triggering information).
Spoiler InformationCollapse )
Genre: Drabbles (100 words each)
Prompt/s: Omega, Alpha, and Beta drabble theme sets are from x_men100 and can be found here.
Disclaimer: I neither own nor profit from anything related to the X-Men, who belong to Marvel and Disney.

( Learning, Ocean, Chains, and Laughter )

Jan. 2nd, 2012



X-Men: Rogue. Omega Theme Set #43-46

Titles: Addict, Regret, Promise, Never (Omega 43-46)
Author: vikingprincess/[personal profile] vikingprincess
Rogue of the X-Men, with mentions of Gambit and other characters; set in The Reeducation of Remy LeBeau 'verse.
Ratings/Warnings: Up to FRT/PG. Spoiler InformationCollapse )
Genre: Drabbles (100 words each)
Prompt/s: Omega, Alpha, and Beta drabble theme sets are from x_men100 and can be found here.
Disclaimer: I neither own nor profit from anything related to the X-Men, who belong to Marvel and Disney.

( Addict, Regret, Promise, and Never )

Jul. 29th, 2010

[cowboy bebop] Spike; locked and loaded


(no subject)

Title: One small step
Character/Pairing: Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)
Prompt: Door
Theme set: Omega
'Verse: Movies, X2
Rating: G

The merciless pain in his head has finally faded, and he’s staring at the metal door the woman named Storm apparently believes he can take her through.

A part of him just wants to flee, to slip away from them and this horribly familiar base to find somewhere safe and hidden. But there seems to be nowhere for him to go; his family is far away and the wilderness unfamiliar.

Storm looks at him with faith in her eyes, and he finds himself wrapping his arms around her. Whatever is behind that door, he thinks they can face it together.

Jul. 19th, 2010

[cowboy bebop] Spike; locked and loaded


(no subject)

Title: Sweetest memories
Character/Pairing: Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)
Prompt: Garden
Theme set: Omega
'Verse: Movies, post - X2
Rating: PG

He asks Ms. Munroe if he can use a patch of her gardensCollapse )

Title: Coward
Character/Pairing: Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)
Prompt: Deceit
Theme set: Omega
'Verse: Movies, post - X2
Rating: G

He roles it over in his hands while Hank lectures him about proper care and maintenanceCollapse )

Title: No shame
Character/Pairing: Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)
Prompt: Tremble
Theme set: Omega
'Verse: Movies, post - X2
Rating: G

“Let all mortal flesh be silent, and with fear and trembling stand….”Collapse )

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