applicant rules • Use an lj-cut! • Your lj-cut or subject must say “Am I fetch enough?” or you don’t exist. • Keep the age above 14. • For application you are NOT allowed to promote in promotion communities! • Girls and boys both welcome! • Do not comment on any post other than you own until you’re stamped. If you do - you're gone! • You must answer every question. • For you’re own sake, and so the stamped members don’t want to rip their beautiful hair out, please be mean in the burn book. • Post at least 2-5 clear pictures. No more, no less, thank you. • If you feel the vote is unjust, say something. This is a mean girl’s community after all. But... • Don’t disrespect the stamped members, that will result in an automatic rejection and perhaps a ban. • Never disrespect your mods, that will result in an automatic ban
member rules • Remember, this is a community based on bitchiness, wit, and somewhat looks, so please base your vote on that, not on just one of the 3 stated. • YOU CANNOT PROMOTE OTHER COMMUNITIES. IF YOU DO YOU'LL BE AUTOMATICALLY BANNED, NO QUESTIONS ASKED. • If anyone who isn't a member of this community promotes another community in here, feel free to bitch at them in comments. • When posting, always put “Stamped” in the subject line. • If posting pictures, always use a lj-cut. • Always have your co-member’s back if an applicant makes trouble. But, if you have a problem, don’t be afraid to express your feelings. But... • Love your mods. Always.