? ?
Journal created:
on 5 July 2004 (#3703139)
on 11 March 2011
Are you fetch enough?
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
A rating community. Are you fetch enough?

Your Lovely Mod

AIM ;; bemybadhabit

applicant rules
• Use an lj-cut!
• Your lj-cut or subject must say “Am I fetch enough?” or you don’t exist.
• Keep the age above 14.
• For application you are NOT allowed to promote in promotion communities!
• Girls and boys both welcome!
• Do not comment on any post other than you own until you’re stamped. If you do - you're gone!
• You must answer every question.
• For you’re own sake, and so the stamped members don’t want to rip their beautiful hair out, please be mean in the burn book.
• Post at least 2-5 clear pictures. No more, no less, thank you.
• If you feel the vote is unjust, say something. This is a mean girl’s community after all. But...
• Don’t disrespect the stamped members, that will result in an automatic rejection and perhaps a ban.
• Never disrespect your mods, that will result in an automatic ban

member rules
• Remember, this is a community based on bitchiness, wit, and somewhat looks, so please base your vote on that, not on just one of the 3 stated.
• If anyone who isn't a member of this community promotes another community in here, feel free to bitch at them in comments.
• When posting, always put “Stamped” in the subject line.
• If posting pictures, always use a lj-cut.
• Always have your co-member’s back if an applicant makes trouble. But, if you have a problem, don’t be afraid to express your feelings. But...
• Love your mods. Always.

Copy&&paste ;; Don't use rich text

COPY AND PASTE! Don't use rich text!!!!!

promo banners

a walk to remember, abstinence, adam brody, all american rejects, ashton kutcher, barbie, baseball, baseball players, bay, benjamin mckenzie, big & rich, bitches, boots, boys, broncos, cady, caramel, carebears, chad michael murray, chris cagle, christianity, clothes, coffee, cold play, colored shoes, converses, cookie dough, cruel intentions, crying, cuddling, cute, dancing, dashboard confessional, dc talk, death cab for cutie, delirious?, disney princesses, dr. pepper, elvis presley, everwood, faith hill, feminism, fetch, football, freebies, friends, full house, glitter, good hair days, green day, gretchen, grumpy bear, halloween, handbags, highschool, his eyes, his smile, hot boys, hugs, in public view, insomnia, jeans, judy garland, karen, kissing, lipgloss, love, making brownies, maroon 5, martina mcbride, mean girls, messy hair, mexican food, mischa barton, movies, music, new found glory, no clashing, no patterns with jeans, offers, one tree hill, pacsun, phantom planet, pink, pink on wednsday, plastics, popularity, pretty, pro-life, purple eyeliner, purple eyeshadow, purple mascara, purses, rain, rainbow bright, rascal flatts, real world, regina, relient k, rooney, ryan atwood, sara evans, saved by the bell, scary movies, seth and summer, seth cohen, sex in the city, shoelaces, shoes, shopping, singing, skillet, slogan tees, snow, sonicflood, sprite remix, starbucks, switchfoot, taking back sunday, tall boys, the o.c., the oc, the plastics, the strokes, the white stripes, tim mcgraw, tips, volleyball, wardrobe, yankees, yellowcard
