Papers by Piergiuseppe Morone
The present paper investigates the impact of financial constraints on the Italian biomass product... more The present paper investigates the impact of financial constraints on the Italian biomass production by adopting a multi-level perspective approach. In particular, it explores to what extent (i) financial constraints at regime level and (ii) internal barriers at niche level hinder the biomass niche to enter the current fossil fuel based regime. Results highlight that the most critical external barriers which impede the biomass producers in securing finance are uncertainty about government policy and potential investors that do not have sufficient experience in the field of biomass while the most relevant internal barriers are represented by the lack of technical expertise perceived by potential investors and the excessive administrative burden of the Italian system.
This article deals with the impact of trade on wage dispersion in developing countries and its ef... more This article deals with the impact of trade on wage dispersion in developing countries and its effects on welfare distribution. Attention is focused on two selected East Asian countries, and two Latin American countries. Section one introduces the work and describes the guidelines of the paper. Section two presents a review of the most recent relevant literature. Section three describes
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, The
In letteratura si sottolinea come la conoscenza ed i relativi meccanismi di apprendimento (learni... more In letteratura si sottolinea come la conoscenza ed i relativi meccanismi di apprendimento (learning) siano cruciali per lo sviluppo dei sistemi produttivi locali. Gran parte della conoscenza impiegata nei processi di produzione ha natura localizzata, cioe' non e' trasferibile da un luogo ad un altro in quanto non difficilmente codificabile e' facile da codificare e puo' essere, percio' definita tacita.

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015
The growing global population, matched with constraints imposed by the natural resources' system,... more The growing global population, matched with constraints imposed by the natural resources' system, entails either productivity growth (i.e., making more output with the same input) or developing new uses for waste (i.e., finding new sources of inputs among unused outputs). Biowaste emerged as a resource with a significant potential to be employed as a raw material for the production of chemicals, materials and fuels given its abundant volumes generated globally. This study aims at providing insights into the potential development of the bioplastics technological niche that uses secondary feedstock (biowaste) instead of dedicated crops and into the factors that may hinder the full development of this niche. Specifically, looking at the Italian bioplastics market, the following three research questions are addressed: (1) What are the structural characteristics of the Italian bioplastics network? (2) What is the social network architecture? (3) How does the network architecture affect the potential development of the bioplastics technological niche that uses a secondary feedstock? The empirical investigation provides evidence that the architectural structure of the Italian bioplastics producers network offers great opportunities for the development of a technological niche based on biowaste valorization. However, the system has shown to be weak especially as far as expectations are concerned, as these are generally low and, more critically, are low for those actors occupying central positions in the network. This shortcoming could jeopardize the niche development process, if no appropriate policy actions are undertaken. More specifically, this study could support decision makers in developing specific strategies to unlock the enormous potential of biowaste as well of the bioplastics sector by: (i) empowering knowledge creation and its diffusion and by (ii) supporting strategic collaboration schemes. For instance, policy measures could be introduced to the possibility to stimulate social learning as a driver of expectations. Finally, although this study addresses a single case study, the proposed methodology and the specific findings may pave the way for further investigations that consider stakeholders' behavior and what is needed in order to mobilize them to embark on bioplastics production projects on a commercial scale.
Papers by Piergiuseppe Morone
Les crimes contre l'environnement, s'ils sont perçus comme sans victimes, n'ont pas reçu la réponse gouvernementale appropriée et ont souvent été classés parmi les moins prioritaires dans la liste des priorités de l'application de la loi, sanctionnés par des sanctions administratives clémentes. Cela a contribué à une sous-estimation des conséquences immédiates des crimes contre l'environnement, qui peuvent passer inaperçus pendant de longues périodes. Au contraire, la mauvaise gestion et le trafic illicite de déchets dans le Land of Fires, région de la Campanie dans le sud de l'Italie, ont été vécus comme un crime avec «victimes». En utilisant une approche «écologie politique de la santé» et en intégrant des méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives, j'examine comment la perception d'être victime de crimes environnementaux liés aux déchets a été amplifiée par des preuves de graves conséquences pour la santé. Les problèmes de santé sont devenus une question centrale dans la résurgence des mouvements populaires contre la mauvaise gestion des déchets en Campanie.
Los delitos ambientales se perciben a menudo como "crímenes sin víctimas", por lo que durante años no han recibido una respuesta apropiada por parte de los gobiernos ni tampoco han representado una prioridad para el poder judicial, siendo sancionados solo en ocasiones y con multas administrativas. Este enfoque ha contribuido a subestimar las consecuencias inmediatas de los crímenes ambientales, que pueden pasar inadvertidas durante largos periodos de tiempo. En contraste, la mala gestión y el comercio ilegal de residuos en la Tierra de los Fuegos, un área de la región de Campania, al Sur de Italia, se han vivido como "crímenes con victimas." Mediante este estudio, usando un enfoque de ecología política de la salud e integrando métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos, tenemos el objetivo de investigar cómo la contracción de graves enfermedades influencia la percepción de ser una víctima de un crimen ambiental relacionado con la gestión de residuos. Los resultados obtenidos permiten afirmar que la preocupación sobre la salud se ha convertido en una cuestión central en la resurgencia de los movimientos de base contra la mala gestión de los residuos en Campania.