Articles, Chapters, Papers by Fabio Colonnese
Il cortile della Farnesina ai Baullari in una ideale ricostruzione degli inizi del XVII secolo. L... more Il cortile della Farnesina ai Baullari in una ideale ricostruzione degli inizi del XVII secolo. La figura sulla sinistra, in abiti ottocenteschi, è ridisegnata da una delle tavole che Paul-Marie Letarouilly dedicò a Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne (elaborazione grafica dal modello digitale dell'autore).
DMJournal 2 (2024) [open source]
IMG Journal 8 (2023): 14–37 [Special issue: Imaging and Imagery in Contemporary Architecture] [open source]
(with M. Carpiceci, A. Schiavo and R. Zanone) Imeko 2023 Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. Proceedings (Rome, October 19-21, 2023), pp. 246-252. ISBN 9789299009062
27 Digital Technologies and 3D Printing for the Communication of Archaeological Discovery: The ca... more 27 Digital Technologies and 3D Printing for the Communication of Archaeological Discovery: The case of the early-archaic wreck of the strait of Otranto Vincenzo Ria (Soprintendenza Nazionale per il patrimonio culturale subacqueo) and Barbara Davidde (Soprintendenza Nazionale per il patrimonio culturale subacqueo) Session 1.2-Diagnostic for Cultural Heritage: contribution of Raman spectroscopy and other non-destructive techniques to the investigation of art objects-Cultural heritage at synchrotrons Room: Aula B-Department of Mathematics and Physics 33 Analytical investigations on polychrome artworks from the wooden ceiling of "ex
(with M. Carpiceci and R. Libera) Hypogea 2023 Proceedings of 4th International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities (Genoa, Palazzo Ducale, September 29-30, 2023). Edited by S. Saj et al. 325-334. Rimini: Corigraf, 2023. ISBN 9788832241327
(with M. Carpiceci, A. Schiavo and R. Zanone) Hypogea 2023 Proceedings of 4th International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities (Genua, Palazzo Ducale, September 29-30, 2023). Edited by S. Saj et al., 251-260. Rimini: Corigraf, 2023. ISBN 9788832241327
Physical evidence of dedication rites in rock churches of Basilicata and Apulia (Italy). Some cas... more Physical evidence of dedication rites in rock churches of Basilicata and Apulia (Italy). Some case studies
(with M. Carpiceci) Architecture 3, 3 (2023): 528–547 [open source]
(with L. Guerini) Transizioni/Transitions. Atti del 44° Convegno Internazionale dei Docenti delle Discipline della Rappresentazione. Edited by Mirco Cannella, Alessia Garozzo, Sara Morena, 1089-1110. Palermo: Franco Angeli, 2023. ISBN 9788835155119 [open source]
Revisione e redazione impaginati Layouts Review and Editing Vincenza Garofalo Verifica norme reda... more Revisione e redazione impaginati Layouts Review and Editing Vincenza Garofalo Verifica norme redazionali Editorial Rules Review Vincenza Garofalo (coordinatore/coordinator
(with M. Giunta) Борис Иофан. Пути архитектуры 1920-1950-х годов / Boris Iofan. The Paths of Architecture of the 1920-1950. Edited by A. Vyazemtseva, K. Malich, I. Pechenkin, 335-354. Moscow: Kuchkovo Pole Muzeon, 2023. ISBN 9785907589261
GUD 7, 1 (2023): 76-81 [Special issue: Sinapsi/Synapse] [open source]
SCIRES-IT 13, 1 (2023): 15-30 [open source]
(with A. Schiavo) Diségno 12 (2023): 147-158 [Special Issue: Points of View from Above] [open source]
CRAUP. Les Cahiers de la recherche architecturale, urbaine et paysagère 18 (2023): 31-52 [Special Issue: Photomontage et représentation] [open source]
Crédits de couverture Caterina Borelli Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 3 juillet 2023.
(with M. Giunta) Forme dell’abitare a Roma. Echi dell’antico nell’architettura del primo Novecento. Edited by Simona Benedetti, Flavia Enfante, Iacopo Benincampi, Daniele Bigi, Lorenzo Kosmopoulos, 333-342. Roma, Gangemi, 2023. ISBN 9788849245936
Il presente volume raccoglie gli esiti del Convegno svoltosi nel 2021 e costituisce parte del pro... more Il presente volume raccoglie gli esiti del Convegno svoltosi nel 2021 e costituisce parte del progetto di ricerca "Tipologie e forme dell'abitare a Roma. Gli echi dell'antico nell'architettura del primo Novecento" finanziato nel 2019 dall'Università degli Studi di Roma "Sapienza". Tutti i testi pubblicati hanno superato la procedura di accettazione per la pubblicazione basata su meccanismi di revisione soggetti a referees terzi secondo il principio della double peer review. Comitato scientifico del Convegno Forme dell'Abitare a Roma. Echi dell'antico nell'architettura del primo Novecento (a cura di:
IMG Journal 7 (2022): 126-151 [Special Issue: Wordless Images] ISSN 2724-2463 [open source]

(with M.G.D'Amelio and L. Grieco) Mobile Culture Studies. The Journal 7 (2021): 61–78 [Special Issue: Materialities]. ISSN 2413-9181 [open source]
About ›mcsj› is a multilingual, peer-reviewed, academic open-access journal without author fees b... more About ›mcsj› is a multilingual, peer-reviewed, academic open-access journal without author fees being published by the Karl Franzens University Graz (Austria) in the form of a yearbook. The annual journal, with alternating key subjects and guest editors, aims to publish original articles from research at the forefront of the trans-disciplinary field of mobilities. ›mcsj› is grounded in the humanities, whilst maintaining a close dialogue both with the social and technical sciences and the artistic field. Languages ›mcsj› seeks to innovate by balancing the linguistic bias towards English as a "cuckoo in the European higher education nest of languages" (Phillipson) and at the same time offering authors of regional languages increased visibility in the realm of English as lingua franca. It wants to serve as a pilot project for a new balance between native regional languages and English as a lingua franca. The choice of the board members reflects the requirements of our concern: they represent a number of regional languages reunited in a common thematic platform. Accordingly, ›mcsj› accepts articles in any language within the linguistic competences of the editorial team and scientific board. More than one language in one issue is possible. Articles in a non-English scientific language are accompanied by a two-page quotable extended English summary by the author(s).
AND 41 (2022): 50–55. ISSN 2785-7778 [open source]
Border Surveillance and Control Through Architecture, Infrastructure and Landscape. Edited by Alejandro González Milea, Olimpia Niglio, 271–294. Roma, TAB Edizioni, 2022. ISBN 9788892955462
(with M. Fagiolo) SCIRES-IT 12, 1 (2022): 31–48. Edited by V. Valzano and M. Gaiani [open source]
Arts 11, 3 (2022): 63 (21 pages) Edited by Pietro Marani [open source]
Articles, Chapters, Papers by Fabio Colonnese