Faculdade Anhanguera Limeira
A generic framework for the updating geomechanical parameters is presented. It is based on Bayesian probabilities, and considers several levels of uncertainty. It allows one to properly update the probability distribution function of a... more
In this paper a KBS computational system, designated by GEOPAT, for the calculation of geomechanical parameters for modelling underground structures in rock and soil formations is presented. To congregate the specialists' knowledge in... more
The collection of geomechanical information is a complex and dynamic process. As new information is available, the geotechnical model can be updated. However, this is not a straightforward process since the information sources may have... more
RESUMO: O presente trabalho descreve sistemas computacionais que estão em fase de desenvolvimento e aperfeiçoamento e que servirão para a análise de risco dos túneis da rede de comboios de alta velocidade a ser construída em Portugal. Um... more
Due to the inherent geological complexity and characterization difficulties in rock formations, the evaluation of geomechanical parameters is very complex, mostly in the initial project stages and in small-scale geotechnical works, where... more
In geotechnical engineering, and in the particular case of underground works, a great number of uncertainties arise due to the lack of knowledge of the involved formations and their variability. Geomechanical parameters are one of the... more
The evaluation of geomechanical parameters for rock masses is one of the issues with largest uncertainty degree. This is mostly true in the preliminary stages of design and in small works where geotechnical information is normally scarce.... more
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RESUMO: No Norte de Portugal está a ser construído um grande complexo hidroeléctrico subterrâneo como reforço de potência de um sistema hidroeléctrico existente desde 1951. Este novo complexo inclui um circuito hidráulico com 4,4 km de... more
Textile dyes are an important class of synthetic organic compounds and are therefore common industrial pollutants. They are produced in large scale and may enter the environment during production or later on during fibre dyeing. Due to... more
The Luiz Bandeira Bridge is located along the Portuguese national road EN333-3, breaching the valley of the Vouga River, just northeast of the small village Sejães, in the district of Oliveira de Frades. It is considered to be the oldest... more
Foram realizados ensaios SPT, DPH, DPL e CPT nos solos graníticos em vários locais urbanos da Região Norte de Portugal, essencialmente do Porto, Braga e Guimarães. Obtiveram-se correlações entre resultados dos ensaios SPT-DPH; CPT-DPL;... more
O século V a.C. foi um forte período de idéias e soluções na Grécia.A democracia ateniense tinha como base o princípio de igualdade de todos perante a lei. Cidadãos atenienses participavam da Assembléia (uma reunião periódica), debatendo... more