Papers by Natascha Pomino

7 Abstract: Our paper discusses different patterns of plural marking in 8 N(oun)A(djective)/A(dje... more 7 Abstract: Our paper discusses different patterns of plural marking in 8 N(oun)A(djective)/A(djective)N(oun)-combinations in phonic French. We first 9 show, based on previous observations, that French has incomplete plural agree10 ment in complex nominal phrases and that there is a striking asymmetry be11 tween AN-combinations (plural marking on the determiner and prenominal ad12 jectives via liaison, where possible) and NA-combinations (usually, only plural 13 marking on the determiner and infrequent liaison between N and postnominal 14 A). In order to understand this discrepancy, we have analyzed all the occurren15 ces of AN and NA in two French corpora and found a strong tendency for liaison 16 in NA only to appear systematically and independently from register variation 17 in “proper-name like” expressions such as Jeux Olympiques ‘Olympic Games’ 18 ([ʒøzolɛp̃ik]). In a third step, we discuss this empirical finding and consider it 19 synchronically as a case of morphophonologica...
This volume is a collection of papers presented at the IV NEREUS ( ilg. uni-stuttgart.... more This volume is a collection of papers presented at the IV NEREUS ( ilg. uni-stuttgart. de/Nereus/) international workshop on the topic Definiteness and DP Structure in Romance Languages, held at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona on October 9th and 10th, 2008. The main theme of the workshop was the relation between the semantic notion definiteness and the syntactic structure of the Determiner Phrase. Within this theme various specific topics were discussed during the workshop. One group of papers addressed the ...
Die Einführung ist als Grundlehrbuch der deutschsprachigen Spanischen Philologie konzipiert und e... more Die Einführung ist als Grundlehrbuch der deutschsprachigen Spanischen Philologie konzipiert und enthält das Grundwissen der Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft. Das Buch ist für den Studienanfänger nachvollziehbar dargestellt und kann begleitend zu den Einführungskursen, aber auch durch Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungsvorschlägen für das Selbststudium genutzt werden.

Formal Approaches to Romance Morphosyntax, 2021
This volume comprises a selection of contributions presented at a workshop entitled The Morphosyn... more This volume comprises a selection of contributions presented at a workshop entitled The Morphosyntax of the Romance Languages and its Formal Analysis, part of the XXXV Romanistentag ‘Dynamics, Encounter, and Migration’ in Zurich in 2017. The single chapters offer elaboration and revision of existing theoretical approaches as well as new formal analytical methods to Romance morphosyntax together with a comparative perspective on a range of data from the Romance languages, much of it novel in substance. They draw on approaches developed in recent grammatical theorizing, particularly in Generative Grammar; theoretical frameworks complementary to Generative Syntax, such as Distributed Morphology and Nanosyntax, are successfully adopted in order to analyse a vast range of Romance data not only from major Romance languages but also from non-standard, diatopic, and diachronic varieties.

STUF - Language Typology and Universals
The liaison consonant [z] in French noun phrases has traditionally been assumed to function as a ... more The liaison consonant [z] in French noun phrases has traditionally been assumed to function as a plural marker. The realization of “plural [z]” in N(oun)-A(djective)-combinations is becoming, however, very rare in naturalistic data – except for contexts which allow a proper-name reading. On the one hand, one might think that we are dealing with a recent phenomenon, the beginning of a potential linguistic change in French in the sense of exaptation, reuse of former morphophonological material such as plural markers to signal proper-namehood in the sense of ‘frozen morphology’. If this turns out correct, we expect the productivity of the new synchronic function to increase: New NA-combinations which function as proper names should be realized systematically with liaison, and proper name-marking via liaison should also become possible with other liaison consonants. On the other hand, we may be dealing with a (completed) diachronic process, in that only those NA-combinations which allow...

Transactions of the Philological Society
This article studies the various suppletive patterns found with respect to the Romance movement v... more This article studies the various suppletive patterns found with respect to the Romance movement verb GO, both under a diachronic and a synchronic perspective, within the framework of Distributed Morphology (DM). The Romance varieties all started with the loss of verbal forms of Lat. ıre-indeed, there is no Romance variety that retained the full paradigm-but reached different solutions in diachrony. A particular case, implemented by underspecified Vocabulary Items in DM, is overlapping suppletion, as found in Spanish, where the absolute default auxiliary BE shares part of its forms with GO. In this article, different types of suppletion are distinguished and selected aspects of suppletion are analysed in order to illustrate how DM can systematically account for them. From the perspective of DM, we discuss why non-categorial suppletion is restricted to the present tense, how resistance to innovation of 1/2pl can be modelled and how subsequent analogical levelling can be formalised. Finally, we show why, as in Ibero-Romance, forms of BE can be used for GO.
Stark, Elisabeth / Pomino, Natascha (eds.), El sincretismo en la gramática del español, Madrid/Frankfurt a.M.: Vervuert, 9-28, 2011
Actas del VII Congreso Internacional de …, 2008
Localización: Actas del VII Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española: Merida (Yuc... more Localización: Actas del VII Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española: Merida (Yucatán), 4-8 septiembre de 2006/coord. por Concepción Company Company, José G. Moreno de Alba, Vol. 1, 2008, ISBN 978-84-7635-734-7, págs. 943-966
… Workshop. Definiteness, specificity and anymacy in …, 2006
Arbeitspapier Nr. 124, 2009
Page 121. In: MT Espinal, M. Leonetti & L. McNally (eds.), Proceedings of the IV Nereus Inter... more Page 121. In: MT Espinal, M. Leonetti & L. McNally (eds.), Proceedings of the IV Nereus International Workshop Definiteness and DP Structure in Romance Languages. Arbeitspapier 124. Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Konstanz 2009, 113-135. ...

Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 35(2), 137-170, 2016
Our paper discusses different patterns of plural marking in N(oun)A(djective)/A(djective)N(oun)-c... more Our paper discusses different patterns of plural marking in N(oun)A(djective)/A(djective)N(oun)-combinations in phonic French. We first show, based on previous observations, that French has incomplete plural agreement in complex nominal phrases and that there is a striking asymmetry between AN-combinations (plural marking on the determiner and prenominal adjectives via liaison, where possible) and NA-combinations (usually, only plural marking on the determiner and infrequent liaison between N and postnominal A). In order to understand this discrepancy, we have analyzed all the occurrences of AN and NA in two French corpora and found a strong tendency for liaison in NA only to appear systematically and independently from register variation in "proper-name like" expressions such as Jeux Olympiques 'Olympic Games' ([ʒøzolɛpik]). In a third step, we discuss this empirical finding and consider it synchronically as a case of morphophonological "proper name marking" (cf. Nübling 2005).
Studies in Language Companion Series, 2010
Papers by Natascha Pomino