Papers by Natka J A N K O V A Alagjozovska
Philologia, 2023
This study aims to prove that teachers in the Eastern part of the Republic of North Macedonia are... more This study aims to prove that teachers in the Eastern part of the Republic of North Macedonia are still lacking intercultural training and have not developed the two prerequisites of intercultural communication competence: intercultural communication awareness and intercultural communication sensitivity. Using a questionnaire for
teachers which was distributed in high-schools in Strumica (R. N. Macedonia) and sent to teachers in Ruse (R. Bulgaria) online, the level of intercultural awareness was measured.
The results reveal that 63% of the participants have medium level of Intercultural awareness and there is no difference of the level of intercultural awareness in terms of the place of living i.e., the country.

7th International New York Academic Research Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2023
sound system as its material formulation. In that sense language can be researched in terms of Ph... more sound system as its material formulation. In that sense language can be researched in terms of Phonetics - the sounds, accent, intonation as its material side and Phonology i.e. the sounds and their functional
role in the language system. Phonetics and Phonology are two different sciences whereas Phonetics is considered as a helping linguistic discipline which is about the sound notions of the word apart from
their linguistic function which is discussed further in Morphology, Syntax and Semantics. Phonetics does not deal with the sound complex and its meaning but the material side of the sounds and human
speech i.e. the physiological description of the sounds.
Within every foreign language learning and teaching, the pronunciation i.e. the speaking skill is essential. In order to improve English language pronunciation, one needs to acquire the rules of Phonetics
and Phonology that deal with the sounds, their physical properties and the relationship of sounds and meaning along with the phonetic transcription.
Key words: English language, pronunciation, Phonetics, Phonology, IPA.

This paper aims to analyze the curricula of teaching English as a foreign language with emphasis ... more This paper aims to analyze the curricula of teaching English as a foreign language with emphasis on the intercultural content. The analysis will confirm that, the foreign language methodology in the Republic of North Macedonia is still traditional and very often oriented towards the teacher-centered, book-centered, grammartranslation method and puts emphasis only on language knowledge and not towards the trend of intercultural communication competence. One of the aims of any methodology in foreign language teaching is to improve the foreign language ability of the student and this can be achieved by the intercultural communication competence. This means that the aim of the modern way of teaching and learning a foreign language is the ability to communicate with people from the foreign countries in order to get the opportunity to perceive the world from another point of view i.e. to learn and discover new cultures and their ways of life. Intercultural communication is becoming an ess...

Journal of Educational Sciences Theory and Practice, 2021
The aim of this paper is to show how intercultural materials can help in developing intercultural... more The aim of this paper is to show how intercultural materials can help in developing intercultural communication competence in English language lessons. It will confirm that the cultural content is present in students' books but what is needed is accurate guidance and paying more attention to conducting the lesson in the right manner. Observations are chosen as a research instrument in this study in order to explain the cultural component of teaching English as a foreign language in a more detailed way. Lesson observations based on action research is a systematic inquiry with the goal of informing practice in a particular situation. It is a tool for teachers to discover what works best in their own classroom situation, occupying a midpoint on a continuum from teacher reflection on one end to traditional appraisal lesson observation on the other. The conclusion tells us that there are many challenges that teachers are faced with when teaching students from different ethnic backgrounds and if the teacher is not familiar with the students' cultural backgrounds, they will be faced with difficulties in giving instructions or meeting their learning needs.

Developing the intercultural dimension of students and English language teachers revolves around ... more Developing the intercultural dimension of students and English language teachers revolves around the following aims: to give learners intercultural competence as well as linguistic competence; to prepare them for interaction with people of other cultures; to enable them to understand and accept people from other cultures as individuals with other distinctive perspectives, values and behaviors; and to help them to see that such interaction is an enriching experience (Byram, 2002). Thus, English language teaching should focus on improving the intercultural communication competence as a needed component. Many studies and projects conducted in our country are mainly oriented towards improving the intercultural communication competence of students. In this paper, English language teachers are chosen as a focus of a research due to the opportunities of discussing cultural topics during the English language lessons. However, integrating culture in other lessons is also very important. The ...
Knowledge International Journal, Oct 7, 2021
Yearbook 18, 2021
This study focuses on intercultural communication competence (ICC) of
English language teachers i... more This study focuses on intercultural communication competence (ICC) of
English language teachers in the Republic of North Macedonia and Bulgaria. Recently, English language teaching has been brought into relation with intercultural communication competence especially in countries where English language is not a native language. The
globalization of the world, the immigration of people to Europe and overseas, and the diverse nature of many societies have caused the ICC to become a trend not only in the field of ELT, but also in other disciplines such as: business and economy, communication, art, marketing

The aim of this paper is to explain the basic terms connected to intercultural communication. In ... more The aim of this paper is to explain the basic terms connected to intercultural communication. In connection to that, intercultural competence as an important component in learning foreign languages will be discussed. First, the terms culture, communication, intercultural communication and intercultural communication competence (ICC) will be explained and then the models for easier adoption of ICC will be presented. ICC is essential when learning foreign languages and it cannot be neglected that only by studying foreign languages you can adopt that competence. Studying the foreign language is the most effective way to understand and learn the language and perceive the world from another point of view and this is central in ICC. Within the paper the results from a case study conducted at the University of "Goce Delcev" and the students from the Faculty of Philology. The case study perceives the current situation of ICC of the students and at the end conclusions and recommendations for further activities in the field will be proposed. 27 students participated in this study, and the survey was conducted after an online workshop entitled Intercultural communication, a needed component in learning foreign languages. The results reveal that the students have intercultural awareness to a certain extend and they are aware that this competence is needed but should be learned and implemented in the curricula for studying foreign languages within the education process. The ultimate goal of an IC approach is not so much 'native speaker competence' but rather intercultural communicative competence and this includes the ability to understand the language and behavior of the target community and explain it to members of the 'home' community. The intercultural approach trains learners to be diplomats i.e. able to view different cultures from a perspective of informed understanding and this aim displaces the long-standing objective of foreign language teaching-to attain 'native speaker proficiency'.

The aim of this paper is to show how intercultural materials can help in developing intercultural... more The aim of this paper is to show how intercultural materials can help in developing intercultural communication competence in English language lessons. It will confirm that the cultural content is present in students' books but what is needed is accurate guidance and paying more attention to conducting the lesson in the right manner. Observations are chosen as a research instrument in this study in order to explain the cultural component of teaching English as a foreign language in a more detailed way. Lesson observations based on action research is a systematic inquiry with the goal of informing practice in a particular situation. It is a tool for teachers to discover what works best in their own classroom situation, occupying a midpoint on a continuum from teacher reflection on one end to traditional appraisal lesson observation on the other. The conclusion tells us that there are many challenges that teachers are faced with when teaching students from different ethnic backgrounds and if the teacher is not familiar with the students' cultural backgrounds, they will be faced with difficulties in giving instructions or meeting their learning needs.

The purpose of this paper is to explain the changes that take place with the verb forms due to in... more The purpose of this paper is to explain the changes that take place with the verb forms due to inflection of the verbs according to person, tense and aspect in the English and Macedonian language. It will analyze the verb as the most important part of the sentence. The verb includes words or a group of words which show different states and situations. The verb is the part of the sentence which makes this group of words a complete piece of communication. However, the action expressed by the verb is closely related to its doer and this basic meaning of the verb is made more complex by other meanings which determine the number, aspect, tense of the verb. The complexity of these grammatical categories which are frequently related to lexical changes, make the verb the most complex structure both in English and in Macedonian and this will be seen in within this paper. Opposite to names, where there is a greater morphological simplicity, the verb is characterized by a great diversity of forms. Through these forms all the syntactical relationships which the verb enters become obvious. There is no doubt that knowledge of grammar rules is essential for the mastery of a language. Knowing the grammar rules — knowing what a verb is, what the present or past tense is — is of limited use unless you know how to apply this knowledge in practice. Moreover, grammar is just one area of what is called ‘linguistic competence’, other areas being, for example, knowledge of vocabulary and phonology. Linguistic competence, in turn, is just one of a number of competencies that contribute to the overall communicative competence. It is required to use the knowledge of the language system in order to achieve some kind of communicative purpose no matter which language we use as long as it is being used accurately. Keywords: verbs, tenses, morphology, syntax, aspect.
The intense nature of intercultural processes in today's society alters communication at a fundam... more The intense nature of intercultural processes in today's society alters communication at a fundamental level-both in practice and in behavior. Modern socio and psycholinguistic theories call for intercultural discourse to be the key in interpreting social interactions among people in global society. At the same time, it is normal to change the requirements of individual competence, understood as a complex of knowledge, skills and attitudes, allowing the individual to deal effectively with situations that are increasingly determined by cultural differences. This paper points out that the learning process should extend from the teaching individual grammatical structures and theoretical knowledge to the promotion of communication skills and the acquisition of intercultural dialogue skills.

The increased globalization of the economy and the interaction of different cultures was a reason... more The increased globalization of the economy and the interaction of different cultures was a reason for the concept of world culture to emerge. It is an idea that traditional barriers among people of different cultures will break down the traditional barriers among people. Intercultural communication takes place between nations and governments rather than individual to individual and it is quite formal and ritualized. Thus successful communication depends on shared cultural norms. The concept of interculturalization emphasizes communication as the primary goal of language learning, sees culture and language as closely linked; recognizes that culture is always present when language is used, sees cultural skills as important as language skills in language learning. When the communication takes place between people of different cultures and they share a common language, things can certainly go wrong. Moreover speaking the language does not mean that you have the background knowledge that native speakers assume you have. The issues of IC such as barriers in communication, stereotypes, ethnocentrism, culture shock and conflicts will be discussed in this study in terms of English language teaching.
Key words: intercultural communication, ELT, globalization, foreign language, teaching.

FILKO, 2016
Business and language are inter-connected in many ways. In order to do
an International business ... more Business and language are inter-connected in many ways. In order to do
an International business task, one needs to acquire knowledge of Business English and also Inter-cultural communication. What you say, wear and behave can either break or make you in business. Also, global business is demanding and businesses are looking for the best candidates.
In order to keep up with the demands, the applicants need to Master the
Art of Business. This paper will cover some tips for acquiring Interview skills, the business and the electronic etiquette.
If people want to be successful in Business internationally, they should
study Business English. Teaching and learning Business English is much
different than it looks like. The teacher necessarily needs to know the
methodology of ESP which is quite different than teaching EGP. The paper will go through the differences of ESP/EGP/EOP and will provide you with some useful tips of how to avoid traditional frontal teaching by using task-based activities.
Key words: business, interview, etiquette, ESP, methodology, task-based

KNOWLEDGE – International Journal Vol. 26.2, 2018
This paper will be concerned with multiculturalism in English language teaching as an important c... more This paper will be concerned with multiculturalism in English language teaching as an important component in education. Multicultural education as an idea has a major goal to reform the educational institutions in order to find a way for all the students no matter their gender, race, ethnicity, language or cultural group to have an
equal opportunity to learn and study at school. A multicultural classroom consists of students from different cultures which are supposed to form a diverse learning environment. In order to accomplish a relaxing environment the teacher should possess skills, creativity and knowledge. Multicultural education as a whole process should be infused into the school programs in order to achieve equal rights for every student. In order to accomplish that, students should be educated in terms of intercultural communication i.e. they should learn how to respond to
different cultures and ethnicities and intercultural communication will teach them how to respect and understand the diverse cultures. If teachers become aware that language skills and knowledge need to be connected to the intercultural competence, students will feel that energy also and will show much better results. That is the reason
why the intercultural competence is essential in achieving goals on an international level and more precisely by implementing intercultural competence in education a bigger cultural awareness can be attained. Approaches to multicultural education will be discussed in details and finally some strategies for developing multicultural lessons
will be proposed.
Keywords: multiculturalism, education, culture, language, intercultural communication.

English language teaching has inevitably developed towards intercultural communication especially... more English language teaching has inevitably developed towards intercultural communication especially in countries where English language is not a native language. The globalization of the world, the immigration of people in Europe and overseas and the diverse nature of many societies have caused the ICC to become a trend not only in the field of ELT but also in other disciplines such as: business and economy, communication, art, marketing etc. The idea of intercultural communication is to break down the barriers among people of different cultures by learning and appreciating each culture, avoid stereotypes and accept every culture as it is. Intercultural communication cognition of English language teachers is necessary in the English classroom because it is about the ability of teachers to incorporate intercultural communication knowledge, attitudes and awareness towards other cultures. Intercultural communication is becoming essential part of the education system nowadays because of globalization, immigration and the multicultural work environments. The need for training, knowledge and research in this field is increasing because of the recent trends in education.
Key words: ELT, Intercultural Communication, culture, knowledge.

This paper focuses on the interplay of romantic and Gothic elements in the two
most famous novels... more This paper focuses on the interplay of romantic and Gothic elements in the two
most famous novels of Charlotte and Emily Brontё: Jane Eyre and Wuthering
Heights. Special attention is paid to the metamorphoses of the Byronic hero in
those novels as well as to the presence of supernatural and Gothic elements in
them. At the beginning, the paper discusses the Byronic heroes in the two novels
Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights and their characteristic features as Byronic heroes.
I likewise identify other types of Byronic heroes in Jane Eyre. The following
chapters are concerned with the supernatural and gothic elements in Wuthering
Heights and Jane Eyre starting with an introduction of Gothicism, its appearance
and development. I further consider the question of whether Wuthering Heights is
Gothic or realist. Having in mind the sub types of Gothicism, I place Jane Eyre in
the group of new Gothic romances which is confirmed by many critics.
Key words: Byronic hero, Gothicism, supernatural, realism, mysticism

At the beginning of the 21th century, the countries of the West Balkan are challenged to follow t... more At the beginning of the 21th century, the countries of the West Balkan are challenged to follow the contemporary societies where education is fundamental for creating a quality professional staff that would be the basis of the society. Educators and policy makers in West Europe fail to follow the contemporary trends of education and this makes the adverse circumstance.
The need for changing the type of education within the countries of the
Western Balkans in order to follow the dynamic change of the society leaves
the challenges they need to face in order to succeed within the European Union
and on the global level as well. In order to achieve that, what is needed before
is resolving the problems that limit the development of these countries. This
process is delayed because of the conflicts of priorities in the political and
skilled structures of the governments that decide about the priorities of the
taken activities, the slow economic growth, the lack of resources and the limited
capacity of personal staff and their skilled experience. This paper deals with all the above mentioned problems in the countries of the Western Balkans and gives a possible solution of them including the projects for lifelong learning, changes and innovations in secondary and university education curricula and of course, studying languages and intercultural communication in order to avoid stereotyping, coming out of common classrooms and getting closer to more sophisticated tools and approach towards successful integration in the modern society.
Key words: education, integration, solutions, communicative competence,
studying languages, intercultural communication

Викторијанскиот период претставувал отсекогаш стожер на моите интереси во литературните истражува... more Викторијанскиот период претставувал отсекогаш стожер на моите интереси во литературните истражувања. Од литературна гледна точка, тоа е период на голем подем, иако понекогаш има поделени мислења за тоа колку вреди таа литература, бидејќи Викторијанците небаре биле опседнати со општествените и со политичките проблеми. Независно од фактот што Викторијанската ера се гордее со големиот напредок, обичните луѓе тогаш искусувале големи неправди, грозотии и различни форми на неморалност. Во овој труд, главно, се опишуваат Рочестер и Хитклиф – протагонистите на двете новели Џејн Ер и Оркански височини и нивните карактеристики како Бајроновски херои. Најпрво ќе зборувам за Хитклиф како за Бајроновски херој, па накратко ќе го опишам и
мотивот на „инцестната љубов“ меѓу Кетрин и Хитклиф споредена со онаа во Манфред од Бајрон за да успеам последователно да ја доловам и мојата гледна точка за влијанието на Бајрон врз овие авторки. Најпосле ќе го опишам и Хитклиф како Бајроновски херој.
Клучни зборови: Викторијански период, Бајроновски херои,
љубов, инцест.

This paper covers the very common theme of conflict between power and
passion in both mentioned n... more This paper covers the very common theme of conflict between power and
passion in both mentioned novels introduced by two pairs who seek
their balance in order to achieve happiness. We are aware that there are
certain differences in the two main relationships presented in the two
novels. Power is central in both novels and a balance of power is needed
in both relationships to reach the love heaven. Jane Eyre and Rochester
reach their balance and a happy ending, whereas in Wuthering Heights
the unapproachable balance leads to destruction of both Cathy and
Heathcliff.The conflicts depicted in these novels lead to happiness and
power is often replaced by love, but the balance is different in each case.
Jane Eyre has a happy ending while Wuthering Heights ends with the
death of Heathcliff. The sisters, apparently, did not share the same reaction
to Byronism. Gender was also an important domain in the Victorian
age and in the novels of Emily and Charlotte Brontё. Their heroes and
heroines kept the conventions and norms of their time but in Jane Eyre
this adherence led to happiness, while in Wuthering Heights it resulted
in destruction. In neither novel marriage is for the sake of status and
wealth. It is described as conducive to love and happiness.
Key Word: power, passion, conflict, Victorian age, gender.
Papers by Natka J A N K O V A Alagjozovska
teachers which was distributed in high-schools in Strumica (R. N. Macedonia) and sent to teachers in Ruse (R. Bulgaria) online, the level of intercultural awareness was measured.
The results reveal that 63% of the participants have medium level of Intercultural awareness and there is no difference of the level of intercultural awareness in terms of the place of living i.e., the country.
role in the language system. Phonetics and Phonology are two different sciences whereas Phonetics is considered as a helping linguistic discipline which is about the sound notions of the word apart from
their linguistic function which is discussed further in Morphology, Syntax and Semantics. Phonetics does not deal with the sound complex and its meaning but the material side of the sounds and human
speech i.e. the physiological description of the sounds.
Within every foreign language learning and teaching, the pronunciation i.e. the speaking skill is essential. In order to improve English language pronunciation, one needs to acquire the rules of Phonetics
and Phonology that deal with the sounds, their physical properties and the relationship of sounds and meaning along with the phonetic transcription.
Key words: English language, pronunciation, Phonetics, Phonology, IPA.
English language teachers in the Republic of North Macedonia and Bulgaria. Recently, English language teaching has been brought into relation with intercultural communication competence especially in countries where English language is not a native language. The
globalization of the world, the immigration of people to Europe and overseas, and the diverse nature of many societies have caused the ICC to become a trend not only in the field of ELT, but also in other disciplines such as: business and economy, communication, art, marketing
Key words: intercultural communication, ELT, globalization, foreign language, teaching.
an International business task, one needs to acquire knowledge of Business English and also Inter-cultural communication. What you say, wear and behave can either break or make you in business. Also, global business is demanding and businesses are looking for the best candidates.
In order to keep up with the demands, the applicants need to Master the
Art of Business. This paper will cover some tips for acquiring Interview skills, the business and the electronic etiquette.
If people want to be successful in Business internationally, they should
study Business English. Teaching and learning Business English is much
different than it looks like. The teacher necessarily needs to know the
methodology of ESP which is quite different than teaching EGP. The paper will go through the differences of ESP/EGP/EOP and will provide you with some useful tips of how to avoid traditional frontal teaching by using task-based activities.
Key words: business, interview, etiquette, ESP, methodology, task-based
equal opportunity to learn and study at school. A multicultural classroom consists of students from different cultures which are supposed to form a diverse learning environment. In order to accomplish a relaxing environment the teacher should possess skills, creativity and knowledge. Multicultural education as a whole process should be infused into the school programs in order to achieve equal rights for every student. In order to accomplish that, students should be educated in terms of intercultural communication i.e. they should learn how to respond to
different cultures and ethnicities and intercultural communication will teach them how to respect and understand the diverse cultures. If teachers become aware that language skills and knowledge need to be connected to the intercultural competence, students will feel that energy also and will show much better results. That is the reason
why the intercultural competence is essential in achieving goals on an international level and more precisely by implementing intercultural competence in education a bigger cultural awareness can be attained. Approaches to multicultural education will be discussed in details and finally some strategies for developing multicultural lessons
will be proposed.
Keywords: multiculturalism, education, culture, language, intercultural communication.
Key words: ELT, Intercultural Communication, culture, knowledge.
most famous novels of Charlotte and Emily Brontё: Jane Eyre and Wuthering
Heights. Special attention is paid to the metamorphoses of the Byronic hero in
those novels as well as to the presence of supernatural and Gothic elements in
them. At the beginning, the paper discusses the Byronic heroes in the two novels
Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights and their characteristic features as Byronic heroes.
I likewise identify other types of Byronic heroes in Jane Eyre. The following
chapters are concerned with the supernatural and gothic elements in Wuthering
Heights and Jane Eyre starting with an introduction of Gothicism, its appearance
and development. I further consider the question of whether Wuthering Heights is
Gothic or realist. Having in mind the sub types of Gothicism, I place Jane Eyre in
the group of new Gothic romances which is confirmed by many critics.
Key words: Byronic hero, Gothicism, supernatural, realism, mysticism
The need for changing the type of education within the countries of the
Western Balkans in order to follow the dynamic change of the society leaves
the challenges they need to face in order to succeed within the European Union
and on the global level as well. In order to achieve that, what is needed before
is resolving the problems that limit the development of these countries. This
process is delayed because of the conflicts of priorities in the political and
skilled structures of the governments that decide about the priorities of the
taken activities, the slow economic growth, the lack of resources and the limited
capacity of personal staff and their skilled experience. This paper deals with all the above mentioned problems in the countries of the Western Balkans and gives a possible solution of them including the projects for lifelong learning, changes and innovations in secondary and university education curricula and of course, studying languages and intercultural communication in order to avoid stereotyping, coming out of common classrooms and getting closer to more sophisticated tools and approach towards successful integration in the modern society.
Key words: education, integration, solutions, communicative competence,
studying languages, intercultural communication
мотивот на „инцестната љубов“ меѓу Кетрин и Хитклиф споредена со онаа во Манфред од Бајрон за да успеам последователно да ја доловам и мојата гледна точка за влијанието на Бајрон врз овие авторки. Најпосле ќе го опишам и Хитклиф како Бајроновски херој.
Клучни зборови: Викторијански период, Бајроновски херои,
љубов, инцест.
passion in both mentioned novels introduced by two pairs who seek
their balance in order to achieve happiness. We are aware that there are
certain differences in the two main relationships presented in the two
novels. Power is central in both novels and a balance of power is needed
in both relationships to reach the love heaven. Jane Eyre and Rochester
reach their balance and a happy ending, whereas in Wuthering Heights
the unapproachable balance leads to destruction of both Cathy and
Heathcliff.The conflicts depicted in these novels lead to happiness and
power is often replaced by love, but the balance is different in each case.
Jane Eyre has a happy ending while Wuthering Heights ends with the
death of Heathcliff. The sisters, apparently, did not share the same reaction
to Byronism. Gender was also an important domain in the Victorian
age and in the novels of Emily and Charlotte Brontё. Their heroes and
heroines kept the conventions and norms of their time but in Jane Eyre
this adherence led to happiness, while in Wuthering Heights it resulted
in destruction. In neither novel marriage is for the sake of status and
wealth. It is described as conducive to love and happiness.
Key Word: power, passion, conflict, Victorian age, gender.
teachers which was distributed in high-schools in Strumica (R. N. Macedonia) and sent to teachers in Ruse (R. Bulgaria) online, the level of intercultural awareness was measured.
The results reveal that 63% of the participants have medium level of Intercultural awareness and there is no difference of the level of intercultural awareness in terms of the place of living i.e., the country.
role in the language system. Phonetics and Phonology are two different sciences whereas Phonetics is considered as a helping linguistic discipline which is about the sound notions of the word apart from
their linguistic function which is discussed further in Morphology, Syntax and Semantics. Phonetics does not deal with the sound complex and its meaning but the material side of the sounds and human
speech i.e. the physiological description of the sounds.
Within every foreign language learning and teaching, the pronunciation i.e. the speaking skill is essential. In order to improve English language pronunciation, one needs to acquire the rules of Phonetics
and Phonology that deal with the sounds, their physical properties and the relationship of sounds and meaning along with the phonetic transcription.
Key words: English language, pronunciation, Phonetics, Phonology, IPA.
English language teachers in the Republic of North Macedonia and Bulgaria. Recently, English language teaching has been brought into relation with intercultural communication competence especially in countries where English language is not a native language. The
globalization of the world, the immigration of people to Europe and overseas, and the diverse nature of many societies have caused the ICC to become a trend not only in the field of ELT, but also in other disciplines such as: business and economy, communication, art, marketing
Key words: intercultural communication, ELT, globalization, foreign language, teaching.
an International business task, one needs to acquire knowledge of Business English and also Inter-cultural communication. What you say, wear and behave can either break or make you in business. Also, global business is demanding and businesses are looking for the best candidates.
In order to keep up with the demands, the applicants need to Master the
Art of Business. This paper will cover some tips for acquiring Interview skills, the business and the electronic etiquette.
If people want to be successful in Business internationally, they should
study Business English. Teaching and learning Business English is much
different than it looks like. The teacher necessarily needs to know the
methodology of ESP which is quite different than teaching EGP. The paper will go through the differences of ESP/EGP/EOP and will provide you with some useful tips of how to avoid traditional frontal teaching by using task-based activities.
Key words: business, interview, etiquette, ESP, methodology, task-based
equal opportunity to learn and study at school. A multicultural classroom consists of students from different cultures which are supposed to form a diverse learning environment. In order to accomplish a relaxing environment the teacher should possess skills, creativity and knowledge. Multicultural education as a whole process should be infused into the school programs in order to achieve equal rights for every student. In order to accomplish that, students should be educated in terms of intercultural communication i.e. they should learn how to respond to
different cultures and ethnicities and intercultural communication will teach them how to respect and understand the diverse cultures. If teachers become aware that language skills and knowledge need to be connected to the intercultural competence, students will feel that energy also and will show much better results. That is the reason
why the intercultural competence is essential in achieving goals on an international level and more precisely by implementing intercultural competence in education a bigger cultural awareness can be attained. Approaches to multicultural education will be discussed in details and finally some strategies for developing multicultural lessons
will be proposed.
Keywords: multiculturalism, education, culture, language, intercultural communication.
Key words: ELT, Intercultural Communication, culture, knowledge.
most famous novels of Charlotte and Emily Brontё: Jane Eyre and Wuthering
Heights. Special attention is paid to the metamorphoses of the Byronic hero in
those novels as well as to the presence of supernatural and Gothic elements in
them. At the beginning, the paper discusses the Byronic heroes in the two novels
Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights and their characteristic features as Byronic heroes.
I likewise identify other types of Byronic heroes in Jane Eyre. The following
chapters are concerned with the supernatural and gothic elements in Wuthering
Heights and Jane Eyre starting with an introduction of Gothicism, its appearance
and development. I further consider the question of whether Wuthering Heights is
Gothic or realist. Having in mind the sub types of Gothicism, I place Jane Eyre in
the group of new Gothic romances which is confirmed by many critics.
Key words: Byronic hero, Gothicism, supernatural, realism, mysticism
The need for changing the type of education within the countries of the
Western Balkans in order to follow the dynamic change of the society leaves
the challenges they need to face in order to succeed within the European Union
and on the global level as well. In order to achieve that, what is needed before
is resolving the problems that limit the development of these countries. This
process is delayed because of the conflicts of priorities in the political and
skilled structures of the governments that decide about the priorities of the
taken activities, the slow economic growth, the lack of resources and the limited
capacity of personal staff and their skilled experience. This paper deals with all the above mentioned problems in the countries of the Western Balkans and gives a possible solution of them including the projects for lifelong learning, changes and innovations in secondary and university education curricula and of course, studying languages and intercultural communication in order to avoid stereotyping, coming out of common classrooms and getting closer to more sophisticated tools and approach towards successful integration in the modern society.
Key words: education, integration, solutions, communicative competence,
studying languages, intercultural communication
мотивот на „инцестната љубов“ меѓу Кетрин и Хитклиф споредена со онаа во Манфред од Бајрон за да успеам последователно да ја доловам и мојата гледна точка за влијанието на Бајрон врз овие авторки. Најпосле ќе го опишам и Хитклиф како Бајроновски херој.
Клучни зборови: Викторијански период, Бајроновски херои,
љубов, инцест.
passion in both mentioned novels introduced by two pairs who seek
their balance in order to achieve happiness. We are aware that there are
certain differences in the two main relationships presented in the two
novels. Power is central in both novels and a balance of power is needed
in both relationships to reach the love heaven. Jane Eyre and Rochester
reach their balance and a happy ending, whereas in Wuthering Heights
the unapproachable balance leads to destruction of both Cathy and
Heathcliff.The conflicts depicted in these novels lead to happiness and
power is often replaced by love, but the balance is different in each case.
Jane Eyre has a happy ending while Wuthering Heights ends with the
death of Heathcliff. The sisters, apparently, did not share the same reaction
to Byronism. Gender was also an important domain in the Victorian
age and in the novels of Emily and Charlotte Brontё. Their heroes and
heroines kept the conventions and norms of their time but in Jane Eyre
this adherence led to happiness, while in Wuthering Heights it resulted
in destruction. In neither novel marriage is for the sake of status and
wealth. It is described as conducive to love and happiness.
Key Word: power, passion, conflict, Victorian age, gender.