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    • Clinical Pharmacy
El motivo principal de este tomo regional, surgio de la necesidad de comprender el contexto que influyo durante decadas en el desarrollo del conflicto armado en Colombia durante mas de medio siglo, teniendo en cuenta que la diversidad... more
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    • Political Science
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Molecular tests for viral diagnostics are essential to confront the COVID-19 pandemic, but their production and distribution cannot satisfy the current high demand. Early identification of infected people and their contacts is the key to... more
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Multiwall carbon nanotubes were grown inside the millimetric channels of commercial ceramic materials, cordierite monoliths, using a modified catalytic chemical vapor deposition method. Fe(CO)5 liquid catalyst precursor was introduced in... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceTechnologyNano
Prenylhydroxybenzoic acid derivatives and other two analogues previously reported were isolated from Piper arieianum leaves. The structures of the compounds were assigned from detailed spectroscopical analysis (NMR 1D and 2D and HR ESI... more
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      ChemistryPhytochemistryMedicineBiological Sciences
PRENILHIDROXIBENZOICOS DE Piper arieianum RESUMEN En el presente artículo se describe el aislamiento e identificación de compuestos del tipo prenilhidroxibenzoicos obtenidos del extracto de hojas de Piper arieianum que ha presentado... more
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    • Scientia
La leishmaniasis es una enfermedad ampliamente difundida en América latina, desafortunadamente para su tratamiento hay muy pocas drogas, que tambien tienen una baja efectividad. Por esta razón el mundo urge de nuevas y más efectivas... more
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A novel compound involved in the aroma of the fruit Campomanesia lineatifolia was isolated; the structure was determined by spectroscopic methods, mainly 1D and 2D NMR.
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How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic... more
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Prenylhydroxybenzoic acid derivatives and other two analogues previously reported were isolated from Piper arieianum leaves. The structures of the compounds were assigned from detailed spectroscopical analysis (NMR 1D and 2D and HR ESI... more
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    •   13  
      ChemistryPhytochemistryMedicineBiological Sciences